《SimpleMinded》Soothing And Steady.


"She didn't really talk, but she did do something other than hiding behind me." Dexter nods his head as he goes off to play a game. I walk over to Haven and she points at the air hockey table. "You want to play that?" She nods her head and walks over towards the table.

I turn it on and the puck ends up on her side. "All you have to do is try to hit it in this slot." I point to my slot and she nods her head. She hits the puck light and I laugh, "Hit it hard." Dexter comes from behind her and laughs, "Let me show you." She hands him the striker and comes to my side. She stands beside me and watches us play. She claps her hands when I make it inside.

Five minutes later we finish the game with me winning of course, "That game cheated for you." I roll my eyes and laugh at the pouting Dexter. "Have you showed her your indoor pool and hot tub?" I shake my head, "No, I see no need in telling her that."

I turn around see Haven picking up Bean. Rafiki jumps on her shoulder as we leave the game room. "I still can't believe you got a monkey. What's his name anyway?"

"Rafiki." Dexter looks at me with a deadpan face, "You really named him after the monkey on Lion King?" I nod my head with a smile on my face. He rolls his eyes and sits down on the sofa. I sit down on the couch and Haven sits beside me. "Instead of her watching Scooby-Doo all the time, have her watch all the Disney movies we used to watch. Disney princesses and all the other good movies. Including Lion King and Shrek."

I cross my arms, "That actually sounds like a good idea, because I wouldn't mind sitting down watching them myself." I look in the kitchen and see Rafiki eating a cookie, "Rafiki, don't take another one. If you take another one you won't get any more." He shakes his head and runs towards me. He sits on my lap and nibbles on the cookie. "He hasn't stayed here for a night and he's already stealing."

Dexter looks at me weirdly, "I still can't believe you got a monkey." I shrug my shoulders, "When Jada was here, he kept screeching at her." His eyes widen, "Jada was here?! What did she say about Haven?!" I shake my head, "She didn't say anything really."

I look at Haven, "I'm being lazy today, we're going to have cold cuts for dinner." She arches her eyebrow, "Cold cuts?" I nod my head, "Yep, I think you'll like it." She looks over at Dexter and then back at me, "Do you want him to leave?" She shakes her head no, "Getting used to him." I look at Dexter and he is holding his hand over his chest, "My heart! Oh My God! She's so cute!"


I roll my eyes and Haven looks at Dexter again, "Cute?" Dexter clears his throat and nods his head. "Have you ever been called cute?" She shakes her head, "Fine." Me and Dexter both tilt our heads to the side, "Fine? You've been called fine? By who?" Dexter asks while looking at me, I shrug my shoulders. Seconds later I remembered who said that to her, "Are you talking about the two men from yesterday?" She nods her head and I sigh, "She's talking about Jay and Ty. They said that to her when they first saw her."

He rolls his eyes, "Only Jay and Ty." I nod my head agreeing. "Are you staying for dinner?" He takes his shoes off and stretches, "Since you asked, I might as well just stay." I throw a pillow at him and he grunts. He throws it back and misses me completely, but hits Haven instead. My eyes widen, "I am so sorry I meant to hit Niall!" She looks at me and then at Dexter.

"Dummies." Both our mouths drop at her remark. She looks back at her iPad, "We were just insulted." I say as I put my hand over my heart, "Where did she get that insult from?" I close my mouth and clear my throat, "Probably from Scooby-Doo." I lied straight through my teeth, "You're lying. Tell the truth." I throw my head back, "How did you know?"

He laughs, "I didn't, you just told me." I give him the finger and he scrunches up his face, "Sorry, but my heart belongs to your sister." He says as he smiles at me and wink, "She heard the word from me. I called Jay and Ty dummies last night. And would you please stop bringing my sister up?" He shakes his head and laughs, "No can do."

I get up and go to the kitchen. I pull everything out for dinner. The doorbell rings again, "I swear, someone is always at my house! Dex, get that for me." He gets up and goes to open the door, "I'm back, my sister and her husband are at my house with their kids." I look up and see Jada walking in, "Hey Dex." Dexter gives her a head nod and sits back down on the sofa.

"Why are they there?" She looks at me as she goes in my refrigerator, "They're having house problems. I think she said her house got a major leak from the rain." I arch my eyebrow, "Rain?" She nods her head and points out the window, "Yeah, it has been raining for half of the day." I look out the window, I hope Haven's not scared of thunder and lightning. If she is, this is going to be a long night.


"What you making?" I start on our sandwiches, "We're eating cold cuts for dinner. Can you get me some chips out the pantry?" She goes to the pantry and grabs two bags of chips, plain and sour cream and cheddar. She puts them on the countertop and I finish up with the sandwiches. "Want one?" She shakes her head, "Nah, I ate before I got here."

"Haven, the food is ready." She comes in and stands beside me, "What kind of chips do you want?" She points at both of them and I laugh, "Both it is." I put them on her plate and on mine. We go back to the living room and sit down. Haven takes a bite and hands Rafiki a chip. I pass Rafiki half of a sandwich and he takes it and sits on my lap. "How long are they going to be at your place?" I look over at Jada and she sits down beside Dex, "Just for tonight. I'm not going back home until I'm really sleepy. I hate being around my sister. She always talks to me about her family problems. Family problems that don't even exist."

I look over at Haven and see that she has crumbs all over her face. I wipe her mouth and she looks at me. She reaches over towards my mouth and wipes it, "Did I have something on my face?" She shakes her head and I laugh. Rafiki slaps my face and claps his hands, "I'm really about to throw you out in the rain."

I finish up my food and lay down on the sofa. I turn the tv on, "I'm done with my dinner, so now I'm going home." I look up at Dexter, "See you later." He waves at Haven and she waves back. All of a sudden a big sound of thunder happens. Haven covers her ears and looks at me with fear in her eyes, "I should've known you would be scared."

I pull her arm and sit her in between my legs. Her back on my front, I wrap my arms around her and rock back and forth. The same as I did before when she was scared of me. "Was it really loud when it rained? The time you were in that basement?" She nods her head, "Water everywhere and cold." I hug her tighter, "They made you stay down there in all that water?" She nods her head again and I sigh, "You don't have to go back to the place. You're here with me now."

She keeps her ears covered and looks at me, "Anytime you're scared just come to me." She lays her head on my chest, "How long was she kidnapped?" I look over at Jada, I forgot she was even here, "Since she was a baby." Her eyes widen, "I can't even imagine that." I look at Haven and see that she is asleep. She really likes sleeping in my arms.

I look over at Bean and Rafiki and see them both asleep. "I'll be taking my leave. See you later." Jada comes over and kisses me on the lips, "See you." I pick Haven up and carry her to her room. She groans in her sleep as I put the blanket over her. I put Bean beside her and carry Rafiki in the room with me.

I lay Rafiki down and change into some comfortable clothes.


I sit up quickly and Rafiki jumps on my face and screech. I move him off my face and put him on my shoulder. He hugs the side of my head. I walk over to Haven room and see her sitting up and covering her ears. She looks at me with tears in her eyes, "Scared." She whispers out.

I walk over to her and get in the bed with her. I get under the cover and open my arms, "Come on, I'll sleep in here with you tonight." She lays down and faces me. I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes, "You're not the only one scared, Rafiki is scared also." She looks up at me and I smile at her. She puts her ear to my chest and closes her eyes.

"My heartbeat? Is it soothing?" She nods her head, "Your heartbeat speeds up on different occasions." She puts her hand on top of her chest, "Fast heartbeat." I nod my head, "Since you're scared, your heartbeat sped up. Nervousness can also speed your heartbeat up. I'm calm, meaning my heartbeat is steady." She puts her hands back on my chest, "Soothing and steady."

She closes her eyes and I do the same. Minutes later I hear soft snores from her mouth. Seconds later sleep takes over me.

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