《SimpleMinded》Every Life Isn't Worthless.


"What the hell are you doing?!" Me, Ty, and Jay whisper yell at the same time. Jay and Ty stand up after them and I drop my head, "Looks like this will play out differently." I say to myself as I stand up.

They all look our way with wide eyes. The leader of the group pulls his gun out and aim at us. "You were right, Niall. They really do have only one gun." Rylee says as she walks out of hiding. I roll my eyes at the guy with the gun, "Put the gun down. You don't know how to use it."

He clicks the gun, "When this is all over we will get you small house and help you start over." Kylie says as she looks at the older woman. "Please help us!" The younger girl screams. I lean against the wall and cross my arms. "You can let them go or you can get your men beat up by my team."

He lets out a nervous laugh, "I'm the one with the gun." I slowly take a pocketknife out my pocket. I throw the knife at the hand that is holding the gun. He drops the gun and holds his now bloody hand. The young girl kicks it my way and I pick it up. I look around and see Rylee, Kylie, and Ty fighting the three men while Jay unties the women. I walk over to the man and squeeze his bloody hand. "Tell me the reason why you kidnapped these two women."

He looks at me with pain eyes, "I'm not telling you shit." I turn around and see his three men on the floor unconscious. "You see your men? My team didn't hesitate to beat them until they were unconscious. What do you think I would do with no hesitation since I'm the one in charge?" His eyes widen as fear crawls into them. "Now tell me the reason for kidnapping these women."

I squeeze his hand tighter, "For the money!! We were each going to get over a million dollars each if we were to kidnap a young girl and a prostitute." I arch my eyebrow, this is like the last case I did. They were going to get paid, "Let me guess, you already have half of the money?" His eyes widen and he quickly nods his head, "Y-yes, we do."

I turn around and look at Jay and Ty, "What's the person name?" From the corner of my eye, I see him pick the knife up and run towards me. I knock the knife out of his hand and twist his arm, "Tell me the fucking name!!" He screams in pain, "Ah!!! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know his name!!"


I push him to the floor and he falls with a grunt. I look down at my shirt and see blood, "Shit!! You got blood on my shirt!" Haven's going to be scared of me again if she sees this blood. I put my foot on his back, "The cops will be here soon."

Minutes later we hear sirens. "Let's go, Rylee and Kylie take the young girl to the police." They nod their heads and walk off towards the police. "I'm going to drop you off at my old man's. He's going to help you start over." She shows me a small smile as we walk to the van. I see Haven looking towards the police as we walk closer to the van.

I quickly take my shirt off and Jay throws me a new one. "Why am I the one who always gets blood on their shirt?" I hear Ty laugh, "Because you're so violent." I roll my eyes as we get in the van. I look at Haven and she looks me up and down, "Blood?"

I shake my head and smile, "Nobody's blood on me today." She turns around and looks at Jay and Ty. They hold their hands up and smile, "Blood free." They say at the same time. She looks back at me and relaxes, "You're getting used to Jay and Ty?" She smiles at me, "Yes."

We head to the hotel my dad is staying at. A man meets us at the front and he escorts the woman to the room. We head back to our hotel, "That was easy, I'm hungry and sleepy now." Kylie says as we get out. "Let's go to the buffet."

We walk in and head to the buffet. We show them our room keys and find a table. "You want to come with me to make your plate?" She nods her head and follows me to the buffet. We make our plates and go to our table. We start eating and I see Haven doing a little dance, "Is it good?" She nods her head and smile. She picks up a fork full of spaghetti and brings it to my mouth. I open my mouth and she puts the fork in my mouth.

"What do you want for dessert?" She looks at me, "Ice cream." I laugh, "We always have ice cream. Let's get a brownie or some cookies." She slowly nods her head and I go get the dessert. I get a small plate for Rafiki as we leave and head upstairs to our room. "We're calling it a night." Rylee says as she and Kylie go in their room.

Jay and Ty go to their room. I walk in our room. "You take your shower first. Try to dry off by yourself." She goes to the bathroom and I take some clothes out for her. Ten minutes later she comes out drying herself off. I take the towel from her and dry her hair off. I hand her one of my shirts and some underwear.


I go in the shower and come back out ten minutes later. I come out shirtless and in some basketball shorts. I dry my hair off and see Rafiki sitting on the floor eating his plate of food. I see Haven laying down with a pillow in between her legs and a pillow in her arms. "Why didn't you turn the tv on?" She shrugs her shoulders and I turn the tv on.

"Do you always fall asleep like that?" She nods her head, "Next time we go out I'll buy you a body pillow." She arches her eyebrow, "Body pillow?"

"Yeah, it's a bigger pillow you can hug up on. You don't have to use three different pillows." She sits up and scoots closer to me, "Teach me." Rafiki jumps on the bed and snuggles in between us, Bean doing the same thing. "Teach you? Teach what?"

She looks at her hands, "Everything." I let out a soft laugh, "Even the things you do." I stop laughing, "I'll teach you everything, but I won't teach you what I do." A frown crawls on her lips as she slowly nods her head, "I want a friend." I finally sit up and look at her, "Friend? I thought I was your friend." I put my hand over my heart and fall back, "My heart! You're breaking my heart! I thought we were friends!"

She jumps on top of me and laughs, "You're my friend?" I smile up at her and nod my head, "Yes, I'm your friend."

"Niall, do you kno-? Am I interrupting something?" Jay walks in and I look at him with confusion in my eyes. He points between me and Haven. My eyes widen when I realize the position we're in. Haven is basically straddling me. She sits down on me and looks towards Jay. I lay my head back and groan, "If you go back and say anything, I will make sure you don't have a future wife or children. What do you want?"

It already doesn't look right between us with both of us half naked. "I was wondering if you know what we're doing tomorrow?" I shrug my shoulders, "We'll probably try to finish up two cases and then do whatever once we're done." He continues to look at us with his mischievous eyes. "Jay, don't say a word about this."

He nods his head as he slowly leaves the room. I cover my face and groan, "Him out of all people. It could have been one of the girls at least." I feel something tickling my chest. I uncover my face and see her tracing my tattoo. I forgot to mention that I have a tattoo. It starts on my right peck going up to my shoulder ending at the middle of my right arm.

"This is a tattoo." She looks at me and then back at my tattoo, "Tattoo?" I nod my head and sigh, "Yeah, people get these for a lot of reasons. Some get them as a representation, some get them because they were drunk, some get them as a memorial, and some get them because it has meaning behind it." She lifts up my arm, "What does your mean?"

My tattoo looks like a tribal tattoo, but it is actually a maze-like tribal tattoo. "Mine means that my life isn't just a straight road. I have to make some turns every now and then. Life isn't easy, but it's not worthless. Every life isn't worthless unless someone makes it worthless. Remember that." She nods her head, "Every life isn't worthless unless someone makes it worthless." She says softly.

I smile at her and hold my hand up. She hits it with a smile. Seconds later she yawns and crawls off of me. She hugs her pillow and closes her eyes. I turn the light off, "Night Haven."

I wake up and see that Haven in the bathroom brushing her teeth. She comes out and I go in after her. As we're walking out of the room, Jay and Ty come out shirtless with basketball shorts on. We all walk to the kitchen and see Rylee and Kylie.

Rylee chokes on her cereal when she sees us and Kylie mouth drops. "Jesus! Are y'all models?!" Rylee asks after her coughing fit. "What the hell do y'all do?!" Kylie asks as she sits beside Rylee. Jay and Ty start striking poses and I roll my eyes. "I know we look good. You want to lick?" Jay asks while winking at Rylee, "I rather lick Ty." Kylie says as she winks at Ty.

Rylee stares at Jay, "No thank you." Jay freezes and we all laugh. Rylee gets out her seat and hugs Jay, "I was just playing. You walked right into that, I had to get you." He leaves his arms by his side, "I see how it is. I don't care anymore. I'll find someone who wouldn't mind licking me." I pour me and Haven a bowl of cereal.

Ty throws his arm over Jay's shoulders, "At least we're both lickable."

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