《Rejected By My Mate(Completed)》Epilogue(Edited)


Stephen eventually got over me after a very long time. He accepted the fact that were not going to be together and he moved on with his life and got married to Chloe. I'm currently pregnant with my 7th child.6 sons and I'm carrying my daughter. After this I'm not having more kids and I don't care what Justin says,his not the one carrying them around for 6 months. I currently in the kitchen making lunch for the whole family. Yeah Stephen and Chloe finally had their kids. They have 3 kids. I know that Chloe couldn't have kids but the moon goddess blessed her with three. Jamie still hasn't found his mate and he just turned 30 in the week.

"Mom!" My two 6 year olds shout at me. I can feel a headache coming on."Yes my babies." I turn around and see that both of their bodies are full of mud."Why the hell are you guys so dirty. What did I tell you about playing in the mud?" I question them. "We shouldn't play in the mud,but daddy said that we should fight each other to see who's stronger." They say at the same time. I swear sometimes I think my kids are aliens because they do everything at the same time.It's fucking creepy.

"Justin!!" I shout for my mate. I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs,and his in the kitchen a few seconds later. "Did you tell our children to fight each other to see who's stronger between the two of them." I ask him while tapping my foot of the floor and crossing my arms across my chest. I see him tense up. Guilty as fuck. I take a spoon from the counter and throw it at him. It hits him square in the face and me and the twins start laughing.


"Why we laughing?" Chloe asks while walking into the kitchen with my quadtuplets and her triplets hot on her heels. "I threw Justin in the face with the spoon." She starts laughing. The twins have grown so much and they're both 6 years old. "Hey it's not funny. Telling our children that they need to fight each other to see who's better than who." Soon everyone is entering the kitchen.They all laugh when i told them what happened. "Man this is all bs. You guys are all happy and here i am mateless." Jamie nags and stomps his feet like a two year old.

"Your 30 and your acting more like a child then my kids are." Justin tells him. "Yeah I mean even your brothers have mates and here I am living the single life,with only my hand to satisfy me." Jamie sighs. I pick up another spoon and throw it against his forehead. "Hey,what was that for?" He asks while rubbing his forehead."There are 9 kids in the room and your talking about jerking off infront of them. Some responsible adult you are." I say shaking my head.

"It's not my fault that I'm mateless. Dear Moon Goddess.If your out there,somewhere in the universe. Please for God's sake,give me a mate. I've been lonely for to long.Amen." And all of us start laughing.I look around at everyone and think about how we got into this situation. To think that Stephen rejected me years ago just to not be with me and now I'm married with 6 kids and a 7th on the way. Life could've never been this better. I'm thankful to call these people my family. And all because I was rejected by my mate.

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