《SimpleMinded》I Got Rejected And Called A Dummy.


I wake up with Haven's legs tangle with mine and Rafiki tail around my neck. I really have to pee right now, but I don't want to wake Haven up. I slowly move her off of me and rush to her bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief.

Rafiki comes running in pointing at his diaper. "You need to be changed?" He nods his head as I wash my hands, "Go get you a new diaper." He runs to my room and comes back seconds later. He lays down on the counter and I change him. I hand him his dirty diaper, "Go throw it away if I catch it outside a trash can you will not get a cookie."

He goes off to throw it away and I walk out of the bathroom. I notice Haven out of her bed and looking out the window. She turns around with Bean in her arms, "Let's take Bean for a walk." She nods her head as I go through her dresser to find her some sweatpants.

"Put these on and a regular T-shirt." I put the clothes on the bed and head to my room to freshen up. Ten minutes later I go back to Haven room and see her sitting on her bed, "Waiting for me?" She nods her head and I laugh.

We walk downstairs and out the door. Haven puts Bean down as we walk on the sidewalk. The wind hits our faces and I shiver, "I hate the cold!" I turn around and see Haven hood down, "Come here, I don't want you catching a cold." I pull her hood on her head and she shivers.

"I can't believe it hasn't snowed yet." She tilts her head to the side, "Snow?" I nod my head, "Yep, snow." I pull out my phone and show her a picture. I look at the weather and it looks like it will actually snow tomorrow. "You might get to see some snow tomorrow." I look up from my phone and notice that she is ahead of me. "You just left me." She turns around with Rafiki and Bean in her jacket, "Cold." I nod my head and laugh, "Yeah, let's go back in. I'll make us some hot chocolate."

We walk back to the house and she lets Bean and Rafiki out of her coat. I go to the kitchen and she follows me. She puts food in Bean bowl and sits down at the table. I start making us some hot chocolate. As soon as I finish up the doorbell rings. I drop my head and groan, "What now?!" I go to the door and see, Jay, Ty, and Dexter. "If there is a sign saying come as you please. Let me know so I can take it down. Why must y'all come here every day?"


They walk in and I close the door, "We do have to eat dinner. None of us can cook and we get tired of eating out." Jay says as he takes his shoes off. "Get girlfriends!! It's not that hard! Or just get someone else to cook for you. You know what's better if you learn how to cook yourselves." Dexter looks at me with mock annoyance on his face, "I've already told you, my girlfriend is your sister."

I walk past them and groan in annoyance. "Who said I was cooking today?" I cross my arms with a half smile on my face, "You're most likely cooking today, it's Sunday. We all know how you like to cook on Sundays." I give Ty the finger and he laughs. I sit down beside Haven and sip my hot chocolate. "Is it good?" She nods her head and I smile.

"What are you cooking today?" I glare at the three men in front of me, "I haven't decided yet."

"Ahh!! Shit!! There's a monkey on me!!" Ty screams.

"Holy shit!! There's a monkey on you!!" Jay screams.

I roll my eyes as Rafiki jumps over to my shoulder. "This is Rafiki. You're in his home, so don't blame me if he attacks you." They look at me with wide eyes, "Why do you have a monkey?! Why not a cat or a dog?!" I point at Bean behind them, "I do have a dog." They look down and see Bean. "I don't care anymore, I'm going to your pool."

I shrug my shoulders as the three of them run off. "Wait. Why are y'all going to the pool? It's cold." They look at me as if I was stupid, "You have an indoor pool."

"But the water is still going to be colder than usual." They shrug their shoulders and I roll my eyes, "I don't care, do whatever." They run off and I let out a sigh, "You attract people to you." I look at Haven and she looks up at me, "Ever since you came around, people have been coming to my house every day."

"Pool." I put my head down on the table, "Pool? Oh, yeah, I have an indoor pool." She shakes her head, "I want to watch." I sit up slowly, "You want to watch the guys swim." She nods her head, "I might as well get in too. Let me go get change real quick." I stand up and rush to my room. I change into some swimming trunks. I come back down with a towel over my shoulder, "Let's go."

I brought her a swimsuit just in case she wants to get in. Brit had ordered this swimsuit offline years ago, but when she got it, it was too big for her. She gave it to me saying I can give it to my future girlfriend. "I can't believe this really came in handy." I say to myself as we walk to the pool.


We walk in and see the boys jumping in. I hand Haven my towel, "Go sit at that table." She nods her head and walks towards the table. I run and jump in the pool, I come back up, "Holy shit! This water is cold as hell!" My hair falls down my face and I brush it back. "What made you change your mind?" I look over at Dexter and point at Haven, "Haven wanted to watch y'all and I didn't want to just sit and watch."

They look over at Haven and wave, "Hey, fine lady!!" Jay shouts. Haven looks his way and then at me. "S-She ignored me." Jay sounds hurt, "I thought you said she was comfortable, Dex. I just got rejected." Dexter splashes him and glare at him, "I said she got comfortable with me, stupid."

I climb out of the pool and walk over to Haven. "Come put your feet in the water." She quickly shakes her head, "Trust me, it's not scary at all." She puts her iPad down and stands up. I walk to the pool and get back in the water. She sits down and barely put her feet in the water, "Move closer to the edge." She slowly shakes her head, "I'm right here." She looks at me with nervousness as she scoots closer to the edge.

"There you go. That wasn't so hard, was it?" She shakes her head and smiles at me. All of a sudden we hear a little splash. I turn around and see Bean dogging peddling with Rafiki on top of her. Bean swims towards me and licks my face, Rafiki jumps on my head and claps his hands. "Have you decided on what you're going to cook?"

Ty asks as he floats over towards me. I put my hand on his face and push him under the water. He comes up with a gasp and starts coughing, "What the hell?!" I laugh and he splashes me, "I was thinking about cooking fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and green beans with some homemade rolls. We're all going to be in the kitchen cooking." All their eyes widen and I start floating.

"What?! Why?! You made me and Jay do the dishes last time!" I look up at Haven and see her looking at me, "Let Haven decide." I swim up to her, "Should the guys help me cook?" She looks over at the boys and then back at me. She slowly nods her head and I look at the boys with a triumphant smirk, "Looks like y'all will be helping me in the kitchen."

They all groan and I laugh, "Y'all aren't just going to eat here without at least doing anything in return. Oh, and you still have to do the dishes." I go underwater and come back up. I climb out of the water and go over to the hot tub. Haven follows me and dips her toe in the water, "Hot." I get in and close my eyes, "This is a hot tub."

For some reason when Glenn put this hot tub in here, he made it deeper than most tubs. When I sit down, my feet are barely touching the bottom. I open my eyes when I notice the guys are quiet. I turn around and see them all with their mouths open. "Why are y'all just standing there with your mouths open?"

My eyes widen when this same situation happened when Haven took off her shorts the other day. I turn to look at Haven and see her taking her clothes off. I quickly get out of the tub and cover her up with a towel, "What are you doing?!" She takes the towel off and holds the swimsuit up, "You want to get in?" She nods her head and I quickly help her put on the swimsuit, "Keep standing there and I will drown all three of you."

Haven peeks from around me as she steps in the swimsuit bottom. Luckily enough it fits her with no problem. She walks to the hot tub and I follow behind her. I step in and she slowly steps in after me. When she noticed she can't reach the bottom she shakes her head, "It's okay, come on you can sit on my lap." I pick her up and sit down with her on my lap.

The boys come over and get in with us. Haven start splashing and laughing, "Do you want to get in the pool next?" She shakes her head quickly, "Scared. Too deep." She leans against me and I laugh, "When it gets warmer outside, I'm going to teach you how to swim." She shakes her head, "No, I just want to put my feet in."

I hear a gasp, I look over at Jay and see him with his mouth covered, "She said a sentence." Ty starts clapping, "It's so different from her head nodding."

Haven looks at them, "Dummies." Both of their mouths drop and I start laughing. Dexter throws his head back and laughs, "You're calling them dummies?" She looks at me and nods her head. I hold my hand up and she hits it with a laugh.

"First I get rejected and now I get called a Dummy." Jay says as he puts his head underwater. I laugh harder and Haven laughs along with me.

I look at her and smile, I'm glad she's opening up more.

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