《SimpleMinded》You Want To Sleep In My Clothes?


"What is wrong with you?" A lady comes around the corner and smile at us, "Hello, I will be your stylist today." I look at Haven and fear run through her eyes. She gets out of the chair and runs towards me.

I lightly push her back in the chair, "Calm down, she's not going to hurt you." The woman looks at Haven weirdly, "I-I'm s-scared." A tear slowly slides down her face and my eyes widen. I let her go and she runs to me and hug me tightly, I let my arms fall to my side. I look at the woman, "Is my sister here?" She slowly nods her head, "Yeah, I'll go get her."

"You're scared of all these people, aren't you?" She nods her head and I sigh, "Niall, what are you doing here? Woah, who's that?" Haven hides behind me, "This is the woman dad is making me take care of. Can you do her hair, but in the back away from all these people?"

Brit looks at the woman behind me and sigh, "Yeah, I can. Come on, follow me." We walk to the back in a private room. She uses this room whenever she is practicing for a runway show. I grab Haven by the wrist, "This is my sister and she's going to do your hair instead. Nobody's around and it's just going to be you two." She shakes her head, "I promise she's not going to hurt you."

She shakes her head again, "Do you want me to stay in here with you?" She nods her head and I sigh, "Okay, I'll stay here, but you have to stay in the chair for her to do your hair." She walks to the chair and sits down. I sit down in front of her and Brit gets started.

"Did you just picked her up today?" I shake my head, "No, dad had dropped her off at my house last night without telling me. I didn't even know she was there until I heard her in the bathroom." Brit lets out a soft laugh, "Only our father would do something like that."

Two hours later Brit is done with Haven's hair. Her hair is straightened and it stops mid-back. Her ends are evenly cut and her hair isn't all over the place anymore. "Thanks, Brit, how much do I owe you?" She rolls her eyes and laughs, "I am not going to charge my brother. It's on the house, but next time we go out, you buy me my dessert." I nod my head and kiss her on the forehead, "Yes ma'am."

Growl. Growl. I turn around and look at Haven, "You're hungry?" She nods her head, "Let's go get something to eat." We get in the car and head to Chic-fil-a. We walk in and wait in line, "Look at the menu and order what you want." She looks at the menu and we go to the register, "Hello, may I take your order?"


I smile at the young girl, "I would like the number one." I look at Haven and she looks at me, "What number do you want?" She holds up her index finger, "You want the same as me." She nods her head and I sigh, "Can I get two number ones and two lemonades with honey mustard." She types it up and tells me the total. I pay for it and we go sit down.

Three minutes later someone brings our food. "What did you used to eat when you were with those people?" She looks at me and then at her food, "They always fed me something that was in a can every day." She doesn't even know what she's eating. "Do you know what this is?" She shakes her head, "This is a chicken sandwich."

I pick it up and she does the same. I bite into the sandwich and she does so also. "Is it good?" She nods her head and I smile, "We're going to go shopping after this. We have to get you some clothes." She looks out the window. The reason she's not scared to be in here is that there is not a lot of people in here. This is a first time Chic-fil-a isn't crowded.

We finish eating and head to the mall. I walk in the first store I see, "Look for whatever you want." She shakes her and stays by my side. "Looks like I have to do the shopping for you." I look her up and down, "It looks like you're a medium in shirts and since you have hips and a butt, you're most likely a large in pants."

A woman comes up to us with a smile, "Do you need help with anything?" Haven hides behind me and I smile at the woman, "Just doing some shopping." I pull out my phone and show her a picture of me in some casual wear, "Can you get me some outfits like this, but for women?" She smiles and nods her head, "Of course I can." She walks away and we follow her to the back.

An hour later I have enough for Haven to settle in. We can do some more shopping later on. "Next stop, shoe store." Haven follows behind me as we walk in the next store. I go over to the women shoes, "What kind of shoes do you want?" She looks at her feet and holds her right foot up. On her feet are some Nike running shoes, "You already have five pairs like those."

I get her all types of Jordans, Adidas, and other shoes. We go to another shoe store and I get her some sandals, flats, and heels. "I forgot to get you a few sleeping clothes." I'm glad I decided to put all our bags in the car because my arms would probably fall off if we had kept those bags.


As we're about to walk to the next store, Haven grabs my hand. "What? What's wrong? I'm getting you some sleepwear and then we can leave." She shakes her head, "I don't need any." I let out a soft sigh, "You have to wear something before you go to bed. You can't be naked the entire time." She shakes her head and I throw my head back, "I want your clothes."

I look at her with an arch eyebrow, "You want to sleep in my shirts?" She nods her head and I sigh in defeat, "Okay, let's go home then." We walk to the car and head home. We take the bags to her room and start putting the things up. We finish up with everything and go back downstairs.

"Let's watch tv." She looks at me with an arch eyebrow, "TV?" I point to my flatscreen and turn it on. I doubt she would understand any of the shows I watch, so I decide to watch Scooby-Doo. I look at my phone and see that it is a text from my best friend, Dexter.

D-I'll be over there later on.

I reply back and look at the time, "For dinner, I'll order us some pizza. Tomorrow I'll cook for us instead of eating out." I look up from my phone and see that she has her eyes glued to the tv. I'm guessing she likes Scooby-Doo.

I look at the time, "Go take a shower, just in case you fall asleep. I can just carry you up to your room." I pause the tv and she looks my way, "Are you giving me a bath?" I shake my head, "No, take a shower today. I know you can take a shower yourself." She slowly stands up and walks upstairs. I go to the kitchen to make sure I have enough beer.

I sit back on the couch and ten minutes later Haven comes down with nothing on. "Where are your clothes?!" She looks at me, "You didn't bring me anything." I run upstairs to my room and grab the first T-shirt I see. I run back downstairs and hand her the shirt, "Put this on. I swear you're going to give me a heart attack." She put the shirt on and go to the living room.

"Just hit play and the show will resume." She picks up the remote and looks at it confusingly. "Give it to me." She hands me the remote and I hit play for her. The movie resumes and I order the pizza. I go upstairs and change into some basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

All of a sudden Haven comes running in. She stands beside me with fear in her eyes, "Niall, I think there's a half-dressed woman running around here." I turn around and see Dexter walking in. Haven hides behind me and I look at Dexter, "My dad has me taking care of this woman who was kidnapped. Her name is Haven." Dexter looks behind me and waves at Haven, "Hello, pretty lady."

She cowards deeper behind me and I sigh, "She's scared to be around people. It seems like she only trusts me and my father." Me and Dexter have been friends since middle school. We met in sixth grade, he was getting jumped by two other guys when I first saw him. Me being the type who can't watch anybody get double teamed decided to help him win the fight.

"Can she not talk or something?" I shake my head as we walk downstairs, "She can talk, she's just scared to be around others. She had a little panic attack when I took her to get her hair done." We go in the living room and sit down on the couch. Haven sits right beside me far away from Dex.

He passes me a beer and I turn to a football game, "How's everything been going with your company?" I shrug my shoulders as I take a sip of my beer, "It's going well. We're slowly climbing up, I'm getting closer and closer to my father."

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

I stand up and Haven grabs my arm, "I'm just going to the front door. Come with me if you want." She stands up with me and walks with me to the door, "Hello, you're total is 24.50." The delivery boy looks at Haven up and down. His eyes fill with lust, I push Haven behind me and pay the delivery boy.

"P-Pizza?" I look down at Haven and nod my head, "Yep, pizza and wings. Want to try?" She nods her head and steps from behind me, "Help me carry the food." I take the pizza box from the teenager and she takes the wing box from him, "Keep the change." He slowly nods his head as he looks at Haven with even more lustful eyes. I close the door in his face and walk back to the living room.

We put the pizza and wings on the coffee table. I grab three plates and hand one to Dex, "Awe, you're not going to make mine?" I shake my head as I make Haven plate, "Do it yourself." Haven sits back down on the sofa and I sit down beside her.

She takes a bite of it, "Is it good?" She nods her head and I look back at Dexter. "What are you going to do with her when you go to work?" I tilt my head to the side, "Huh?" He starts laughing, "You forgot about work, didn't you?!"

I throw a pillow at him and take an angry bite from my pizza, "Ugh! I can't believe I forgot about work!" Dexter continues to laugh and I glare at him, "Just take her with you for right now, it's not like she's going to be in your way."

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