《Rejected By My Mate(Completed)》Chapter 14(Edited)


I wake up and I'm in a white room. I see a throne in the middle of the room. If this isnt the pack hospital then where the fuck am I?

I squint my eyes when I see someone walking towards me. Jesus Christ she's beautiful...so beautiful that I'm speechless. She chuckles. Okay,now I'm confused. Can she hear my thoughts or something.

"Yes child.I can hear your thoughts." No fucking way she's the fucking the Moon Goddess. My God wait until everyone sees her. "No child. Not everyone should know how I look. Their time will come,when their time comes." I nod my head. I'm still confused as to why I'm hear. "Okay so there must be an explanation as to why I'm hear,right Moon Goddess."

"Yes child. Your here because you have to make a choice."

Make a choice? The fuck is she talking about? I give her a confused look and she face palms herself. "You have to choose my dear." Oh Jesus I'm choosing my own fate. Of course I'm going to choose to live. I wanna see my boys grow up into handsome and strong young men. "As you know that Alpha Stephen is your mate and gamma Justin is your protector."

I nod my head. "And that you have a connection with both of them." I nod my head once again. Then realisation hits me. "You want me to choose between my shitty ass mate and my bestfriend." She's nods her head yes. "Of course and the one that you choose will obviously be your mate and the other well,will be your sister's mate. Seeing that I forgot to give her a mate. Choose child and choose wisely and don't waste my time I have people to see and places to go. Choose now child."


Oh shit someone's on their periods. My wolf face palms herself and I laugh internally at her. She chuckles at me'Hey you gotta choose,so who's it gonna be? Please choose alpha Stephen cause he got hotter since the last time we saw him.'

'Yeah I mean he did get hotter since the last time we saw him.And that 5 o'clock shadow makes him even hotter.'

'Are you going to pick him or Justin Then?'

'I know I'm going to pick Jessica.'

She smiles and jumps up and down like a mad dog. I just laugh at her and shake my head. "Moon Goddess I know who I'm choosing." I look at her and she smiles at me. "Who will you be choosing child?"

"I choose..."

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