《SimpleMinded》First Case In The UK.


"When we get there we will be going straight to the hotel. We have a penthouse with four rooms. Two rooms each have two queen size beds. One room has one king size bed, that will belong to me and Haven. The last room will be our planning room." Jay raises his hand and I drop my head, "What exactly is your question?"

"Will you be cooking while we're here?" I stand up and walk to the bar and his eyes widen, "Sit down before you fall!!"

"Yes, I will be cooking, but not all the time. The hotel we're going to have a buffet downstairs for all meals." He nods his head, "We will be able to go out whenever we want to?" I look over at Rylee and nod my head, "Yeah, I'm not stopping you from doing anything. We do have to see my dad the next day."

They all nod their heads, "How long is the flight anyway?" I look at Jay, "Twelve hours." His eyes widen, "Twelve hours?! We're going to be in the air for twelve hours?! Oh God, help me." I look over at Ty, "Why are you so quiet?" He looks at me and rubs his chin as if he is thinking, "Just wondering why you added two new people to our team and on top of that, them being women."

Kylie looks at him with an arch eyebrow, "You act as if you've never seen a woman before. Is it bad that me and Rylee are here?" Ty shakes his head, "No, we asked Niall to add two women two years ago and he told us no. Why did you tell us no?" I roll my eyes, "Because you and Jay were beyond childish and I was so scared that y'all would slip up and get one of us killed while we were on a case."

I look over at Haven and she has her back to all of us. I walk up to her and see her playing with Bean and Rafiki. "What you doing?" She looks at me and then back at Bean, "Playing with Bean and Rafiki." I sit down in front of her, "Wanna play hot hands?" She looks at me with an arch eyebrow, "Hot hands?"

I nod my head and hold my hands out, "Put your hands on top of mine. The point of the game is to avoid getting hit by my hands." She puts them on top of mine. I tap her hand and she looks at me, "Try not to get hit." She nods her head. I move my hand and she moves her hands quickly. I smile at her, "There you go."


I start tickling her hands and she moves her hands. "I didn't move my hand." I laugh and she laughs along with me. I hit her hand and she squeals. She shakes her head and I laugh, "You try." I put my hand on top of her hands and she tries to hit my hand immediately. I put them back on top of hers. After a minute, she finally hits my hand.

I laugh at her excitement and she holds my hand. "Did you like that game?" She nods her head as she plays with my fingers. "Niall, why are you so mean to me and Jay? We want to play?" I look at Ty and roll my eyes, "Get away, go find something to do." He crosses his arms and pout, "When you're with Haven you're so nice, but with us, you're always yelling or glaring at us." Haven starts laughing and Ty looks at her with wide eyes.

"She laughed at me! I didn't get called a name or rejected!" Jay unbuckles his seatbelt and sits on the floor. I roll my eyes, "What's the puppy and monkey name?" I look at Kylie, "The puppy name is Bean and the monkey name is Rafiki." She tilts her head to the side, "From Lion King?" I nod my head and she laughs along with Rylee. "That's cute."

"Thank God, we are off that death trap!!" Jay says as we get off the jet. The wind hits us and he comes over to me and hugs me, "It's cold as shit!!" I push him off of me and he goes over to hug Ty, he hugs him back and they both shiver. I look over at Haven and see her shivering. I reach over and put her hood on her head. "Ah!! It's too cold! Where the hell is the damn car?!" Rylee shouts as we wait outside.

As soon as she says that, a car pulls up. We put our bags in the car and get in. We head to the hotel. Rafiki pops his head out of my coat, "Awe!! He's so cute!" Kylie says as Rafiki jumps on her lap. Thirty minutes later we are in front of the hotel. We check in and go to the top floor. We each get a key, "Jay and Ty, if you lose this key, I swear you will be doing more than just paying for it." They both hold their hands up in surrender.

"It wasn't our fault last time. How were we supposed to know that we would lose the key?" I roll my eyes as we walk in the penthouse. Me, Jay, and Ty had a case in another state not too long ago. While we were there they lost their room keys and we had to pay for it. Well, I had to pay for it. They lost all their money while gambling.


"This place is nice!!" Kylie shouts as she and Rylee look out the window. I put Rafiki down and he runs off. "Before we get comfortable, lets set up our planning room." They nod their heads and we get started.

Ten minutes later we hear a knock on the door, "Who is it?" They don't reply back, so I go to open the door. Standing in front of me is no one other than my father. I drop my head, "How did you know I was here?" He smiles at me, "I sensed it."

"Jay or Ty?" I ask.

"Both of them." He answers.

I turn around and see them avoiding eye contact with me. "I just came to see my son and see how's he doing." I close the door behind him and he walks in. "Where's Haven?" I point towards the living room and see Haven sitting on the couch. She looks up and sees my dad. He smiles at her and wave, she waves back and then comes to stand beside me. "She's opening up more." I nod my head, "Yeah, she is."

He sits down, "I have twenty cases, I need you to take half of them." I nod my head, "Yeah, I figure that." He hands me some files and I look through them. "You might have to wear a disguise every now and then."

We hear someone gasp, "Oh My God!! We get to wear disguises!! We're going to be like spies!!" Jay comes from behind me and I glare at him, "Go back to the kitchen." He goes over to my dad and smile, "Do we get to pick our disguises out?!" My dad looks at him and laughs, "Yes, you get to pick them out."

I let out a long sigh, "If the rest of you are listening, come out. I know you're all there." Ty, Rylee, and Kylie come out of hiding. Kylie runs over to my dad, "What about us girls?!" He stands up and clears his throats, "When did you get women on your team?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Yesterday." Kylie pouts when my dad ignores her question, "Yes, you will be able to be wear disguises also." He clears his throat and smile at me, "Well, I'm going back to my hotel. I'll talk to you later." He waves at Haven and she waves back.

"Wait, give me my money. You owe me for getting her a puppy." He laughs, "Huh? Come again, your mom is calling me right now. I got to go." He walks out after that and my mouth drop. "Your dad is funny." I look over at Rylee from the corner of my eye, "Really? I don't see any humor in him."

She shakes her head and laughs. I look at one file, "We can do this case right here. Just by looking at it, you can tell that they have the victim in an unknown warehouse. They're in the middle of nowhere." I pass the file to Rylee and she passes it around. "Do we get to wear disguises?!"

I ignore Jay question, "Let's go." The excitement leaves his face as we pack up, "You just ignored me. Niall, say something." I look at my phone and see that my dad texted me.

D- I left you a van, it's on the right when you first walk out.

I put my phone in my pocket, "If you don't stop looking dumb, I will leave your ass here." He gets up with a pout and follow us out. I look at Haven and she is looking at everybody else. We get in the van, "There are two warehouses in the middle of nowhere. We're going to gamble and go with the one that is an hour away." Ty says as he looks at his phone.

I nod my head as we head to the warehouse. An hour later we arrive at the warehouse. We see two cars, "We got so lucky." Ty says as we start getting out. I look over at Haven, "Stay in this car. Don't get out for anything. Keep the door lock until you see us coming back." She nods her head and I shake mine, "No, I need to hear you say it."

"Do not get out of this car for anything. Do not unlock this door until you see us. Do you understand?" She nods her head, "Yes."

We leave the van after that and sneak our way in. We go in through the back and see two girls tied up. I drop my head, "The file didn't say anything about two girls."

"Please! Just let us go! We did nothing wrong!" One girl screams. There are four men, out of the four only one have a gun. I'm guessing he's the leader. "Why can't you be quiet like your friend?" The one with the gun says.

"There's no point in me screaming. We're going to die anyway and plus I'm a prostitute. What good is going to come to me even if we do end up getting saved?" I look at the older woman and she seemed to be in her mid-twenties. All of a sudden Rylee and Kylie both stand up.

Jay, Ty, and my eyes widen, "What the hell are you doing?!"

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