《Actors in love- Javon Walton》chapter 21: valentines day


I woke up to my phone ringing. it was a call from Jayla.

"good morning beautiful. You know it's 12." she giggled

"yes I'm aware," I groaned

"anyways, happy valentines day bestfriend."

"oh shit yeah it's valentines day. happy valentines day cutie."

"Y/N!" he said popping his head in the camera

"hey J"

"come over right now."

"okay give me 30," I smiled hanging up the call

I ran downstairs and grabbed the card I wrote for my dad for valentines day. Ever since my mom passed away, my dad and I would write each other valentines day cards. "happy valentines day honey," he smiled handing me my card. "thanks dad, happy valentines day," I said handing him his card. I opened the card and read it to myself.

I giggled reading the last part of the card. "thank you so much dad I love you so much," I said giving him a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. He then read my card and thanked me. He bought over pancakes for our breakfast and we dug in. "I've got a lot of weekend work calls today so I'm going to be quite busy," he said eating his breakfast. "all good dad. I think I'm gonna go to the Walton's after breakfast." After finishing our breakfast I went and got changed into a casual outfit and did my hair and makeup before walking over to the Walton's.

Jayla greeted me and we went up to Javon's room which Kylee, mumps, javon and Jaden were in. "Happy valentines day y/n," javon smiled giving me a hug. "happy valentines day J." "Y/N!" Kylee squealed. "KYLEE! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages," I said running up to give her a hug. "Y/n?" Mumps said pulling on my hand. "Whats up mumps," I smiled. "Can you play Roblox with me?" "Yes! You have to help me make an account though." "I'm playing too!" Javon said grabbing his laptop. "You hate roblox," daelo huffed. "Well y/n's playing so..." Javon replied. Jayla, Kylee and Jaden decided that they wanted to play with us to so we all played roblox, mucking around.

It was now 5pm and I was sitting with javon in his bed. "I've got a surprise for you," javon said out of no where. "What is it?" I asked. "I've booked a dinner at ******** (the restaurant) for us," he smiled. "Awwww J thank you, I'm not ready though." I smiled sort of blushing. "I'll take you home now and then pick you up at 6. But you have to wear this," he said handing me a present wrapped up nicely. "What's this?" "Open it." I unwrapped the present and pulled out the red dress from urban outfitters that I have wanted for ages. "JAVON!" I squealed giving him a huge hug. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WANTED THIS!" "Jayla helped me out," he smiled. "Thank you so much this means so much to me." "Okay let me take you home so you can get ready," he said standing up, off the bed. I followed him with the dress in my hand and he walked me home. After javon dropped me off I quickly told my dad everything. "Dad guess what!" I said with a huge smiled. "What honey?" "Javon has booked a dinner for us tonight and bought me the dress I've really wanted so that I could wear it!" I squealed. "Thats such a kind thing of him to do. So you're going on a date then?" He smirked. "I don't know if it's a date but yes I guess so!" "YES!" He said pulling his arm down in a celebration movement. I ran upstairs and had a quick shower, did my hair and makeup and then got changed into the new dress and some white heals.



-hey are you ready? I'm outside

Yeah I'm ready. Okay coming x -

I said goodbye to my dad and went outside to meet javon in his car. "Wow you look amazing," he smiled as I hopped in the passenger seat of his car. "So you do," I replied. He started driving us to the restaurant which wasn't far. We pulled up the front and parked the car, he hopped out and opened my door for me, holding his hand out for me to grab. I held his hand and we walked inside the restaurant. When we went in a waiter walked up to us and started talking to javon. "wanna!" the waiter said excitedly. "David!" javon said returning the excitedness. They gave each other a brisk hug and returned to talking. "who's this young lady," David said nudging javon's shoulder. "this is y/n," javon smiled, putting his arm around my waist. "you know I've known this kid since he was 3." "how's that?" I asked. "DJ and I used to go to school together." "yeah David's like another dad to me," javon smiled. "well let me get you guys a table," David said leading us towards a 2 person table which was outside. The view was beautiful. It looked over the city and all the buildings were lit up.

Javon and I sat down and ordered drinks and food. I ordered the pasta and javon ordered steak. Javon and I were talking about school and life when our food came. "yum this looks amazing," I said looking at the food that was placed in front of us. "the food is so good here," javon smiled. We started eating and fuck he was right about how good the food was. After eating dinner we ordered some dessert. I caught myself off guard, staring at javon's side profile whilst he was on his phone. I couldn't stop looking. He is so handsome. He placed his phone down and made eye contact with me. We were staring into each other's eyes in silence and he placed his hand on mine, which was rested on my leg.

"I really like you ma. I like you a lot and I've wanted to ask you this for the longest time," javon said still staring into my eyes with a slight smile. I was lost in his eyes. "y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?" javon said slightly squeezing my hand, now with a full smile on his face. I felt my face heat up and butterflies started filling my stomach. "no." I said with a fake frown on my face which made him stop smiling. "I'm kidding wanna. Of course I'll be your girlfriend," I said smiling, watching his face light up. I leant in and squeezed his cheek with my hand, giving him a long kiss. I couldn't believe what just happened. "YES WANNA!" David smiled. We pulled out of the kiss and giggled at David. "Here's the dessert for the new couple," David giggled, placing the dessert on the table. "I've got something for you," javon said handing me a small bag with a card on the front. "now I feel bad. I didn't get you anything," I huffed. "you saying yes was a big enough present," he smiled. I opened the card and read it blushing. I then looked inside the bag to see a really nice box of chocolates. "aww thank you J." "there's one more thing," he said, handing me a small wrapped up box. "JAVON!" "open it."


I unwrapped the wrapping paper to reveal a Tiffany and co box. "your fucking with me," I said looking up from the box and giving him a look. "open it already," he giggled. I undid the ribbon and opened the Tiffany box to see a gorgeous red and silver, 2 heart necklace. I looked up at javon with my mouth half open in shock. My eyes started to tear up. "ma don't cry," he said placing his hands on either side of my face and wiping away the tear that had fallen from my eye. "no one's ever done something like this for me. I can't explain how thankful I am," I said letting another tear fall down my face which javon wiped. He took the necklace out of the box and went behind me. I pulled my hair out of the way and he did the necklace up for me. "you look beautiful," he smiled, sitting back in front of me. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and gave him a kiss.

"I love you J," I said kind of hesitantly because I wasn't sure if it was too soon. But if you think about it. Javon and I had been in like a thing for a long time now, just no labels. "I love you too ma," he said, giving me another short kiss.

We ate our dessert and were laughing about how we thought people were going to react. After eating our dessert David came and took away the plates. "thought you might want this," David smirked, sending javon a photo and walking away. I leant over javon's shoulder to see what David sent him. It was a picture of us kissing straight after he asked me out. "aww," I said kind of pouting my bottom lip. "I'm posting this," javon said opening instagram.

We said goodbye and thank you to David before heading home. We decided that I'd stay the night at Javon's and then go to school together tomorrow.

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