《I Just Want To Be Yours // Javon Walton》☆Thirty-Two ☆


"Serenity wake up," I hear Javon say as he gently shakes my arm. "Hmm?" I say rubbing my eyes and slowly sitting up. "We are here," he says gathering his things that were in the car with us. Quickly stretch and open the car door. I go to the truck to help Javon get the bags out. I take the biggest suitcase of mine and my duffel and stack them together, then I grab the smaller suit case and set them aside. I make sure to get my AirPods off of the back seat before putting my suitcases in hand and following Javon and his mom into the airport.

I put my bags into the baggage claim but making sure to grab my vlogging camera. I shoot a little airport montage of me and Javon going though security. "Ok serenity chill with the camera." Javon says as I try to get a close up. "Stop being a baby." I say laughing backing the camera away from his face.

"Do you want to get some food?" He asks as we start walking into the shopping part of the airport. "Umm yeah, McDonalds?" I ask. He nods his head and we tell Javons mom that we are going to get food. "I don't want any just meet me at the gate in about an hour." She says gathering her things.



"Flight Number 205 please report to your gate for take off." I hear the intercom come on as I begin to gather up my trash. "Pefect timing," I say picking up the bag of trash. "Do you want the rest," I hear Javon ask holding up his iced coffee. "Uh yeah sure leave it there for me I gotta trow this trash away." I say walking to the trash bins. I walk back over to Javon and grab the coffee off of the table. "Cmon lets go my mom just texted me to hurry before the gate closes. "Oh yeah lets get going then.


The McDonald's was not that far from out gate so it only took about ten minutes to get to it. I see javons mom at the gate. "Alright kids be good and work hard." She says bringing us in a warm embrace. "Serenity make sure to call your mom when you have landed." She says grabbing my face with her smooth hands. "I will, bye Jessica" I say as she releases my face and hugs her son one more time before leaving us to board the plane. Before I go on the plane I make sure to throw away the coffee cup.



It was a long flight to say the least. Flying across the country is not fun when you have a screaming toddler behind you kicking your seat. "Im so sorry," the mom repeatedly apologizes. "Its fine," I reassure her. I don't want to be rude because you never know what's going on in a persons life, and she looked like she was having a hard time as is. I just put in my AirPods and listen to some music before falling asleep on javons shoulder.



"Ladies and gentlemen, Delta Airlines welcomes you to LA. The local time is 2:50. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate." I hear a flight attendant say over the intercom. I rub my eyes and look over my shoulder to see javon scrolling trough instagram. "Did you sleep any," I ask. "Yeah a little but I wasn't that sleepy." He responds shutting off his phone. I nod in response. I check behind me to see the little toddler from befiore fast asleep. I warmly smile at the mom before the flight attendant says it's ok to take off our seat belts and exit the plane.


A/N: This was not long at all, but this chapter has been sitting in my pages app for a while now. I might update again today or later this week but we will see. XOXO

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