《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 15


Phoebe realized that Max was acting a little weird a long time ago, of course she always thought of Max as weird so he was acting a little more weird than she was used to.

He no longer used his powers to bully her, just used verbal insults or even physical hits and kicks. What was even weirder, that her parents seemed to be letting him get away with many things and gave him comfort foods.

It vaguely reminded her of a year earlier when she had gotten her thundersense and her brother hadn't. Was something going on with Max?

Everything from terminal illnesses to brainwashing had gone through her mind before she had figured, there was no harm in asking.

So that was how she wound up in Max's room, staring at his painfully uncomfortable face after she asked him what was wrong with him.

"Why haven't you been using your powers these days?" Phoebe asked, sitting herself next to him, hoping to give him reassurance that whatever it was, she'd help him.

This was one of the things that she worried about endlessly. She and her brother had their spats, but in the end, she loved him because he was her brother and she wanted to be there for Max no matter what.

But if Max continued down the path of a super villain, then how long would it be before she had to stop viewing him as her brother and her enemy instead.

Max chewed his lip uncertainly, he was hesitating, she was his eventual enemy, but she was also his sister. Sighing, he relented and turned to his sister, "There's something wrong with my telekinesis, and I think it might be because of (Y/N)."

Suddenly, Phoebe clammed up, "(Y-Y/N)? Why do you think that?"


"She just makes me nervous, I can't think straight and before I know it, my powers are on the fritz."

His sister visibly relaxed, "If I'm not wrong, it sounds like you like (Y/N)." She teased, smiling at her brother, whose ears began turning red.

"I know I do, but," "But?" "But, I'm nervous. And my powers are a little weird, so I'm even more nervous."

Phoebe snorted, "I think you just need to pull up your big boy pants and ask her out."

Her brother turned to her with cautious eyes, "And you'd be okay with that? Not that I care or anything."

She smiled widely, "I'd be fine with that, plus I happen to know that she gets nervous around you too."

Max beamed and Phoebe giggled at his childish face, "Really?"

"Yep, and I also know that she's at the mall right now. Maybe ask her out before you get nervous again."

Excited and extremely smiley, Max sprinted out of his room.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home?" Adam asked as he walked towards the elevator and you shook your head, "Phoebe just told me to stay put, she's gonna meet me here."

"Well, maybe I could hang around and meet her."

You laughed at him, "And miss another day of trying to remember which is the correct end of the scalpel again? You have class. Maybe next time."

The brunette laughed and nodded, "Bye." "Bye."

Hanging out with Adam always left you with a smile on your face. He was like a family member to you. Even though you had Phoebe and Cherry, they always had a family to return to in the end. Adam and you kind of were like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly but were from different boxes.


Nevertheless, you had someone to rely on, and that was the best feeling in the world.

"Hey! (Y/N)!"

Your brows furrowed, "What? Max? I thought Phoebe-"

"I hate that you have so much control over me."

Max stepped closer to you, "I hate that my heart is going a mile a minute right now."

He stepped closer with each sentence, "I hate that I can't control what I say around you."

Heat gentled blazed through your cheeks, you had always seen it in the movies and read it in the books but you never realized that a dramatic moment took so long. Usually, you were rewinding it over and over because it was too short but you would have never figured that it took so long.

"I hate that I want to say and do embarrassing things just to see your reaction."

"I hate that I absolutely love the smell of your perfume."

"And what I hate most of all, is that I secretly love these things."

You couldn't even meet his eyes, you were far too embarrassed. Your cheeks were hot, your knees were quaking and your heart was beating so loudly, your brain wanted to shut it up for sometime.

"(Y/N), I think I might like you."

You smiled at him, you hadn't even realized that you had been waiting for this. All the uncertainty and nervousness dissolved and was replaced by the anticipation and glee that were twisting and turning in your stomach.

"I think I might like you, too."

Some tension disappeared from Max's shoulders and he smiled at you, stepping so close, you could hear him breathe.

"So you won't mind if I did this?"

His hands gently cupped you face and you leaned towards him, your lips gently brushing against each other. Shocks ran down your body and you pressed your lips to his, gripping his arms gently.

Kissing Max for the first time felt like your favorite song was playing in your head on repeat. It felt like you were tasting the sweetest syrup in the world and you just couldn't keep the smile off your face as you took in his scent of cologne and fabric softener and just everything Max.

And then he pulled away and your favorite song was still playing and you felt you were coming down from a sugar high, "I really like you, Max."

Max pressed his lips to your forehead and you blushed, "Me too, (Y/N)."

The moment was cut short by a loud creaking noise and Max ducked, pulling you with him as you watched the place you were standing hit by a pipes. Sprinklers started, the water from the fountain exploded and more water from pipes above the both of you leaked out from ever nook and cranny it could find.

Cold water ran down your back and you were shaking like a chihuahua, helplessly staring at the amount of chaos that took place within seconds.

"Shit!" Max cursed and looked over your figure, "Are you okay?"

You nodded meekly and he stood up, backing away from you, "I have to leave."

You stared at him in disbelief, "Y-You're just leaving?"

He was panting heavily and looked so pale he could be compared to a ghost, "It's for your own good."

You scoffed, "What the heck does that even mean?!"

"I'm sorry."

Your mouth hung open in disbelief as you watched Max sprint out of the mall, leaving you soaking wet and your heart aching.

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