《why don't we dirty imagines/ smuts》Zach ~ Welcome to the Family


"hey babe?" I hear and turn around, facing Zach. We were hanging out at my house and he was in the kitchen getting a drink.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"that thing is coming up next week" he says and I squint my eyes at him in confusion. "Mine and all the boys families are going to that huge cabin we rented for a week" he says and I pout.

"Oh yeah, I didn't realise that was so soon, I won't see you for an entire week" I frown.

"Yeah that's the thing. I wanted to know if you wanna come with us?" he asks nervously and my eyes widen.

"And meet your family?" I stutter. He nods. "Zach I don't know" I sigh and he frowns coming to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Why don't you want to meet my family? I've met yours" he asks offended.

"Of course I want to meet them, one day. Just not yet Zach. I'm not ready to share you, when everyone knows we're together it won't be just us anymore. And what if they don't like me... If your family and friends don't like me that's it, we're over" I rant.

"Baby stop. They're going to love you, you don't have to worry about that" he says grabbing my cheeks.

"How do you know?" I whine.

"Because I love you" he whispers, my eyes fill with tears as I look up to him shocked. We had been together 4 months and that is the first time we've said those words. I stay silent just taking it in but I see his face get red and he removes his hands from me. "Do you love me too?" he asks hopefully.

"I love you" I grin and he does too. "I was just processing it" I laugh, he smirks and connects our lips, our bodies are pressed flush against each other getting as close as possible. Zach grabs my hand with one hand and places it over his heart, with the other he rests it over my heart.

"You feel that?" he whispers referring to his heartbeat. I nod, not wanting to speak and ruin the moment. "that beats for you" he mumbles and I let a tear slip, jumping forward to connect our lips again. Before we can get into it, his phone rings.

"Hello? Okay, yeah I'll be home soon. I'm not with anybody? Just forget it ok, I'll see you when I get home" I hear his side of the phone call. He hangs up and smiles.

"That was Jonah asking where I was, I guess its kind of late. I can't wait for you to meet him and the boys, they're going to absolutely adore you." He gushes and I blush. We start heading towards the door and we stop in front of it.

"I'll ask my parents about going with you and I'll let you know," I say and he smirks.

"I already asked them, they said yes as long as you were up for it" he chuckles when I throw my arms around his neck.

"woah ok, guess I'll get packing" I laugh and he does too. He gives me a short kiss before opening the door heading to his car. When he's about to open the car door I call his name. He whips around to me, thinking he probably left something.

"I love you" I shout. He grins.

"I love you too" he yells back and butterflies invade my entire stomach. I lean against the door for stability otherwise I'd probably melt into a love puddle on the floor. He backs out of the driveway and I wave before closing the door. I head upstairs and start packing.


When Monday rolls around I get an uber over to Zach's house, I wasn't actually feeling too great but I can't back out of meeting Zach's parents, siblings and his best friends. I wait a second before pressing the bell. I hear yelling inside and then the door swings open and Zach is standing there looking amazing as usual. I suck in a breath and wrap him in a hug, I get a whiff of his cologne and it immediately soothes my nerves. I fiddle with the strap of my shoulder gym bag I had brought instead of bringing a suitcase. I step in the house past Zach, silent as neither of us had said a word. I feel a weight drop off my shoulder as Zach takes my bag from me. I go to protest and he just raises his eyebrow so I roll my eyes.

"Your my girl, Its like my duty to carry your bags. Come on let's go meet the boys." he says lacing his hand with mine, dragging me through the house. My heart flutters when he calls me his girl and a warmth spreads through me when he runs his thumb over my knuckles, knowing how nervous I am.

We end up in the living room where four boys await, obviously I already knew them from online and how Zach constantly talks about them. I smile at them as they return it.

"Guys, this is y/n, my girlfriend. And this is Jack, Daniel, Jonah and Corbyn" he says, I hold my hand out for them to shake but they look at my hand and laugh pulling me forward into a group hug. I giggle trying to wrap my arms around them.

"Nice to meet you" Daniel smiles.

"You too, I've heard a lot about you guys" I grin.

"Trust me, we've heard a lot about you too" Jack snorts and I blush looking at Zach who is red raw.

"Awwwh Zachary" I coo grabbing his red cheeks. He rolls his eyes and swats my hand away, the other four burst into laughter.

"Yeah whatever, come on we gotta get going" he says and the boys jump into action, they grab their bags and one by one leave the house. Zach goes to follow them but I pull him back by his jumper pressing my lips against his roughly. He hums and wraps his arms around my waist.

"What was that for?" he smirks.

"I haven't seen you all weekend and I feel like we won't get many private moments in the next week." I state and he smiles sadly.

"Come on its a five-hour drive" he says pulling me out the house. When we get into the car the guys are smirking.

"What took you guys so long?" Corbyn laughs.

"We uh, we were" I stutter.

"guys leave us alone, we were just catching up with each other" Zach intervenes and I blush.

"Ah yeah. Young love" Jack says dreamily leaning into Jonah with his hand over his heart dramatically. The guys laugh and I blush, climbing in the back followed by Zach. I listen to the boys' banter for a while before falling asleep against Zach's shoulder with his arm wrapped firmly around me.

Zach's POV*

"Hey guys will you keep it down a bit" I mutter to the guys. They all look back at me except Corbyn who's driving. They see y/n asleep and nod, apologising. "What do you guys think of her?" I ask quietly and they smile looking at each other.

"I really like her bro" Jack replies first.


"yeah she seems really cool" Corbyn says.

"She's like a female you" Daniel snorts.

"She seems super down to earth as well, you know she's not just with you for followers" Jonah smiles.

"I think I'm completely in love with her" I admit, nervous that the boys will tease me.

"We know bro, its good to see you like that for once" Jack says.

"What do you mean?"

"Since you started dating her you've been a lot happier" Corbyn replies.

"I can tell she really loves you too" Daniel smiles reaching over the seat to pat my arm. I smile and rest my head on hers. She starts squirming, nuzzling her face further into my neck.

"mmm, Zach" she mumbles, I take a glance at the guys to see them smirking, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah baby?" I question.

"I'm cold." she frowns, still with her eyes shut. I reach over and close the window.

"Daniel bro can you pass me my jumper." I say and he passes me it. I pull her into a seated position and I laugh when she refuses to open her eyes. I place the jumper over her head and she slides her arms in. When its on comfortably she resumes her previous position, throwing her legs over one of my legs and wrapping her arm around my stomach. Her head drops into my neck again and I feel her breath thin out again knowing she's asleep.

"You do realise you're never getting that hoodie back now don't you?" Corbyn laughs and I laugh too.

"I'm aware, I was looking in her wardrobe the other day for her shoes and she has more of my clothes in there than her own" I laugh and the boys snort.

"Girls" Jonah giggles.

We soon arrive at the cabin around 7 pm, the sun had begun to set and was greeted by all of our families waiting outside, we had planned a getaway for a week that everyone could fit into their calendars. Everybody's family is here and I grin when I see my mum. The boys stumble out of the car quickly to greet their families as we hadn't seen them for a while because we were on tour. I resist the urge to dive out the car and turn to y/n. I start rubbing her arm gently and her eyes flutter open.

"Hey baby we're here" I mumble pressing a kiss to her forehead. "how you feeling?"

"Honestly? still not too great, I feel really ill and dizzy" she pouts.

Normal POV*

"If you felt like this you shouldn't have come baby, I would have understood! What if its something serious" Zach frowns.

"Its fine Zach it's probably just a cold or the flu. I'm fine. I couldn't let you down, you seemed so excited, I am too I guess." I grin and he just sighs, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"You ready to go meet my mum?" he asks and I nod. He lightly pecks my lips and my worries wash away. He steps out of the car first and I follow suit. I slip out of the car, he catches me quickly and the loud sound makes everybody stare at us.

"Baby your really not ok" he frowns.

"I'm fine." I lie. I try to take a step but my legs feel like jelly, Zach holds my waist firmly.

"Right ok, you're not fine. I'm taking you straight up to bed, you can meet everyone tomorrow." He chimes and lifts me bridal style into his arms effortlessly. I tuck my head into Zach's chest trying to stop the nausea.

"Is she ok?" I hear a woman ask.

"Yeah she's fine, just not feeling well, I'm going to take her to bed, I'll see you in a second mum" he mumbles. He carries me inside and upstairs to a room. He lays me down on the bed and starts taking my shoes off, he disappears for a moment before returning with our bags. He roots in mine for my makeup back and retrieves my makeup wipes. He starts wiping my face and I just stare at him in awe. When he's finished doing that he reaches down to my hips, undoing my jeans. Normally I'd flinch but I feel to sick to care. He pulls my jeans off of him leaving me in his jumper that is oversized on me.

"Go to sleep baby, don't worry about everyone" he mutters pressing a kiss to my forehead. I turn over and fall asleep in no time.

I wake up presumably hours later, I grab my phone that was left on the nightstand and see it is the next morning. My eyes widen and I look around for Zach and frown when I don't see him anywhere. I get up shakily and head to my bag, throwing on a pair of sweatpants, my first impression is already awful no point dressing up for everybody. I quietly make my way out of the room in case anybody is still asleep, I pad down the stairs and the first room I come to is the living room. I timidly pop my head in and sigh when I see only Zach, Daniel and Jack. They're lounging on the couches talking quietly. They stop their conversation when they see me shuffling in, Zach holds his arms out for me and I sit on his lap, pulling my knees up to my chest and laying my head back against his chest.

"How you feeling?" Daniel asks.

"A lot better thank you, I don't know what came over me" I sigh.

"It was probably just one of them 24-hour bugs or something, I get it all the time" Jack says and I nod.

"You good?" Zach whispers and I nod.

"I'm still really nervous, I didn't make the best first impression did i?" I joke but frown.

"Baby, they understand. You weren't well, my mum came up to check on you like 6 times last night. We were all sitting outside for a while and she kept disappearing to check on you" Zach informs me and I smile.

"Really?" I grin and he laughs.

"Yeah, she loves you already" he smiles leaning down to kiss me.

"Guys no, we're glad your ok y/n but please don't make out in front of us" Daniel whines and Jack nods in agreement. I roll my eyes when Myta walks in, my heart starts beating fast but the worry washes away when her face lights up at the sight of me, even though I am literally sitting on her son.

"Y/n!" she exclaims. "How are you feeling honey?" she asks.

"A lot better than yesterday" I laugh and she does too.

"well that's good, come here" she grins and I stand up, immediately being engulfed by a hug from her. "I'm going to steal her for a while ok Zach?" she grins and starts to lead me out of the room, but zach whines so i go over to him. He grabs my cheeks with one hand and mushes my face together pulling me down to his height, he presses his lips to my pouted ones and then I go to pull away but he frowns kissing me again, and again, and again. I giggle and he smiles.

"Oh come on Zachary, you've got all week to kiss her, I want to spend some time with her" Myta groans grabbing my hand and pulling me away from him, I take a glance at Zach but he just winks. She leads me to the kitchen and we start making breakfast for everyone listening to the radio and occasionally singing and dancing along to it. I don't even want to tell you how much bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes we cooked.

"I'm really glad you decided to come y/n, I've been asking Zach to bring you to meet us for weeks" Myta exclaims.

"I'm glad I came too" I smile. "I wasn't going to come at first, I was so nervous to meet you" I admit.

"Oh, don't be silly. We're just normal, well- more normal than zach" she jokes and I laugh.

"Mummy?" we hear and turn to the door, Reese is standing there rubbing her tired eyes and holding Isla's hand. They're both still in their PJ's.

"Hey honey,come meet y/n" the two little girls shuffle over to me and I bend down to their height.

"Mum" Zach calls out from the living room so she looks at me apologetically and leaves the room.

"Hey guys" I smile, feeling my heart race.

"Are you Zach's girlfriend?" Reese asks.

"Yeah.Is that ok?" I ask.

"Only if you made pancakes" she grins and looks at Isla. I stand back up to my full height and pick Reese up, setting her safely on the middle counter and doing the same with Isla.

"Well, its your lucky day. I heard you both like princess'?" I question with a little smirk and they nod enthusiastically. "Who's your favourite?"

"Mine is Cinderella" Isla says.

"Mine is Ariel" Reese smiles and I do too.

"Well how about I make you some pancakes that only princess' can eat?" I say and they nod with huge smiles. "But you can't tell anyone, its a secret. I can only do special pancakes for you ok?" I whisper and they nod putting their hands over their mouths in a shushing motion. I turn the radio up and they start singing to the songs, I end up changing it to disney songs to set the mood while I mix some batter and grab a couple different food colourings. I make them their pancakes andtheir eyes go wide.

"Wow! Thank you so much" Isla exclaims.

"Yeah, thank you y/n" Reese says running over to me and throwing her arms around me. I grin and leave them to eat their pancakes. When I turn around I jump seeing the mums watching along with Zach, Daniel, Jack and Sydnie. I smile at them and Zach enters the kitchen fully coming over to wrap his arms around me. He dips his finger in the remaining pancake batter and swipes it on my nose. I scrunch it up and completely forget about our little audience.

"You missed" I pout and he laughs gathering more batter and swiping it on my lips and leaning in to kiss it off. I giggle and pull away. "Everyones watching" I blush and he shrugs.

"So" he laughs wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You two are so cute" Myta comments before shooing us out of the kitchen to continue cooking everyone breakfast.

"what are we doing today?" Anna, Daniels sister asks, munching on some toast.

"There's a really chill beach about 20 minutes away" Corbyn replies and I see Isla and Reese's eyes go wide.

"Lets all go get changed" Myta smiles ushering everyone away. Reese and Isla come rushing over to me immediately.

"come help us pick out swimsuits" Reese squeals. They grab my hands and pull me out of the room, I hear a lot of laughter as we dash up the stairs to the room they're sharing. They lead me towards their clothes and I help them get dressed, doing their hair for them and then leaving to get changed myself. I enter Zach and I's shared room and he's laying against the headboard of the bed in his swim trunks and a scrunched up shirt laying next to him. I grab my bikini and change into it in the bathroom, when I come back out Zach leans up on his elbows eyeing me up and down. I roll my eyes and climb up the bed sitting down on his thighs. His hands rest on my waist.

"You're really getting along with my family well" he comments and I hum.

"Yeah, they're amazing Zach. I don't know why I was so scared about meeting them." I sigh.

"I told you" he mutters.

"What did you say?" I ask teasingly.

"I told you so!" he yells and I giggle. I hop off his lap to throw some clothes over my bikini and he pouts. I saunter back over to him and lean down.

"Tonight baby" I whisper biting my lip, his eyes widen. We had never been intimate, we'd always tease and we'd done foreplay but not the full lot.

Soon enough we're all out the door on our way to the beach. Reese bagsied sitting next to me and she yaps to me the whole way there. When we get there she holds my hand as we walk up to the sand.

"What do you want to do first?" he asks. I look up to a cliff and he smirks at me. He throws me over his shoulder and starts running up it, we hear feet behind us and I lift my head seeing the boys, Anna, Tyler, Sydnie, Ava, Esther and Ashley. When we reach the top Zach sets me down and I groan, needing to sit down for a second. Anna and Ashley sit next to me as we look out at the view.

"Wow its amazing" Sydnie breathes out and we all nod.

"So who's going first?" Corbyn sighs out.

"I will" Tyler volunteers and takes a running jump off the cliff. We all rush to the edge to see him emerge from the water, holding his thumb up to us to let us know its ok.

"You go bam bam!" Daniel yells and we all laugh. Jonah and Esther go next followed by Corbyn and Ashley, then Daniel and Anna, then Jack, Syd and Ava. Lastly Zach holds his hand out to me and pulls me off the rock I was sitting on. I get a lottle nervous.

"Come on baby its fine" he mumbles. I sigh out staring at the water below so he groans and pulls me into a kiss. We start to hear various shouts from the beach below.

"STOP MAKING OUT AND JUST JUMP!" We hear so I blush and pull away. Suddenly Zach lifts me into his arms so I wrap my legs tightly around his waist, I place my arms around his neck as he runs off the cliff until there's no more ground. I gasp and bury my head in his neck.

"I LOVE YOU" he yells just before we hit the water. We instinctively disconnect and I swim to the top again throwing my arms around him.

"I love you too" I smile and he grins as we start swimming towards the shore. We spend the day laughing and joking with everyone and occasionally sneaking into the water for a little makeout session.

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