《SimpleMinded》She Wants Me To Wash The Blood Off.


"Please tell me what happened to her hair!" I stand up and Haven takes my spot, "She messed it up when she got in the shower the next morning." Brit looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth wide open, "Do you know how much that certain type of shampoo and conditioner cost?! Too damn much for someone to just mess it up in the shower!!"

I pull out my wallet and she walks past me, "Let me do your hair again!" I look at Brit with shock fill eyes, "You want to do her hair again?" Haven scoots back in the chair with fear showing in her eyes, "You can't just ask her like that. You're scaring her." Brit looks at me and crosses her arms, "For now on until she knows how to wrap her hair, put it up in a bun for her while she takes a shower. Put a shower cap on her head and don't take it off until she is out of the bathroom."

Brittany walks around my desk to touch Haven's hair, "It's okay, I'm the one who did your hair last time. I won't hurt you." Haven looks at me, "I promise she won't hurt you." I walk over towards her and she grabs onto my wrist as Brit runs her fingers through her hair. "When can you bring her by?" I put my hand in my face and sigh, "Saturday morning."

She nods her head, "I only came by to tell you that daddy is sending you something. I would have called you, but I left my phone at the salon earlier when I ran out to do a few errands." I roll my eyes, "What does he want this time? If he is sending me another person to take care of, I'm not doing it. Dealing with Haven is already too much for me." She shrugs her shoulders as she leaves my office, "I'm just the messenger Big Bro."

Haven gets up and I sit back down in my chair. "Annoying?" I look at Haven and see her looking at me, "Annoying? What's wrong? Did your iPad die?" She shakes her head, "Am I annoying?" My eyes widen at the question, I quickly shake my head, "No, you're not annoying. Why would you think that?" She shrugs her shoulders and looks back at her iPad, "Do you still want to talk or no?" She shakes her head and I look back at my work.

Thirty minutes later I stand up, "Haven, let's go. I have to go do something." Since having Haven under my care I haven't gotten any fieldwork done. Today there's this young girl who was kidnapped two weeks ago, I finally found her and I am now on my way to go get her along with my team. "Who's the lady?" I look at Jay and roll my eyes, "None of your business."

He starts laughing as he packs up the van. Jay has been with me since I started my business. "She's the woman I was telling you about. The woman my dad forced me to take care of." His eyes widen as he looks at Haven up and down, "Her?! That's her?! She fine as hell!! I'll take care of her if you want me to." I playfully glare at him, "That's not going to happen."


We get in the van and Haven looks at me, "Do you want to sit in the front?" She nods her head and I look at Jay, "Can she sit in the front?" Jay looks at Haven and then smile, "Anything for a fine woman like her." He crawls to the back and Haven gets in his spot, "Make sure you keep your headphones on the entire time." She put her headphones on and I drive off, "Before any of the rest of you guys ask, this is Haven. She's the woman my dad is forcing me to take care of. Not only can she not do anything for herself, but she also hates being around people other than me."

I look in the rearview mirror and see Ty raising his hand, "What do you have to say?" He clears his throat, "She is so damn fine!!" Jay claps his hands, "Right!! I said the same thing! I said I wouldn't mind taking care of her." They both do their signature handshake and I roll my eyes, "Keep your distance." They both wiggle their eyebrows at me and I glare at them.

We pull up to an abandoned warehouse, "Alright, let's go." Before we could even move, a man comes running out with a girl. "Who the hell are you?! You're not Brad!!" I roll my eyes, "Of course not, that's my father, you asshole!"

Jay and Ty both look at me with wide eyes, "You really want to call him an asshole right now?! He has a gun to the girl's head right now!" Jay says as he secretly loads his gun up, "It'll be alright." He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"You're that bastard son?! Who knew his seed will be the one to confront me?!" The girl starts crying, "Let her go! What's your reason for kidnapping her?!" I step forward and he steps back while pushing the gun to the girl temple, "Stay back! One more step and I'll shoot her!" The girl cries louder, "Please! Let me go! Help me!" I turn to look at Ty, "Is it ready?" He nods his head, "Yeah."

He aims his weapon at the man hand and I start walking towards them. "Sta-! What the hell?!" He drops the gun and let the girl go. The girl runs pass me and I punch the man in the face, "Unless you want a bullet in both of your arms and legs, I suggest you tell me your reason for kidnapping her." He is now bleeding from his mouth, "Fuck you." He spits in my face and I slam him to the ground.

I pick up the gun as he starts coughing up more blood, "You have four chances, tell me your reason. She's not from a wealthy family, so why?" I wipe my face with my shirt and he spits on my shoe. I kick him in the face and shoot him in the left arm, "AAAAHHHH!! FUCK!! SHIT!!" He screams in agony and I roll my eyes, "Three more, tell me." He slowly looks up at me, "Fuck you."


I shoot him in his right leg, "AAAHHH!! STOP!! OKAY!! OKAY!!" He has a pool of blood surrounding his body, "At the most, you have an hour left to live. I don't even really have to shoot your other two limbs. If you tell me you can get patched right on up." He continues to breathe hard and I cross my arms, "I did it because I was told that I will get fifty million if I kidnap her. I already have half of the fifty and the other half is coming to me the minute I send her off somewhere."

I signal for one of my first aid men to come and fix him up, "Who is the person?" He shrugs his shoulders and closes his eyes in pain, "I don't know, I don't even know what he sounds like." Seconds later the police pull up, "Well, our job here is done. Have fun in prison." I put the gun on his chest and walk back to the van. I look at the little girl who is hugging Ty, "Go to the police, they will take you to your home."

She pulls away from Ty and shows us a small smile, "Thank you so much." She runs off and waves at us right before she gets in the car. "This is my favorite part of the job. Saving them and watching them smile as they head back to their homes." I look at Jay and see him wipe away a fake tear. I start laughing, "Hand me a shirt." I take my shirt off and Ty throws me a fresh one.

I go over to the passenger side and see Haven looking at me with fear in her eyes. My eyes widen as I open the door, "Did you see all of that?! Why didn't you have your headphones on?!" She lets out a small whimper as she tries to get away from me, "I told you to keep your headphones on! Why did you take them off?!" A tear slowly slides down her face and I wrap my arms around her. "Jay drive us back and Ty sit in the front."

Her warm tears hit my bare chest, I pick her up and carry her to the back seat of the van. I sit her on my lap and she starts visibly shaking, "Are you scared?" She nods her head and I sigh, "Are you scared of me? Did I scare you?" She nods her head again, "Why didn't you keep your headphones on like I told you? I didn't want you to see that for a reason." She continues to shake and I rock back and forth to calm her down.

An hour later she falls asleep, "Is she alright?" I look at Ty and nod my head, "Yeah, she's alright. I'll make her something good for dinner tonight." His eyes light up, "Are we invited? Can we get some too?" I roll my eyes and laugh, "Yeah, but keep your distance from Haven. If I see you or Jay to close to her I'm going break both of your arms." Jay groans, "Why are you so violent? Jesus, you could have said you will at least punch us in the face."

Ty nods his head agreeing with him and I look back down at a sleeping Haven. We arrive back at my building an hour later. I forgot to tell you guys the name of my company, the name of my company is Save The Kidnapped.

I carry Haven to my car, "Watch her while I go file this work real quick. It will only take me five minutes." Jay walks up to me, "You're going to put your shirt on, right?" I look down at my body with wide eyes, "I forgot I didn't have my shirt on."

He rolls his eyes as I put my shirt on. I rush to my office and file the papers about the kidnapping. I finish up and send the rest of my work to my iPad. I rush back down to my car, "She still asleep?" They nod their heads, "You do have beer at your house, right?" I shake my head as I get in the car, "No, go get some before coming over."

"Not it! You're it!" Ty says as he walks to his car, "I got the beer last time and paid for it." Jay drops his head and groans, "I hate you."

I pull up in my driveway with Ty behind me. "Haven, we're home." She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. We get out the car and head inside. "I'm still not used to seeing your house. Why isn't so big, you're the only one who lives here?" Haven quickly turns around after hearing Ty voice. Ty holds his hands up in surrender. "Him and his friend are just here to eat dinner with us. They're not going to do anything to you."

I unlock the door and she pulls me upstairs, "Do whatever you want, don't break nothing." Ty nods his head as he turns on my PS4. Haven pull me to her bathroom and point at the shower, "You want to take a shower?" She shakes her head, "No, you." I arch my eyebrow in confusion, "Me? I want to take a shower? You want me to take a shower?" She nods her head, "Someone else blood is on you."

My eyes widen, "You want me to wash the blood off? I can do that in my own shower. You take your shower here and I'll take my shower in my bathroom. I'll be back with some clothes." She nods her head and I put my hand on top of her head, "Thank you for worrying about me." She looks up at me and I smile, "Worry?" I nod my head and turn her shower on, "Go ahead and get in. I'll be back as soon as I'm done with my shower."

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