《Please...》Chapter Nine
Severus jolted awake and ran to Harry's room, where he was sitting up in his bed, crying, and holding on tightly to Lily and Luna (the large fox). "What happened, bambi?" Severus asked, speed walking, sitting on Harry's bed, and moving Harry to sit on his knee, holding him tightly.
"I-I-I had 'nother nigh'mare!"
"It's okay. I'm here, you're with me, okay? You're safe."
Ever since Severus had gotten the weighted blanket, he had had Harry sleep in his own room. The blanket helped greatly, and he only had four nightmares that week, including this one, leaving three nights nightmare free, rather than a nightmare the second he passed out. Of course, Severus knew the nightmares would inevitably continue, but he also knew that most nights he would be up rather late grading papers as the year continued.
"B-but it w-was Mummy again! A-and the green!" Harry wailed. He leaned into his Father's touch, tears soaking the silky black pajamas. "It's okay, Harry. I've got you." He continued to whisper to Harry, bouncing him slightly to calm him. He rubbed Harry's back after wiping his face lightly with a tissue.
"Are you going to be okay sleeping here the rest of the night, or do you want to come sleep in my room?" Severus asked after his wails turned to sniffles. He didn't receive an answer right away, until he got a small shake of the head. "I-I can stay here..."
"Do you want to, or do you think I want you to? You can always come to me, bambi." He kissed Harry's hair lightly as the boy changed his answer. "Okay." Severus looked up at the clock above the door and saw that it was almost two, meaning in four hours he had to wake up, in six he would have to wake up Harry.
"Bringing Luna and Lily?" Harry nodded, fast. "Alright bambi."
He brought Harry back to his room and laid down, letting Harry get in normal position of being curled into his side. "Goodnight, bambi," Severus said after pulling the covers over them. "Nigh', nigh' Sevvie."
It took a long time for Severus to fall asleep, as today was the day that Harry would accompany him to his potions class. He would of course rather he be in the Hospital Wing, where it was safer, and rarely visited at the beginning of the year, but knew it would not happen. Harry hated being away from Severus, even when Severus need two minutes to use the loo.
The abandonment issues were expected. After being ignored and abused, of course he feared the only family he knows being ripped away from him at any moment. Even though it was expected when he found out what had happened, it was a bit worse than he thought. Harry had almost died when Severus had to go to the Great Hall for the sorting the day prior, he had to stay with Madame Pomfrey.
He finally fell asleep at half past three, and thankfully, it was a dreamless slumber.
"Hey bambi, it's time to wake up," Severu whispered, shaking Harry slightly. He had been up for the past two hours, and everything he needed for his classes was ready, along with breakfast, which was waiting on the table.
"Mmm..." Harry hummed, hugging Lily tighter. "Harry, we have to go class today, and breakfast-" At the sound of 'breakfast, Harry sat up quickly and rubbed his eyes. "Breakfast?!"
"Yes. Go find your glasses and come meet me in the dining room, 'kay?" Harry shook his head and grabbed Severus' hand, taking him with him to retrieve his glasses, only letting go when he climbed in his seat next to Severus.
Madame Pomfrey has surprised both of them with the glasses, saying they took a while to make, but Harry should see better with them. Apparently, she ran a second test, a slightly more advanced one, and it had shown his poor vision. The only thing was Harry never complained about his vision; maybe it wasn't very bad yet, and that was why, or Harry had been too afraid to speak up.
"Daddy, will they like me?" Harry looked at Severus. "Of course they will, bambi. Why don't you eat your eggs before they go cold, okay? Then you can get dressed, and we can go get you situated." Harry cocked his head to the side as he took a bite. "Get your toys and things set up behind my desk. I've already had breakfast, so I'm going to go pack them up."
Harry started speed-eating, trying to finish so he could go with Severus, his cheeks so full he started to resemble a chipmunk. "Slow down, Harry, you'll still be able to see me. I'm just going to the sitting room," Severus chuckled, placing a hand on Harry shoulder as he stood. "I mean it, bambi, I don't want you to swallow wrong, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
Harry nodded, but continued eating slightly faster so that in a matter of minutes, he was sitting next to Severus, snuggling Lily into his face. "Can I bring blankie?" Harry looked at his baby blanket, which was on the couch where he fell asleep the night prior, with longing. "Of course you can. With me, or with you?"
"Me!" Harry giggled as Severus threw it over his head playfully before wrapping it around his shoulders. "How long are the classes?"
"One and a half hours per class. Unless it's a double, which means twice as long. Now, all your stuff is in my bag, so it's time to get dressed." Harry nodded and jumped to his feet. He loved the new clothing; it was something that he had, it was his, and the only things he had for himself prior to Severus was Lily and his blanket, making him attached to all the stuffed animals, his new blanket, and everything else they bought.
"Daddy?" he asked as they walked to his bedroom. "Hmm?"
"'An... can I bring tha' blankie too?" Harry pointed to the larger blanket, still on his bed. "Why?"
"I like it..." he said quietly, looking up at Severus with need. "I guess... sure. We'll get it before we leave, okay? We still have about fifteen minutes before we leave."
Harry got dressed, with help from Severus, into black jeans and a light grey jumper. "Do you remember where your shoes are?" Harry shook his head, smile falling. His shoes - another Poppy purchase - were light blue and white trainers, and were Harry's favorite. According to him, he could 'run much faster in them, which helps when I wanna play tag!', and he wore them whenever he could.
"Accio Harry's trainers!"
They zoomed in Severus' hand from under the bed. The smile returned when they were placed on his feet and tightly tied. "Alright, bambi. Want to read a little before we go?" Harry nodded, and they went back to the sitting room, where they took their normal spot and picked up on 'Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump'.
"Everyone, settle down."
They noisy potions room instantly silenced, and Severus took Harry of his chair and rested him on his hip. Harry turned away once he saw everyone staring at him.
"Class, this is Harry. I've recently adopted him from his former household, due to personal reasons. He is my son, and if you hurt him you will never get out of detention, even after you graduate. Understood?" Severus snarled, though making sure it didn't scare Harry. The class slowly nodded.
"What reasons, Professor?" A Gryffindor held his hand in the air. "Smith, did you not hear personal? I believe that speaks for itself. Yes, Kane?"
A Slytherin girl was now raising her hand. "How old is he?"
"Five. No more stupid questions, lets get on with it. Today you will be brewing the Draught of Peace. As fifth years, you know what to do. Instructions are on the board; try not to blow anything up today, Miss. Williams." He quickly glared at a Hufflepuff girl who had just dropped her potions book. "You have the rest of class to finish, you may begin."
Severus sat Harry in his corner, where there was a small bean bag chair, toys, books, crayons, parchment, Luna, Lily, and Batty, the bat stuffie, and his two blankets. Along with those, there was a lap desk for when Harry wanted to color.
"I have to walk around a bit, okay? Just to make sure they're doing it right," Severus started, kneeling down to Harry's level, but Harry clasped onto him again. "Y-you didn't say that!" Harry whispered. "I know, bambi, but potions are dangerous, remember? If they do something wrong, someone could get hurt," Severus reasoned.
"It'll be quick, right? Promise?!" Harry eyes were slightly teary. "I promise I'll be really quick, okay? But like we talked about, I can't play during class, even when I'm at my desk."
"I know, I just... I don' want you gone," Harry mumbled, and Severus remembered the nightmare from a few nights ago. "I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave, okay? I'll never leave, but I need to walk around a bit, okay?" After hesitating, Harry finally mumbled an okay, and Severus stood to walk around.
Harry on the other hand, curled into a ball on his beanbag, his baby blanket under his head, weighted blanket tightly around him. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, failing. He wanted Severus to be close, always. Severus could easily be ripped from him at any moment, and he couldn't stand to lose his father figure.
When he knew he wouldn't catch any sleep at the time, he opened his eyes and started quietly playing with his stuffed animals, making them talk to one another, until that got a bi boring. When it did, he started to make Batty fly all around his little corner, though not moving from the beanbag.
"Harry." Harry looked up and saw Severus standing above him. His smile from earlier returned, and he almost yelled out. "Hey bambi. Just keep playing, I have some papers I need to look over, okay?" Harry nodded and sat up, blanket falling down, anf faced Severus. He grabbed his pack of crayons, parchment pad, and lap desk, and started to draw Hogwarts castle.
The rest of the day went by fairly quick, and it went relatively well, save for when Severus had to walk the classroom. At this time, they were sitting in front of the fireplace. Harry was building with his blocks, and Severus was grading papers, both waiting for dinnertime.
"Harry, I have to go down to the common room today..." Severus mumbled. The block Harry was about to place on the top of his castle fell, knocking down most of the building. "What?! Do I have to go back to Poppy?! Ca' I come with?"
Severus sighed and set down his quill. "Bambi, the common room is full of people, I don't know if-"
"I don't care!" Harry yelled, interrupting Severus. He covered his mouth once he had done it, whispers of 'I'm sorry', and, 'Please don't hit me' coming from his mouth.
Severus shook his head slightly, standing from his chair and walking over to Harry. He picked him up and rocked him lightly. "Harry, I will never hit you. Ever. Yelling was not okay, but you are not in trouble."
"I-I-I'm not?" Harry asked, teary emeralds looking at Severus. "No. It was not intentional, you didn't mean to. Everyone yells sometimes." Harry looked confused. "E-Even you?" Severus chuckled, remembering how many times he had yelled at students or other staff members. "Especially me."
They swayed back and forth until Harry had calmed down, no tears in sight. "Harry, I understand that you want to come with me, but you have to understand that there will be a lot of people. The Slytherin common room is darker, and I don't want something to happen. I don't want to trigger you, bambi," Severus explained. "T'igger me?"
"You know when you get really scared, really quick, and you start crying, and you feel like you can't breathe? That's called a panic attack, and they can be pretty terrible. We don't want you to have them anymore, as much as you ido." Harry thought for a moment, nose scrunching slightly as he did. "But... t-that's what happens when..."
"When what?"
"When you gone," Harry muttered. "I know, so you get to make a choice; you can either come with me, but be around lots of people you don't know, or you can go and stay with Poppy for a while, but I won't be there. Which-"
"You. I want to stay with you!" Harry wrapped his arms around Severus' neck tightly, clear that he wouldn't be letting go anytime soon. "Okay! Calm down, you can come with me. We don't have to go right now. I just wanted to let you know."
Even with Severus' words, Harry did not let go. Now that there was nothing to distract him, his mind could now wander, and tonight it chose to wander through his past, his past of abuse, his past of sadness. He wished it would go away, that he could just forget, but the tears that were starting to form were proving that he would not forget for a long time.
Trying to hold them back, he sniffled, which instantly notified Severus. "Hey, what's wrong?" Harry shook his head and didn't answer. "Harry... Talk to me. Please?"
"I yelled... I wasn't allowed to," Harry whispered. "I thought... I thought..."
Severus sat down on the couch and pried Harry off of him, making him sit on his lap, facing him. "Will you talk to me, Harry?" Harry shook his head. "I don' wanna."
"If you talk to me, it could help, Harry. How did you feel when you talked to me those other times?" Severus asked lightly. Harry took a mental note that he sounded much different when they were alone, versus when he was with other people. It was confusing.
"I felt a bit better." Severus nodded. "I won't make you talk about anything you don't want to, but I know from experience that it really does help."
"I don't know what to talk about..." Harry mumbled. "Do you want me to ask questions? Maybe if I give you something to talk about?"
"I guess..."
"Why were you scared when you yelled?" Severus asked. "Uncle... I yelled once... he didn't like it..." Harry sniffled again, still holding them back, yet when a hand wiped his cheek softly, he broke.
"I wasn't allowed to eat! I h-had to stay in m-my cupboard f-for days, a-and h-he wouldn't l-let me go t-to the bathroom! I-It hurt, he made m-me hold it f-for long t-time, and then I couldn't and he... he b-beat me... a-and it hurt. H-He m-made Dudley w-watch, and t-tried to get Dudley t-to join."
Severus was horrified. He wasn't even allowed to go to the bathroom? Of course he knew the Dursley man was barbaric, but this would just add onto the many things that fueled his hatred.
"H-he said I was going t-t-to be l-like Mummy! H-H-He said she w-was a drunk, w-who killed herself in a c-car accident b-because she-she was ashamed of m-me! Th-that she left b-because she h-hated me... that she h-hated t-that I w-w-was her k-kid! That I-I was a-a-a mistake!"
Harry tilted his head back a bit and let out a wail. He was full on sobbing at this point, because it hurt. He felt better, now that someone knew, but it still hurt.
"Oh, bambi. Oh Harry," Severus whispered before wrapping Harry tightly in his arms, silently summoning a thin blanket to cover the two. He almost regretted having Harry talk about it, but was highly aware that the longer you wait to heal a wound, the more painful it gets when you finally do.
He whispered softly to Harry, moving so he was laying down, Harry on his chest, his head on a pillow that rested against the armrest. He tangled his fingers in Harry's hair, finger combing it. The finger combing had helped him, back when Lily would do it after a panic attack, so maybe it could help her son as well.
Before he knew it, Harry was out cold, and it was drawing nearer to eight o'clock, which was when he was supposed to be in the common room. He stood, keeping Harry wrapped in the blanket, careful not to wake him, and began the short commute to the common room.
"Salazar," Severus said, standing in front of the snake covered door. It opened, and he walked through, closing the door behind him. "Is everyone here?" he asked, looking around. There was at least one person with a bloody nose, probably more. "Yes. Everyone's here, Thomas got punched by one of the Gryffindors in the corridor, though," a girl said, who was handing the boy with a bloody nose a handkerchief.
"Anyone else, Miss. Kane?" She shook her head. "Call me Sally, professor, and no one else get hurt as far as I'm concerned." The girl, Sally, moved away from the boy and went near the fireplace, where a group of people were studying.
"Thomas, do you know who it was?" Severus asked, sitting next to Thomas. He noticed there was a bruise forming on Thomas' eye as well. "I think it was one of Weasley's friends, but he tried to get him to stop." Severus nodded, knowing the eldest Weasley child usually wasn't the one to pick fights. "Is it broken?" Thomas shook his head. "I think it's going away."
"Good. How are your classes going?" Severus asked the second year. "It's the first day, professor."
"I meant has anyone else tried anything yet?" Thomas shook his head again. "No ones done anything," he mumbled. "Good."
"Who's that?" Thomas asked, gesturing to Harry. "This is Harry. He's my son, I adopted him this summer." Thomas gasped. "You?! You adopted someone? Why?" Severus felt Harry squirm, probably from the noise surrounding them, and soon enough, he woke. "Daddy...?"
Harry looked around, and his eyes widened at all the people. "Hey, bambi. We're in the common room, okay?" Severus said. Harry nodded, and continued to look around, eyes eventually landing on Thomas. "Hi," Thomas said softly. Harry looked from Thomas, to Severus, who nodded. "H-Hi..."
"What's your name?" Thomas asked. "I-I'm Harry, sir." Thomas chuckled and gave Harry a warm smile. "You don't have to call me sir, Harry. I'm Thomas. It's nice to meet you." Harry looked at Severus, who smiled. "This is one of my students, Harry," Severus said. "He's a second year."
Harry looked at Thomas with wide eyes. Something was telling him to be afraid of this new person, but something else was telling him that Thomas was okay.
"So, Thomas, do you need any help?"
"Actually, yeah, McGonagall already gave us homework, and I don't understand it," Thomas said, pointing at his homework with his free hand.
"What happened?" Harry asked, looking at the handkerchief. "Oh, I just got a bloody nose. It's going away, though." Harry nodded as Severus and Thomas began working on the Transfiguration homework.
Severus laid the now dosing Harry in bed, covering him with his blanket and handing him Lily. It had gotten to be almost ten before they were able to return to their quarters. "'Night, Harry," he said, and kissed Harry's forehead. "Daddy... I like Tommy. He's nice," Harry mumbled. "Nigh' nigh', Daddy."
Severus set his glasses on the nightstand before walking out, pausing, looking back at his son.
"Goodnight, bambi."
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