《Unrequited Love》17.
Once I had reached the hospital I noticed that there was paparazzi all around the front entrance of the hospital.
"Che cazzo (what the fuck)" I said out loud. Why the fuck was the press here? Who the hell informed them about all this chaos.
Whoever this person is, they're messing with the wrong person, it won't end well for them. Playing games with me is like calling for your own death. They better be prepared for their destruction for even the thought of hurting my family.
Messing with me is alright but going after my blood is a different story. The thought of someone hurting mom and Sophia boils my blood.
Now hearing that one of my main clubs had been attacked has me annoyed already but hearing that Sophia was also there and hurt has me more enraged.
"Take the back entrance," I said. I'm in no mood to converse with the media about all of this, so it's better off to just avoid them.
Immediately called Mateo informing him to meet me up at the back entrance as soon as possible.
Once I reached the back entrance Mateo already stood there waiting. He walked up to me, opening my door. We headed straight towards the entrance as my other men followed me behind.
As I entered through the entrance right away all eyes were on me. Some were surprised while others were scared to even look me in the eye. Not sparing anyone a glance I walked straight towards the elevators.
"I want every single detail on what exactly happened? How did the men get in there in the first place? And most importantly what the fuck was Sophia doing there?" I asked all at once as we got into the elevator heading to Sophia's room, which was on the sixteenth floor.
I waited for a reply but got nothing as we proceeded. He seriously is testing my patients today I thought but today is not the day; I know he is fairly new to our world but that doesn't give him any excuse to get away with blunders this easily.
"Tell me all the fucking details about the attack" I muttered furiously again restating everything I asked him when we stopped right in front of Sophia's room this time.
"I-I'm sorry boss, I made a grave mistake. I know I was responsible for looking after her but she somehow slipped away from the premises of the manor. She was in her office when I last checked up on her but when I checked again the second time she was gone" he said in one breath, nervousness was already evident on his face along with sweat.
"I thought of informing Alex but then I decided against it because I remembered the tracker, so I followed her instead. Once me and Diego and a few of our other men followed her to the club she met up with a few people, one of them being Luis. We kept our distance but kept an eye out for any danger" he exclaimed timidly.
Luis, that asshole. She's still after that piece of shit. Why can't she just forget him, he's done enough damage to her. I can't bear her miserable state, it fucking hurts.
If only I could kill him, I would give him the worst death making sure he suffers through it all for what he did to my precious sister.
I could kill him in a second if I wanted right now but the only person that's stopping me is her, Sophia.
If I kill him I know she won't be able to endure it. She'll be devastated upon hearing that I'm the one responsible for killing the love of her life. She's the only reason I can't kill that fucker.
I have already warned him that it won't take me even one second to shoot him through his thick skull, cutting every part of his body to pieces and throwing down the Hudson River; know one would even know about his remains.
He should be thanking Soph for still being alive otherwise he would've been swiped off the face of earth by me.
"A few minutes after she had arrived is when the attack took place. People scattered everywhere running as shots were heard from every corner of the club. She fell down the last few steps of the stairs but thank god we got there on time to get her away. The men who attacked were amongst the big crowd in the middle of the club" he stated.
"Boss, I think the main target was her because they were aiming towards her. Everything just happened so quick that all me and Diego thought about was getting her back home safely" he finished exclaiming everything.
Sophia, she was the main target? This isn't really adding up. I'd have to think about this with a clear mind later on but right now I need to go and check up on her.
"I'll deal with you both later but it's not important now" I said furiously. "What did the doctor say?" I asked.
"She's all good boss. Nothing too major, she just sprained her ankle and has some scratch marks" he replied back. I nodded my head to them and continued walking into the room where Sophia is.
I walked in as the nurse dressed up her wounds around her upper arms. She looked gloomy already, maybe because of that shit I thought.
Why can't she just forget him and move on with her damn life. He doesn't even give two shits about her and here she is sulking in pain over him.
"Daniel you're here" she snapped me out of my thoughts. I stared at her trying to read her face as she tried her best to give me her biggest smile; but I knew that it was fake.
She tried to play cool by ignoring the fact that she legit snuck out of home late at night just to see him. How can she be so careless?
"I don't want to hear another word Soph. Do you know how much this small stunt of yours could have cost? You really put your fucking life on the line for that bastard?" I lashed out at her.
"Stop it, stop Daniel. ....Stop please..... stop calling him that" she pleaded, raising her voice crying as tears streamed down her cheeks.
I turned my back towards her not wanting to say something that I would soon regret later on as I was not in such a pleasant mood.
I have too much on my mind now. First it was that motherfucker Aldo and his betrayal, then Zara and her fucking marriage, and now this.
My god damn sister who can't seem to forget her asshole of a lover that doesn't even love her and I can't fucking do anything about it.
I need to focus as I have too much on my plate now. Soon the doctor came in informing me that shes all done and can leave if she wants to.
I waited for the nurse to finish dressing her wounds so I could personally drop her off at the manor, instructing the security to be extra tight; making sure she doesn't pull that stunt again.
Before she could say anything again I grabbed her bag and handed it to Diego. I helped her sit down on the wheelchair the doctor had provided to use for one week.
"I'm not in the mood to hear your fucking crap. Now hurry the hell up, we're leaving home" I said angrily. I sat her down in the chair and headed out.
The next few days passed by in a blur. I was so busy attending meetings back to back that I barely had any time to even accompany Alex and Omar with all the mafia related work.
So far we got a clue that Irish mafia were behind the attack, so that brings me to a final conclusion that maybe it has something to do with Aldo but what? That is the thing I need to find out.
I have to solve this mystery, since Aldo was involved with the Irish helping them raid my cargo on the river, then this definitely means it's related to him. Did they find out about his death? Or maybe have gotten the clue by now.
I leaned back in my chair turning it around towards the floor to ceiling window, looking down at the busy roads of New York City.
It was late in the evening around seven. Most of the employees have already left by now. I had sent James home too after finishing up work because I wanted to stay alone for sometime here.
I don't know why but I just didn't feel like going home. I kept on seeing flashbacks in the back of my head of everything that occurred in the last week or so.
Zara was fucking married. I can't believe this shit, that another man other than me has her. He fucking took her away from me I thought to myself getting more riled up.
She was supposed to be mine. She was supposed to be with me. She was supposed to belong to me.
I was so fucking close, I almost had her in my grip ready to snatch her away but no, someone had to fucking intervene more like that ass Omar.
I was too occupied in my thoughts when my office door burst opened by none other than the asshole himself.
"Good evening my brother from another mother" he said exaggeratedly walking in with Alex and Brandon tagging along.
He walked up to me for a brotherly hug but I was in no mood for that shit now. Just because of him I lost her, if it wasn't for him stopping me she'd been in my arms now. With me.
"Don't give me that shit Omar, I'm already pissed at you" I gritted, placing my fists on his chest all ready to pounce at him.
"Chill bro, what happened? Why are you so riled up? Did something happen at the office?" He asked.
"Or.....or did one of James' secretaries not make your black coffee the right way as you want it.... or was your day just not so pleasant?" He asked again, acting like he was actually concerned.
Not wasting any second or less I grabbed him by his collar, gave him a few hard punches; knocking him down, aimed right at his nose and jaw making sure I cracked a few bones.
I was ready to strike at him again but Brandon and Alex came in my way to stop me from going anywhere near him again.
"What the fuck man? .....What's wrong with you asshole?" He asked getting up, holding on to his jaw. As blood trickled down from his nose.
"Relax man, what's wrong?" Brandon asked confused looking from me to Alex and then towards Omar.
"Why the fuck did you stop me from taking her? You knew she belonged to me so then why?" I raised my voice.
"Are you fucking serious? You're still stuck up on her?" He asked standing right in front of me not showing an ounce of fear at all.
"Why the fuck did you stop me from killing that bastard on the spot? Why did you stop me from her, huh? If only I had shot him on the spot then she could've been here with me now and not with that useless piece of shit" I gritted with my jaw clenched as I stared at him.
"I fucking told you to stay away from her, didn't I?" He said, raising his finger at me. This fucker is seriously testing me now I thought.
"What the hell is going on? Can you both explain?" Brandon interrupted us in between our heated arguments.
"Who or what is this all about?" He asked again, looking at Alex for an explanation this time.
"Well you remember the girl that Daniel had instructed me and Omar to keep an eye on right?" He asked him to which he nodded.
"She got married and the rest you're about to find out now" replied Alex with a straight face as me and Omar were still focused on each other.
"Dan I said this last time and I will say it again that you need to forget about her and move the fuck on" Omar gritted firmly.
"And what if I don't want to, what will you do then?" I dared him. I can't forget about her that easily. She's constantly on my mind twenty four seven.
"You have no other choice then because she belongs to someone else now and there's no fucking way you can have her" he exclaimed.
"What if there is?" I said, raising my right eyebrow at him with a side smirk. He instantly grabbed on to my collar this time clenching his jaw.
"Don't you fucking dare Daniel. Whatever you're thinking about in that messed up head of yours will only hurt Zara, no one else" he stated angrily.
"I don't mind hurting her, as long as it's not someone other than me" I smiled removing his hands off my collar with my left hand while I grabbed my gun from the back of my holster with my right hand, holding it up in my hand, giving them a clear idea of what I was thinking of doing as I walked towards my chair.
"This time I won't let you or anyone else stop me from taking what's mine" I said, aiming my gun at them.
"See, this is what I'm talking about. You don't fucking care about her or her feelings. All you care about is yourself. Did you ever think about Zara? What if she loves that man and that's why she married him, then what? Will you still kill him and force her upon yourself? Hate to break it to you bud but that would also make her life miserable, hating you for the rest of her life knowing that you killed her love" he exclaimed losing his temper.
Whatever he just said had me fucking boiling in the inside. Her loving someone else other than me had me more tense already. I closed my eyes not wanting to even think about what Omar said, maybe just hoping that whatever he said is not true.
But her smiling beside him from that day instantly flashed through my eyes. What if he's fucking right? Maybe she was happy with him, after all they did look like a loving couple. Just thinking about all this had me even more provoked.
"And I'm only protecting this woman from you because I know how fucked up you are so don't think of it as if I have any interest in her" he said frustratedly, grabbing the tissue off my table to clean up his bloodied nose.
"Well I guess our fun fucking night went down the drain then" Omar stated one last time before heading out as Brandon and Alex just signed.
Brandon was about to say something but before he could I cut him off telling him and Alex to leave. I needed some time to myself and think.
I grabbed my coffee mug off the table and threw up against the wall out of anger. "Fuck Quel stronzo (that asshole)" I yelled.
After a good two hours of trying to relax and think everything through I called Brandon, Omar, and Alex up again.
I knew they were still down there waiting for me, even though if Omar did try to leave I know for a fact Brandon and Alex would have made him stay.
They won't give up on me that easily. That is why they are the only ones I trust wholeheartedly without a doubt. All three of them arrived back in my office right after five minutes of my call.
"What the fuck happened in here?" Asked Brandon as he walked in along with the others, looking at all the broken glass and disheveled state of my office.
Let's just say I had all the anger I had riled up on me. I took it all out on destroying and breaking things, since I had no human presence around me to take out my anger on.
I completely ignored his question and decided on telling them what I had decided, especially Omar. How desperate I am to fucking punching him right on his nose again for even daring to raise his voice at me and grabbing me by my collar. The fucking audacity.
"Your right...... I'm being too selfish" I stared blankly as they all looked at me shocked. This is probably the first time I'm backing away from something that I crave so much.
But I have no other choice. She genuinely seemed happy and I can't take that happiness away from her just to satisfy my own needs.
"I know I don't love her, I was only trying to have her for my own needs just because I was attracted to her. That day on her wedding she seemed really happy, whenever she'd look at that shit head. I know it made my blood boil but I can't do anything if she loves him."
"This same situation is what Soph is facing with that ass Luis, so I can't seem to force her if she's happy. So I've decided to let her go. She's too fucking naive to be in my world with me then" I exclaimed l what we came in my mind after think about all of this two fucking hours.
Even though I knew it would be tough for me to let her go and to try to forget her, I had no choice.
"That's great Dan" Alex said as they all gathered all around, with Omar sitting beside me and Alex and Brandon standing near us.
"That's more like it man, I'm happy that you chose to let her go for her happiness" Omar said this time tapping me on my shoulders.
"Someone like you deserves to have a righteous and prosperous woman beside you. Though you still have much more time to look for that right person but for now why don't we enjoy having some fun" said Brandon leaning on towards my table.
"Why don't we hit the club? It's been forever and I need to get laid honestly" suggested Brandon as they all laughed in a union.
"I'm not really down, you guys can go ahead if you want" I replied back grabbing my blazer to head home, I could probably try to get some rest if I can.
"Dan we were actually here to have a boys night out for drinks and probably getting laid tonight so you can forget about everything before the whole fucking argument. You can't decline, so let's go" commanded Omar.
"Stop trying to be my fucking boss Omar" I said irritatedly.
"Hate to break it to you bro but you're not now, so let's go" he grabbed my car keys from my table heading towards my office door. I probably should've just killed him on the spot when I had a chance as he loves to fucking test my patience.
"Fuck" I muttered to myself as I lead the way.
Once we all reached one of my nightclubs in Soho in our individual rides I led the way through the back entrance, away from all the busyness and crowds on the main entrance.
The bouncer's immediately cleared out the way as my men followed me behind along with my friends.
As we entered the nightclub it was jam packed tonight because it was a Friday, which meant the start of the weekend.
All eyes were instantly on me as soon as I entered through the doors. I stood there observing the club making sure everything was all going well for a few minutes.
After a good look at everything we proceeded through the crowds of people dancing along with the bustling music in the background towards the stairs and up to the VIP area.
Once we reached there a female waitress came to serve us our drinks for the night. I quickly chucked down three glasses, as I needed it to get my mind off of Zara.
"Bring four shots of whiskey in honor of our brother Dan, after a much long time he's finally going to get some pussy tonight" muttered Brandon to the waitress grinning side to side.
The waitress returned back with four shots of whiskey for each of us and chugged it down in one go.
I proceeded on with a few more drinks asking the waitress to keep them coming. I wished to dwell in this bliss of losing my mind, attempting to forget her.
I need to accept the fact that she's happily married to the person she loves and I can't have her, the sooner the better it will be for me. She's not someone that can be with me. We are from two different worlds I thought.
I should just enjoy myself and get back to how I was before. Maybe getting laid is a better option to forget everything. I should appreciate the fact that they're trying to help.
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