《Actors in love- Javon Walton》chapter 18: Jan 9th


"do they like rely on each other to sleep," Jaden laughed. "he never sleeps in this much," jayla laughed back waking javon and I up from the talking. "shit sorry guys," Jaden stopped laughing. "what's the time?" javon groaned in his morning voice. "1pm," jayla giggled. "oh what," I groaned looking over at the clock. Javon and I lied in bed for a bit just cuddling in comfortable silence whilst jayla and Jaden took daelo to the pool in the hotel. We must have fallen back asleep because when jayla and Jaden came back it was 3pm. "get up guys!" mumps yelled jumping on our bed. "mumps stop it," javon said sleepily. "what time did you guys go to bed?" Jaden asked confused. "didn't you fall asleep when we did?" jayla asked. "we couldn't sleep." I said. "we went to bed at like 5am," javon giggled hiding his face under the covers. "well that was stupid," Jaden giggled. "well get up because it's now 3," jayla said going to have a shower. Jaden went to the parents hotel room with daelo and javon and I sat in bed for a bit watching tiktok.

It was now 4 and the event started at 5:30. "let's film a transition tiktok before we get ready," jayla suggested. "omg yes," I smiled. We set up the phone on the table ad started to film the start of the tiktok. We used the sound 'I can't got out *cough cough* im sick' and then it changes audio. we filmed the first part of the tiktok and then jayla covered the camera with her hand.

I had a shower and started to get ready. I did my makeup and hair but was still in comfy clothes as we still had some time. Javon then had a shower as well as Jaden. I helped jayla with her makeup and hair and then we started to get dressed into our outfits be bought together the other day. Everyone had gotten changed but me and jayla who was in the bathroom getting changed. She walked out wearing the beige dress she bought. "wow cookie you look stunning," I smiled looking at her. "yeah sis you look great," Jaden smiled. I grabbed my dress and went to the bathroom to get changed.

Jaden, jayla and I were all sitting on the beds just talking when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked over to see y/n standing there with a smile on her face. She looked beautiful. I think I'm in love with this girl. wait did I just say in love. I did. I fucking love y/n so much and I don't think it's just a friend thing.

I stood in the room with a smile on my face because I felt pretty. "y/n you look so fucking good," jayla smiled. "you've made javon speechless," Jaden giggled. I looked over at javon who was sitting there starring at me with his mouth slightly open. "shut up Jaden," javon said keeping his eyes on me. "you look beautiful ma," javon smiled. he stood up off the bed and came over to me and held me by waist, pulling me in for a long kiss. "oh fuck off thats disgusting," Jaden laughed. Javon pulled out and I looked over to see jayla filming. "jayla!" javon said looking at her funny. She shrugged and giggled, "I had too." "are you guys like secretly dating or something because I don't think single people do that?" Jaden asked, laughing. "I've told you this bro. we're not dating." javon replied. "okay let's finish the tiktok," I laughed. We set up the phone in the same spot and finished the end of the tiktok and posted it.


Someone knocked on the door, "come in!" we all said in unison which made us giggle. The parents stood at the door telling us we had to go. Mumps was too young to watch euphoria so he stayed at the hotel with a babysitter. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed to the car Sam had organised for us.

We all stood out the front waiting and soon a black limo pulled up. "thats not for us, is it?" I asked shocked. A man came out of the limo and said, "y/n y/l/n and Javon Walton?" "yes that's us," javon said with a shocked look on his face. We all got in the back where there were drinks and purple led lights. "yo what the fuck," Jaden said looking around. "this is called success," dj laughed. We started driving too the event which wasn't long away. We arrived exactly at 5:30 and javon and I walked to meet the cast before taking pictures for MTV whilst the parents and kids went to sit down in the movie theatre.

"the kids have arrived," hunter laughed giving me a hug. We said hi to everyone. it was great to see everyone again after such a long time. "are you excited to see yourself on the big screen?" Alexa asked me. "is it weird to say i'm nervous?" "it's okay girl. if anything be nervous about the paparazzi after the screening. they can get crazy," Alexa laughed. I laughed back and took javon's hand to go take pictures for MTV. We took group photos and some single ones and then a few of javon and I before going to sit next to our parents and javon's siblings to watch the first episode.

"good evening everyone!" sam said up the front of the theatre. "YES SAM!" zendaya yelled from the crowd/seats which made us all giggle as well as sam. "I'm so excited for everyone to back together as well as the casts family. We have 1 minute left till the launch of euphoria season 2 so I'm going to shut up and let everyone count down," he giggled sitting down to watch. The crowd all cheered and then the 10 sec countdown started for the launch. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" the crowd shouted. Javon held his hand out for me to hold and the first episode started.

It started with a black screen with rue saying, "Mackenzie Bennett is one of the best people you could ever fucking meet." and it started playing the song 'Yeh I Fuckin' Did it' from euphoria sound track. * It started with a whole bunch of small clips of me 'doing drugs' at parties which went along to the beat and each clip had a black screen in-between each beat. When the lyrics started playing it was a video of Mackenzie fighting with her family and then going to a party and doing drugs and had my stunt double person making out with a bunch of guys. *at 0:35 seconds into the song* the music stopped and there was silence and a black screen.

"yeah Mackenzie's life looks fucking great. But no life is as good as it looks."

It cut to Mackenzie as a child getting abused by her parents and fighting and yelling at them all the time. It was a whole run down of her past life with rue's Voiceover. Then it skipped into present time and it was her parents yelling at each other and then her mum screamed, "get the fuck out of my house! I don't want to see you again!" Mackenzie stormed into her room packing all her shit, stealing money out of her mom's wallet and leaving.


"Mackenzie didn't have many real friends or family. But there's me. and when I tell you I'd fucking do anything for this kid."

"yo my fucking bitch of a mother just fucking kicked me out."

"come here now."

Mackenzie hung up the phone and the song 'Yeh I Fuckin' Did it' started playing from where it left off. She called a cab that picked her up and took her to rue's house which was a longish drive. It was clips of me in the cab just looking out the window. The cab pulled outside rue's house towards the end of the song and Mackenzie grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk. The cab drove off and and she pulled out a bag of coke from her suitcase and snorted some and then the song finished.

"kid!" she yelled running towards Mackenzie

"fuck I've missed you so much. Does Les know I'm here?"


"she fine with me staying?"

"of course. she fucking loves you and hates your parents."

There was some more scenes of me saying hi to Gia and Leslie and then going to my room and passing out. It then cut to different scenes of different characters.

"Ma that was fucking amazing," javon whispered, kissing my cheek. "thanks J," I said smiling. "girl you killed that," Jayla whispered. "I didn't know you were that good," Jaden chuckled. Javon's parents congratulated me and then I looked over at my dad who was next to me on the other side. He had tears in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you honey," he smiled. I gave him a huge hug and we went back to watching the episode. I was honestly proud of myself if I'm being honest.

We were nearly at the end of episode when it now had the scene of me and rue going to the store to meet fez and ashtray.

Rue walked up to the shop with me following behind.

"yo what up kid?"

"yo hey fez. This is my cousin Kenz. She's living with us now."

"Hey Kenz"


"how old are you?"

"14? why?"

"shit your ash's age. Here come meet him" he said jumping off the counter

I followed fez to a fridge which entered into a little room behind it.

"who the fuck is this junkie bitch." I rolled my eyes at him

"rues cousin, she's your age, talk to her." he said walking out

Ash was counting money and scooping coke into cling wrap.

"your fucking slow at that shit," I said grabbing the coke and sling wrap.

"don't touch my shit-. Where'd you learn to do that?" he asked as I started packing the coke.

I ignored him and it just went on with me packing coke and ashtray counting money.

We watched the rest of the episode which had one more scene of rue and I at home.

"night kenz."

"night rue."

It started playing 'I just died in your arms' by cutting crew and played the credits. The whole crowd started cheering and I looked down at my phone to see thousands of dm's from fan's (I guess you could say) congratulating me and saying I was amazing which made my face light up. "Y/N YOU FUCKING SLAYED THAT SHIT!" Sydney yelled from the crowd. The lights turned on in the theatre and the cast stood up and went to the front. "that was fucking incredible guys I'm so insanely proud of everyone here," sam spoke up with us all standing around him. "I would like to give a special congrats too y/n for her amazing work throughout all of season 2 and I bet us and her growing fan army can't wait to see her in the episodes coming," he smiled looking at me. Alexa pushed me forward in front of everyone and they all started clapping and cheering for me which made me smile.

"Get ready," javon whispered in my ear holding my hand as us and the cast were about to walk out to see the paparazzi on the red carpet thing. We walked through the doors and all I could really see was heaps of people with camera's and flashing lights. Alexa, Jacob and Sydney went out first and started getting their pictures taken and getting interviewed. Then Javon and I walked out with him still tightly squeezing my hand.

"y/n! javon! y/n!" was all I could hear. We walked up to the first man holding a camera at us filming a video. It was extremely intimidating as I knew this would be all over YouTube and tiktok. "y/n it was great to see you in this first episode you did amazing." the man said filming javon and I. "thank you so much," I smiled. "and javon, it's great to see you again in season 2. you are an incredible actor and it's great to see you with more screen time." "thanks man that means a lot," javon smiled. We walked down the carpet a bit more posing in photos together and getting interviewed more. "javon, y/n. are the rumours that you two are dating true?" the women asked holding the microphone to us. "uh um," I stuttered. "no we're not," javon cut in smiling. "then what's this?" the women asked showing the video of us kissing. now this got me fucking nervous. I hated confrontations and I barely knew myself what javon and I were. "that was a dare," I smiled. Javon went up to the camera and whispered, "but if I'm being honest I kind of have a little crush on y/n." Which made me smile and kind of blush. We then moved on to the next people who also kept asking questions about us being together which we both kept denying as it was the truth but it became hard when we came up to the last man.

"now we all know you two have something going on whether you're dating or not but I've got to ask. Have you only kissed during that dare or has there been more times?" the man asked filming us. "uh well yeah only the dar-," I said being cut off by javon turning me to face him. He held me by my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. "well I guess that answers my question," the man giggled. Javon pulled away and I started blushing. We met with the rest of the cast in a seperate room before we were going to meet our families in the limo that was picking us up. "did I just see you guys kiss?" Alexa squealed. "maybe," I smirked. We all went silent for a second and heard a whole bunch of people outside. "who's that?" I asked confused. "fans," javon laughed. "somehow they always find were we are," Jacob giggled.

Javon pulled me close to him and he put his arm around my shoulder and I held his hand with both of mine. We opened the doors to the street where there were at least 200 fans crowding the front screaming our names. "y/n!!!!!!" "wanna!!" "you guys are so cute!" "get the fuck off wanna!" was really all anyone was saying. We took a few photos with people and then quickly got in the limo. "that was fucking crazy," I sighed sitting in the limo. "what's this huh?" DJ chuckled showing us a photo.

Javon and I smiled at each other which made everyone laugh. We drove back to the hotel and got changed into our pyjamas. Jaden and Jayla passed out almost straight away and javon and I just sat there talking for a while before I grabbed my phone and opened tiktok. I refreshed my for you page and the first video there was an edit of javon and I kissing tonight. "oh god," I giggled. I read the caption to see that it said: I wish I was y/n. "you've got some people jealous of you ma," javon laughed. I liked it and then scrolled to see another edit which was of me spinning around in my dress laughing. Javon grabbed my phone and sent the tiktok to himself, I gave him a confused look. "what? you look beautiful," he laughed handing me back my phone. I scrolled to see a video of a guy just sitting there with blue led's. "thank god it's not an edit." I sighed looking at javon. "read it," he giggled.

text on video: when you realise you have no chance with y/n bc of javon :(

"now you have people jealous of you," I laughed. I scrolled again to see an edit of us. "ok I'm done with tiktok for tonight," I giggled putting my phone down. I got comfy into the bed and pulled the blanket over me and rested my head in his neck and he cuddled me, falling asleep.

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