《SimpleMinded》The UK, Hell No!


"I'm getting out." I stand Haven up and she looks up at me, "You wanna stay?" She shakes her head and I help her out. I look at the boys, "Me getting out is me telling you to get out. I'm about to start cooking." They all groan and get out of the hot tub.

My phone starts ringing, "Hello."

"I haven't heard from you in a while. Is everything okay?" I put my phone on speaker and start drying off, "My dad is calling me, meaning you want me to do something or I have to do something." He lets out a low chuckle and then clears his throat, "Do I make it that obvious?" I scoff as I hand Haven a shirt and some shorts, she shakes her head at the shorts, "Haven, you have to wear the shorts. You can't walk around half naked when there are other guys."

She takes the shirt and put it on. "How is she?" I look at Haven and she pouts as she puts the shorts on. I let out a long sigh, "She's doing fine, but she can be stubborn sometimes." The shirt she has on is long enough, it stops mid thigh. She's going to take them off anyway. "Fine, you don't have to wear them." She smiles at me and takes the shorts off. I go through my dresser and find some short shorts.

"Can you at least wear these?" She looks at them and nods her head. I show her a smile, "Did you forget I was on the phone?"

"Yeah, I actually did. What do you want me to do?" He lets out a long sigh, "I need you and your team to come to the UK." My eyes widen, "What?! Hell no! Why?!" I walk down to the kitchen and start pulling everything out. "There are too many cases. I need you to take half of them."

Haven sits in the living room, "You owe me big time and I mean it! Where was Haven where you found her?" He stays quiet for a few seconds, "I knew you would ask sooner or later. I found her in the UK." My eyes widen, "You're telling me you want me to go back to the place Haven was hidden at?! It's going to be hard for me to do my job and keep watch over her!"

"Don't worry, nobody's going to mess with her. She's safe." I let out a long sigh, "When do we need to be there?" He hums in response and I drop my head, "I'm not going to like the answer, am I?"

"Tomorrow." My eyes widen, "Tomorrow?! Yeah, that's not happening, I'll get there when I get there." I hang up after that and the boys come in. "Why do you look so stressed out?" I look up and see Jay going through the refrigerator, "We have to go to the UK." Their eyes widen, "WHAT?!"

I throw some food at them, "Stop yelling! We leave tomorrow." Ty falls to the floor and Jay groans, "I hate flying, please don't let us go. Take a different team." I glare at Jay and he raises his hands in surrender, "If I'm going, you're going."

"What about Haven?" I cross my arms, "Of course she's coming with us." I wash my hands and start on the food. "Start packing as soon as y'all get home. We're going to take my dad private jet." I see Jay mouth what and laugh, "Are you rich?"


"No, I just have an indoor pool and a hot tub for no reason. My game room is just for decorations." I answer him sarcastically. He looks at me, "I'm sorry if I offended you." He says back in high girly voice. I roll my eyes and go back to preparing the food.

The food is now done. "We actually did pretty good." Dexter says as he makes his plate. I nod my head in agreement. Haven comes in and I hand her a plate. We go to the living room and sit down. Rafiki sits on my lap and I hand him a chicken leg. "You taking them with you?" Dexter ask as he points at Bean and Rafiki, "Yeah, I'm taking them."

I look over at Haven and see her eating the chicken, "Is it good?" She nods her head, "Yes." I smile at her, "I want to hear more of your yeses and no's." She smiles at me and looks back at her iPad. "Are you picking us up or do you want us to meet you here?" Ty asks as he feeds Bean a piece of chicken, "No, I'm going to send a driver to pick y'all up."

They both look at me, "Are you a spoil rich person?" I drop my head and Dexter laughs, "How long have y'all been working with him? You just realized his rich." Jay sits up, "He doesn't show it!"

"I have my own company, I have over two hundred people working for me, and my freaking father is Bradley Andrews. Although I don't like saying that last one. Why would I brag about being rich? I hate people like that, money doesn't make you happy, it brings more attention to you. How come y'all two aren't well off? I pay you guys more than enough."

They both shrug their shoulders, "You right, you right." Ty says as he puts his shoes on, "Let's forget we even had this conversation." I look at them both and sigh, "Just go home and pack. I'll text you what time to be ready." They wave as they walk out. Dexter laughs, "I wonder about those two." I look over and see Haven asleep.

"She's asleep earlier than usual." I nod my head, "Yeah, she's probably tired from earlier." Dexter stands up, "Well, I'm going, I'm deciding if I should go with y'all or not." I shake my head, "Nope, I told my sister that you will be stopping by her house for dinner." His eyes widen and he smiles, "Thank you so much!! I'm one step closer to making her mine!!" He runs out and I lock the door behind him.

I walk back to the living room and see Haven up. "You're up?" She rubs her eyes and stretch. "We have to go on a trip tomorrow. You want to help me pack?" She nods her head as she picks up a sleeping Bean and Rafiki. We walk to my room and she sits on my bed. I bring out four suitcases, two for me and two for Haven. We might need more than this.

"I'm going to hand you some clothes and you're going to put them in the suitcase for me. Do it neatly." She nods her and follows me in the closet. I start getting some clothes together and I hand them to her, "Where are we going?" I look at her and smile, "Starting a conversation?" She nods her head and I laugh, "We're going to the UK. I have to help my dad with some things." I hand her some clothes and she goes to put them in the suitcase.


"We're taking Bean and Rafiki with us." She comes back and I hand her some more, "Once we're done we can go to your room."

We are finally done packing, I take our bags downstairs and put them in the living room. I decide to leave tomorrow afternoon and we should get there late morning or early afternoon. I text Jay and Ty the time.

I walk back upstairs to Haven's room. She takes her shirt off and gets in the bed. Did she not wear clothes when she was kidnapped?

I close the door and walk to my room. "Y'all didn't want to sleep with Haven today?" I say to Bean and Rafiki as I take my clothes off. Rafiki gets on top of my head and Bean lay against my chest.

I wake up at 11:00, later than usual. We leave at twelve and need to be at the airport by one. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I put on some sweatpants and a hoodie along with some Nike runners. I go to Haven room and wake her up. "Haven wake up, you need to take a shower. We have to leave soon." She gets under the covers and groans.

I walk to the bed and bend down, I peek my head under the blanket and see her with her eyes closed. "I will tickle you if you don't wake up." She opens her eyes and shakes her head, "Then get up and go take your shower." She sits up and yawns. I pull out some black tights and a black hoodie, I put them on her bed.

I put my hair in a messy bun and walk to the bathroom once I hear the water stop. She comes out and I start drying her off. She points at my head, "You want a bun like me?" She nods her head and I smile, "Yes ma'am." I dry her hair off, "All these curls, I like them."

I pass her clothes to her and she puts them on. I sit on the bed and she sits in between my legs. I brush her hair back and put it up in a messy bun. I lay her edges down as the finishing touch. "Alright, let's go." She picks Bean up and we walk downstairs. We walk outside and I see my driver. He smiles at me and I smile back. I put the bags in the trunk and Haven gets in the car.

We arrive at the airport an hour later. "We don't have to wait in lines!! This is so cool!!" I turn around and see Jay and Ty running towards me. I arch my eyebrow, "You're missing two people. Where's Rylee and Kylie?" They stop running, "Rylee? Kylie? Who the hell is Rylee and Kylie?"

I forgot to tell them that I added two new people to our team. "We're right here." We turn around and see Rylee and Kylie walking towards us. "Jay and Ty, this is Rylee and Kylie. Rylee and Kylie, this is Jay and Ty." Jay and Ty give them a weird look and hide behind me.

"They're women, right?" Jay asks Ty, "They look and sound like women. Let's take a look real quick." I roll my eyes as they both peek from behind me, "Jay, they're women! They fine as hell on top of that!" I turn around and glare at the childish men behind me, "Get on that jet before I choke the both of you." They stand up straight and smile at me, "Yes sir!" They both say as they give me a mock salute.

I look over at Rylee and Kylie, "You're going to have to get used to them. They're like that all the time." Kylie shrugs her shoulders, "I don't mind, Rylee, on the other hand, might kill them." She walks past me and I look at Rylee, "Ignore her."

We get on the jet and Haven sits beside me. "Awe!! Oh My God!! You have a puppy and a monkey!! They're so cute!!" Kylie is in front of Haven looking at Rafiki and Bean. Fear crawls in Haven's eyes and I pull Haven on my lap. "This is Haven, She's been kidnapped since she was a baby. She's not great around a lot of new people." Haven puts her head in between my shoulder and neck. Kylie looks at me, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

I show her a small smile, "It's okay." I look at Haven and see that her eyes are closed tightly. "Why isn't she with her family?" I look over at Rylee, "She has no family around and she still has people coming for her. Until we find them she is under my care." I rub Haven back to calm her down.

She calms down, "She didn't mean it, don't be scared." Rafiki hugs her arm and I smile, "Rafiki is here to protect you." She looks at me and laughs, "You are." I nod my head, "And me too."

The jet starts moving, "Niall, can I sit beside you?" I look at Jay and see him playing with his fingers, "Are you scared?" He quickly nods his head and we all laugh, "Nope, stay over there." His mouth drops and he comes by my side anyway. He wraps his arms around my arm, "Don't do that! Just let me hold you!" Rafiki hits his head and screeches.

Jay plucks Rafiki head and he falls back. "Sorry, I didn't think I did it that hard. Ah!! Shit! We're going up!!" Kylie starts laughing at the grown man and I roll my eyes at him, "Punk." He looks at me, "Everybody is scared of something. What are you scared of?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I really don't know." The plane finally stops shaking and I pull my arm out of Jay grasp, "Let me go and go back to your seat." He crawls to his seat and puts his seatbelt on.

"Let's talk about what we're going to do when we first get there."

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