《why don't we smuts *not a lot of sexual scenes, more cute*》Romeo and Juliet ~ Zach Herron x Reader


Warnings: kissing!

Today was a bad day. You woke up wrong. The worst position of your life. Leaving the house with two different colored socks. Making your OCD climb to its highest peak. You didn't do the homework for English. A kid spilt their Starbucks all over your bag and you. Making you smell like a fruity frappe all day. Not to mention this all happened before lunch.

You met up with your friends. Who decided it was a good day to ignore you. Stuck up in there own basic white girl drama. Something you never understood. Making you think over your choice to hang out with your snobbie friends in the first place. You glanced to your left seeing one boy that always seemed to be there.

Zach Herron was a friend of a friend to you. His group of friends sat next to yours. Sometimes making it impossible not to sit next to the rosy cheeked boy. Today was just one of those days. You sat on the outskirts of your group. Only jumping in the conversation at stupid times. Not that they cared at all. You glared at your hands that were nicely placed in your lap. You felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked up to meet your eyes to the boy. He had an eyebrow raised. Worry caressed his sharp features. He offered you a soft smile.

"Are you okay?" His voice was low. Almost as if he didn't want others to hear the conversation. You glanced at his friends. They stared at him, but when seeing you look up, they instantly went into there own conversations. A blond and a curly headed boy glancing over to you one more time.

You put your attention back on Zach. He was waiting for your answer. Although, you didn't have the guts to spill your problems to a boy your friends constantly told you no to assoctiate with. You simple nodded no. He looked you up and down. Dropping the intense gaze he had on your eyes."Would you like to talk about it?" You smiled. Not knowing why the boy was being so nice to you.

"You know we shouldnt be talking to eachother period." The confused words came out before anything else. You could still feel the unwanted gaze from the boys sitting at his table. He nodded. Understanding what you ment. Zach herron was part of a group that most didn't think twice about. They were unique boys. Personalities complimenting each other nicely. Making the weird but curious friendship bloom rather quickly. You on the other hand were put into the catorgory of popular. Which you didn't like very much, but it could be worse.


"Then why are you talking to me?" He licked his lips. Drawing you into his brown eyes even more. He was smirking. You laughed at him. Shaking your head at the boy.

"Well, if your going to talk to me at least make it a good conversation." You stuck up your head. Smirking your light pink lips. Zach wasn't taken back by your confidence. Dealing with it nicely by bringing up the topic of music. Knowing that was something he could talk about for ages. You felt the same way, to his surprise.

That was how the rest of lunch was spent. Talking to this boy that always seemed to peak your intrest. You both were stuck on different side of the world. Yet, seemed to be close in the way you never thought off. You both tuned out the disgusted stares from your friends. His group not knowing why such a 'snob' would want to talk to Zach. They all felt protective over the younger boy. Not thinking you were actually nice. Unlike the other people in your group. They wanted to break up the conversation you both were having, but your and his giggles seemed to stop them everytime.

Your friends on the other hand, were not as understanding. Once the bell rung for lunch to be over, Amber your closest friend in the group grabbed your hand. Making you stop the deep conversation you were having with Zach. "If you don't come with me now its going to be so much worse later." She shot you a sorry look. You looked back at Zach. Grabbing his hand. Squeezing it with a soft thank you before getting up.

Your wrist was gripped hard by Amber. Zach followed you with his eyes. Gathering his stuff with a sigh. The boys noticed how his mood dropped when you were pulled from him. Daniel deciding to speak up first. "Don't worry about it, it would ended bad anyway. You both aren't on the same page." His voice was laced with sympathy. Trying his best to word the sentence nicely. Zach knew what he meant anyway. You couldn't be with a boy like him, no matter how hard you could try. Zach nodded anyway. They all clapped him on the shoulder going to there next class.

The day played back in your mind. You were laying down in your bed. Trying to get the thought of the boy out of your head, but you couldn't seem to do it. His rosy cheeks and half smile circling your mind. Filling up your blank thoughts. There was something that made you want to be with him. Just for a little while longer. It seemed like you knew him for years.


The conversations you two could pick up made your knees weak. It was something you've never felt with somebody before. You layed on top of your covers. Staring at your white ceiling when your window was tapped. You thought nothing of it. Until it was tapped again. You got up from your position. Peaking out. To see the one and only boy who was surrounding your thoughts. He was leaning up against the tree branch that led up to your room. A few steps from your window. It was the same one you used to sneak out of the house. You opened your window. Surprised and confused by him.

You got a better look at him. He was holding a pizza. For some odd reason it was very charming in the moment. "This is going to look weird, but could you let me in. The air is getting a bit cold." You felt the light breeze. You nodded. Motioning for him to come in. He reached over to you. Handing you the pizza. You placed it on your bed.

Giving a hand out of the window. He took it. Lacing your fingers together. Jumping through your window. Your bodies close to eachother. You could hear his uneasy breaths. "Hey." His voice was in a whisper. Dipping his mouth close to your ear so you could hear him. You smiled at his cuteness. "Hi." He smiled back at you. Taking his head away from your ears. He backed up a slight bit. Scared to make you uncomfortable. Considering he just showed up outside your window.

"I know this is going to look weird, but you were having a bad day and I thought I would try and cheer you up. I talked to Amber about your address. She weirdly told me not to turn out to be a killer because she would kill me herself," He stopped his sentence to watch you. You laughed. Nodded your head. Knowing it sounded like your over protective best friend.

"You told me your favorite food was cheese pizza at lunch, so I thought I would pick one up for you and we could hopefully chill and eat it together?" He posed the last of his ramble as a question. Almost expecting you to kick him out. You tugged on his hand. Bringing him close to you again.

Feeling his breath hitch in his throat. You smiled. This time leaning in for his lips before nearly missing them and going to his ear. "I would love for you to stay." You whispered. Taking a full step back from him. He smirked. Letting out a shaky breath. "Good because I really didn't want to go." You laughed. Leading him over to your bed.

You slid down the side of it. Letting your butt hit the floor. He soon followed your actions. Reaching up onto of your bed to get the pizza. His hand still tightly wrapped in yours. He opened the pizza. Singing a high note to match angels. Which it did perfectly.

Your night was perfect. You and Zach never letting the room get awkward. Talking about anything. Being closer to the other. Your legs were thrown over his. Still munching on one of the last pieces of pizza. Laughing at one of his embarrassing stories.

He stopped his chuckles. Staring at you. That's when you noticed how close your faces had gotten. He reached his hand up to your cheek caressing it for a moment. He swiped his thumb over your lips. Feeling how plump they were. You watched every motion he did. Discarding the pizza you were holding to the box next to you.

"Sorry, you had something on you rlip." You smiled at him. Licking your lips lightly. He watched your eyes travel to his lips and back to his eyes. He leant in. Faning your face with his hot breaths. You shuttered at the feeling of his lips brushing over yours. "I think there is something else. Can I help you out?" You simple nodded your head. Wanting his lips on yours. Then they were. It was soft and sweet. Unmoving. A long peck. Your lips lingering a little to long.

He pulled back the same time you did. His thumb padding over your cheek a bit more. His eyes only filled with adoration for you. "Can I please take you on a proper date?" He whispered. Hoping you wouldn't reject him after you just kissed him. You leant your head back to his. Leaving another short sweet kiss on his lips. Making him smile. Showing his white teeth. "Zach, I would love that." You smiled back at him. He placed his lips back on yours. Maybe today wasn't your best day, but in the end it turned out to be one you would never forget.

    people are reading<why don't we smuts *not a lot of sexual scenes, more cute*>
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