《REVENGE PAWN - Taehyung ff》Broken Promises


People change and promises are broken.


I couldn't believe my eyes when Taehyung stood in front of us. The man I once loved. No, the man I still love. But he married Y/n?For revenge? I know Oppa killed his parents. Is that why he's back? But didn't he love me? Didn't he promise me?

"I love you, Eun Bin-ah. I just wanted to let you know. It's okay if you don't have the same feeling for me."

"Whaat! Taehyung-ah, I have been waiting for this since forever. I loved you, I love you and I will love you my whole life". Eun bin confessed.

"You are the first and last girl I'll ever love and I promise to be with you for the rest of my life."

Taehyung said planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"Tell me Chanyeol! Why did you kill them?"

Taehyung grabbed Chanyeol's collar.

"What? Why would Oppa kill your parents, Tae? You are misunderstanding him. You didn't do it, right? Oppa?" Y/n enquired.

"I-I-I did it. I-I killed them."

Chanyeol answered her looking down.

"What? W-Why did you? How could you?"

Y/n asked controlling her tears.

Chanyeol remained silent and this frustrated Taehyung even more.

"Fine then, Remember Chanyeol, I gave you a chance and you ruined it."

Taehyung warned him as he glared at him intensely.

"Wifey, It's getting late. Pack your things. We are going home?"

He smirked looking at Y/n. He could also see the

pain on Eun Bin's face from his peripheral vision.

It made him feel victorious and defeated at the same time.

"No, she won't go anywhere with you".

Chanyeol shouted grabbing her arm.

"That's for me to decide and I'm going with him since you don't have an explanation for his questions."


Y/n said to Chanyeol meeting his gaze. Taehyung was surprised at her words for a second and said, "Now that's my wifey."

At Taehyung's home

Y/n couldn't sleep thinking of her brother's confession.

There were lot of unanswered questions popping in her head.

She wanted to go check if Taehyung is sleeping but she was scared of him. Not him, but the vengeful beast inside him.

Next day morning

"Y/n, Make me breakfast. I'm hungry"

Taehyung demanded.

"Why are you asking me? Go make it yourself, I'm not your maid."

She said looking straight at his eyes.

"Then how about I cook your favourite?"

He asked her with an evil smirk on his face. She was confused at his sudden change of behaviour and didn't give much thought to it.

"Breakfast is ready, Y/n." He said smiling at her.

She was unpleasantly surprised to see the dishes.

It was prawns. She is allergic to it and he knows it too well. He made it deliberately to torment her.

"T-Tae, I'm allergic to prawns."

"Ohh I know it, Wifey. This is why I told you to cook. Now shut your mouth and eat this. I don't like wasting food." He demanded.


He shouted making her flinch. His deep voice frightened her and she started eating it slowly. Even eating a morsel of it always caused her to have red rashes. But she didn't have any other choice except to eat or it will anger him more.

After few minutes, she started feeling dizzy and she felt like her head spinning. Soon, she felt the cold floor on her face.

He saw her lying unconscious on the floor and he was petrified. He carried her in bridal style and patted her cheeks.

"Y/n-ah, please wake up.", He panicked as she didn't respond.


Soon, he called his friend Dr. Seokjin.

"She's fine now. It was anaphylaxis, I have injected epinephrine, So she will wake up soon. Don't worry. As for the rashes, Applying this lotion would do."

Dr Jin said to Taehyung.

"Thank you so much, Jin hyung.", He thanked him.

Taehyung applied lotion on her red rashes and it broke his heart to see her unconscious state because of him. She was always a little sister to him. Whenever she had a bad day he was the first one she came to. Now he's the reason for her agony.

Taehyung saw the bruises he gave her when he grabbed her wrist harshly.

"Sorry, Y/n-ah. I have to hurt you."

Unknowingly an apology came from his mouth. He kissed her forehead and put the blanket over her and left the room.

Suddenly Y/n's phone rang and it was Chanyeol. He answered the call with a smirk forming across his face.

"Hello, Y/n-ah. Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?"

Chanyeol enquired in a shaky tone.

"Hello, Chanyeol. Your sister fainted. Poor girl, couldn't handle the first day. Ahh, I shouldn't have been that rough with her? Sorry, Chanyeol. but I couldn't help it."

"I didn't know that she was this fragile. How is she going to spend the rest of her life with me?"

Taehyung sighed sarcastically causing Chanyeol to lose his temper.



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