《Rejected By My Mate(Completed)》Chapter 10(Edited)


Finally I'm off this Goddamn plane. I think im aeroplane sick.Jayden calls an uber to take us home. The uber arrives and me and Justin put our bags in the boot. We all get into the car and it drives off the my house.

We get home and i walk not even walk waddle to my house. I missed my family so much well except my sister cause she's marrying my mate,former mate actually. Justin puts his hand in mine and kisses my cheek,"Your not ready to see him are you?" "Of course not we were meant to be together but I've forgotten already. Lets get this show on the road."

"That's my girl." I smile and peck him on his lips.

I waddle towards the house and I hear Justin and the twins laughing and I scoff at them. I get infront of the door and knock



Three times...

I see the handle moving and someone open the door and see that it's my brother. Oh I forgot to mention him in the beginning cause he was departed to Afghanistan for the US army. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Mom and dad told me what happened and as soon as i came home i beat the crap out of him.

He deserved it anyway for breaking my little sister's heart,but you don't look heart broken. You look like someone that's been enjoying their life." I smile at him and put my hand on my swollen belly. "Thats cause I did enjoy my life and i still am." Jamie eyes went wide open. "Mom,Dad! Tammy's home and she's got a bun in the oven!!!!" I laugh at him and shake my head. "It's two buns actually." I whisper to him. "My sister's not so little anymore."


"Damn right I'm not little I'm a grown ass woman."

"So who's the lucky guy."

"Bestfriend is."

"Jesus,you mean to tell me that you ran away with stick boy Justin."

"Hey,his not a stick boy anymore his very grown,if you know what I mean."

I wink at him and he scrunches up his nose. "I don't wanna know about your sex life Tam. For fuck sake." He face palms himself and i laugh out loud. "I know that laugh from anywhere." I stop laughing and see my dad walk into the living.I can't walk so I just waddle to him."Daddy!"

"Hi sweety how have you been?" I put my hand in my hip and let out a loud sigh."Tired as fuck Dad."

"Hey language my love we don't want your mother to strangle you." I turn around and see my mother. She has a shocked look on her face and she's starts crying. "Jesus mom don't cry you're going to make me cry."

I feel tears coming out my eyes and she pulls me into a hug. "Welcome home darling. I'm glad your here,and your sister..." I shiver at the word sister. I declared her not my sister months ago. I don't even wanna see her. "Well we're glad that you're here. We got some bad news from the doctor."

"And that is?" I give my mom a puzzled look. "That I can't have children." And she's in the room,then his scent hits my a train. "Justin honey where are you?"

"I'm right her-" I can see him get angry cause his in the same room as Stephen the asshole. I waddle to him and wrap my arms around his waist and he calms down. I turn towards my sister and give her a sad smile. I mean she is my sister but I can't blame her for my mate rejecting me.

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