《SimpleMinded》iPad And Beats Headphones


I can't believe I don't have anything to drink for her. I cross my arms and sigh, the closest store is at the end of the street. Luckily enough I had Glenn built my house around this area. "Haven, do you want water or juice for dinner?" She comes in the kitchen, "Lemonade." I drop my head, "I thought so."

I take the food out and set it up on the table. "I have to go to the store, I will be right back. Go sit on the sofa and wait for me." She nods her head and I grab my keys and run to the car. It takes me five minutes in total to get to the store, get the drinks, and come back home. "Haven, I'm back."

She follows me to the kitchen and sits down at the table. I make her plate and then mine. She takes a bite of the chicken and looks at me, "Is it good?" She nods her head, "Ice cream." I let out a soft laugh, "After you eat that."

We finish eating and put the dishes in the sink. I take all the ice cream out and put it on the counter. "Which one do you want?" She looks at me and points at cookie dough. "Let's wait for a few, so it won't be too hard for me to scoop it out. I'm going to take a shower while we wait."

She sits on the sofa and I go upstairs. I turn the water on and step in. I put my head under the shower head. Haven being at work with me wasn't that bad. I thought it would be way worse.

Five minutes later I get out of the shower. I put on some basketball shorts and a tank top. I go downstairs, "What's up, Niall?"

"Ah shit!! You scared the hell out of me!" I yell at Dexter, "What the hell are you even doing here?" He holds a plate up, "I came to eat dinner." I roll my eyes and go to the living room, "Come on, Haven. I'll make you a bowl of ice cream." She walks over towards me and stays far away from Dex. "Did you use your key?" He nods his head, "Yeah, I did. I didn't want to scare her, but as you can see that didn't work."

I scoop Haven some ice cream and she eats it at the table. "How was work?" I shrug my shoulders, "I punched someone in the eye, but other than it was good. She was on my phone the entire time and she took her a good ole nap." He chokes on his food and holds up his index finger, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You punched someone in the eye? Why? It's really funny how you tried to blow past that part."


I put the ice cream up and go to sit beside Haven, "Haven was asleep when my mother and a group of journalists came in. They started taking pictures, I told them if she wakes up it will scare her and it will be all over for all us. So I tell them to stop taking pictures. One guy said it's not like she's going to throw a tantrum and continued taking pictures." Dex starts laughing, "Let me guess, you punched him as soon as he took another picture."

I shake my head, "Haven had woke up, she ran over to me and hid behind me. I walk up to the dude and grab him by his shirt. I told him to tell me why I shouldn't punch him in his face. The bastard really said because I would get charged." Dexter is now on the floor laughing, "And that's when you punched him in the face!" I nod my head and look at Haven, "Is it good?" She nods her head and I open my mouth.

"Let me try some." She put some on her spoon and put the spoon in my mouth, "Mmph, that is good. I need to get me some." Dexter finally stands up while holding his stomach, "That was funny to me." Haven lifts her spoon to my mouth, "You want to give me some more?" She nods her head and I open my mouth. She puts the spoon in my mouth, "Dex, take that cookie dough ice cream out for me."

He takes the ice cream out, "What are you going to do when you have to go out on the job? You do know that you have to go out and pick up the people who have been kidnapped." I drop my head on the table, "I hate you so much. Why did you have to say that?! Now I have to think about what I'm going to do." He holds his hands up, "My bad, I'll scoop you up some ice cream."

I keep my head down on the table and look at Haven as she eats her ice cream, "I'll probably just take her with me. I don't want to leave her anywhere." She has some ice cream on the side of her face, I pick up a napkin and wipe it off for her. "Don't forget, you have to keep her safe. People are after her and they'll probably won't stop coming until she is back under their control." He hands me a bowl of ice cream, "Thank you."

He leans against the countertop and sigh, "Make sure you don't end up with a bullet in you." I look at him and see all seriousness on his face, "I will don't forget I'm pretty good in combat." He rolls his eyes, "You can't fight a gun, look what I'm trying to say is be careful out there." I slowly nod my head, "I will, I will."


Haven finishes her ice cream and looks at me, "You done?" She nods her head and walks to the living room. "Whenever you go on the job, just keep her in the car." I put a spoon of ice cream in my mouth, "That's what I'm going to do. I'm worried that she might get out when she realized I've been gone too long." I run my fingers through my hair, "You do have WiFi in your car. Just have her watch something."

I look at Haven and then back at Dex, "I'm really am about to start teaching her. I don't want her to be clueless all her life." He pushes himself off the countertop, "Give her some time before you do that. I'll see you later." He walks out after that and I go to the living room. "Before we go to work, we're going to get you an iPad." She slowly looks at me and yawn, "You sleepy?" She nods her head and I laugh, "Come on, let's go upstairs."

I turn the living room tv off and head upstairs with Haven behind me. I open her bedroom door and she walks in, I watch her get in the bed. I close the door and go to my room. I lay in the bed and look up at the dark ceiling, "Let's see what tomorrow brings us."

I wake up and do my morning routine. I put on a suit and put my hair in a messy bun. I go to Haven's room, "Wake up, Haven. We have to go get you an iPad." She gets under the covers and I let out a soft laugh. I bend down beside the bed and put my head under the covers, "Come and choose what you want to wear."

She slowly opens her eyes and stares at me, "Go brush your teeth, I'll do your hair once you get out." She gets up and walks to the bathroom. Five minutes later she comes out, "Go choose what you want to wear." She points at the shirt she has on, "You can't wear that, you slept in that. Pick something from your closet." She shakes her head, "What's wrong?"

She gets back in the bed and hides under the covers, "Haven, stop being childish. Get up and go pick out what you want to wear." She stays under the blanket and I groan, "Ugh! Fine, I'll pick it then, I don't care if you like it or not." I go to her closet and pick up a white button down, with a black blazer and a black skirt.

I come back out of the closet, "Haven, get up." I pull the blanket off of her and she balls up. I pull her up and start unbuttoning her shirt, "Sleepy." I look up at her, "Is that why you want to stay in this shirt?" She nods her head and I laugh, "You can go to sleep as soon as we get in my office." I help her put her clothes on and we head out.

It takes us ten minutes to get to Best Buy. We walk in and go towards the iPads, "Hello, may I help y'all with anything?" Haven hides behind me and I smile at the man, "No, thank you." I look at all the iPads and grab the biggest one. I go to the accessories and find a case for it. I walk pass the headphones, "Should I get you some headphones?" I look at Haven and she shrugs her shoulders, "Let's get you some Beats headphones."

We go to the register and I pay for it, "Have a nice day." Growl. Growl.

I look at Haven and groan, "I really need to start making breakfast. You want a sausage biscuit?" She nods her head as I pull up to McDonald's. I go through the drive-thru and order for both of us. Ten minutes later we are in my office and I am setting up Netflix and Hulu on Haven new iPad. I put the case on the iPad and hand it to her, "There you go. Let me know when you need help." She goes to sit on the sofa and I start on my work.

Ten minutes later our silence is interrupted by my little sister, "Can I go through one day at work without any visitors?" She rolls her eyes, "I just came by to te-. Ahh!!! What happened to her hair?!" Haven flinches from Brit loud voice, I drop my head as Haven walks over towards me. "You're the last person I've wanted to see."

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