《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 164 : Ximen Yixiong


Ximen Yixiong could feel a frown on his forehead. He shook his head. He was so sure that there was a much simpler explanation for the phone call that had just come in.

"I agree with you." Qiuzhen spat out those words quickly.

"Let's first turn on our communication devices." While speaking, Yixiong got up from the couch. He walked over to the phone. He lit the two box-shaped Huaxiangs. After that, Yixiong put earphones into both his ears.

There was someone following him. Yixiong turned around. He saw Yiren standing right beside him. Yiren quickly put the earphones from the other Huaxiang into his ear.

"Good night. We are the police. Can you hear my voice?" There was a sound from the earphones they were wearing.

Turns out my guess is right. The police are trying to contact us.

"We can hear your voice very clearly." The sentence came out of Yixiong's mouth in such a steady tone. The voice of the policeman who was speaking differed from the voices of the policemen who had previously spoken to them.

They have deployed a lot of police officers to handle this case.

"We are the party that just called your house." The policeman repeated the words they had just said. "We've tried contacting Mr. Mingzhu's pager, but it looks like our message didn't get through."

"Jingkang, let's see what happened to Caihong's pager," Yixiong said. This afternoon, before going to the hospital, Caihong gave one of his pagers to Jingkang. The young man did have another pager. However, Yixiong suspected the pager number the police knew was the pager number that was in Jingkang's hand.

The police must have sent the message to the pager in this kid's hand.

Jingkang took out a pager from his pocket. He looked at it for a moment.


"Did any messages come in?" Yiren asked.

"This pager is off, Sir," said Jingkang

Caihong immediately said. "I'm sorry. It's possible the battery ran out. It's time to replace the battery."

"Sorry, Sir," said Yixiong. "Mr. Mingzhu's pager has run out of battery. Is there anything important that the police want to tell us?"

"That's true, Sir. We intend to inform you of the progress of our investigation."

What? Late at night like this, they want to report the course of the investigation? Isn't this a strange thing? So far, the police have never announced the course of the investigation. Now, suddenly he said something like this. How could they think we wouldn't find this kind of action somewhat suspicious?

Yixiong turned to Yiren. His friend frowned. It was clear that Yiren also smelled something strange.

"Please explain to us," said Yixiong.

"What happened in the park, at first glance, doesn't make much sense. But we suspect it's just a tactic the kidnappers used. We also think that from the start they didn't intend to use the park as a place for the handover of the ransom. "

"Then what about the person who met us, Sir?" Yixiong asked.

"Earlier, when we were still in the park, as soon as we listened to that person's explanation, we came to the conclusion that the man, the actor who met Mr. Ximen, was deliberately brought there in order to distract the police from their real plan."

Yixiong turned to Yiren. His friend grinned. The police also thought the same as them. The kidnappers, from the very beginning, had planned to use other means to contact them.

It turns out that the police in this city are not stupid!

"The kidnappers most likely used the actor to confuse the police. Earlier, we concluded the kidnappers would immediately contact you to inform you about when and how you should hand over the ransom. Therefore, we retreated from the location of the pond and its surroundings right away."


Very weird! They didn't explain it to us. What if we were so stupid that we immediately walked out of the park? How could the police be sure that we would come to the same conclusion?

"We're really sorry about that. We didn't explain it to all of you because we didn't want the kidnappers to realize that we could read their movements."

"It's all right, Sir," Yixiong said. "Totally, we can understand that."

"Our guess is not wrong. While you were looking for messages that your kidnappers might have left around the pond, we saw that someone was watching your movements. After you found the package in the cavity of one of the stone benches there, the person left the place straight away. We followed that person very carefully. We don't want to lose such a precious track."

Yiren raised his hand. He pointed at Qiuzhen. Qiuzhen quickly approached. Yiren removed an earphone from one ear. He then gave the earphone to Qiuzhen, who instantly put the earphone in his ears.

"We followed the man with the utmost care. He left the place in a car which turned out to be heading straight for Pingyuan."

Hah! Are they headed this way?

Did that person's car really stop at a location near here?" Yixiong asked.

"Right, Sir. The man we followed entered into a fairly large house. The location of the house is approximately three kilometers from our current location. Until this moment, the person is still inside the house. We haven't taken any action yet because this time we have to be sure that the person we're tailing is not just a distraction."

This is really significant progress!

"Thank you for your notice," said Yixiong. "Now, what do the police want from us? What should we do?"

"We want you to tell us in detail what is in the package that you found in Chingjoong Park earlier. If the contents of the package are too difficult for you to describe, perhaps you should just send it to us."

The policeman stopped talking for a moment.

But we haven't unwrapped it yet!

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