《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 13


To say that weird shit happened when you were around Phoebe was a slight understatement, although it might not be exclusive to Phoebe because you were always with her, and weird shit happened.

Like for example, a week ago;

"Guys! I went to the mall and the ladies there did my make up for me." Cherry squealed as she came through the doors.

You looked up from your book t glance at her and felt your breath get knocked out of you, "You look like a drag queen." Whenever you and Phoebe needed to break something to Cherry, you always were bad cop, because Phoebe was too nice but mainly because being mean was really liberating and not to mention, fun.

Cherry pouted, sitting herself on the couch and Phoebe turned to you, "Can you get me some tissues, (Y/N)? I ran out of makeup remover."

You rolled your eyes, "How 'bout I get you a bucket and a towel the size of New Jersey."

Walking over to the kitchen, you noticed Max sitting at the dining table, finishing a sandwich. You hadn't seen him since the incident with Oyster, which you liked to refer to 'when Max was jealous that I touched his boyfriend.'

As you grabbed a hand towel, you made sure to hit Max across the face with it, nonchalantly of course.

You filled up a pot and squirted a bit of hand soap in it, 'This calls for the heavy duty stuff. No face wash is gonna get all that gunk of her face. This is why I don't wake make up."

He walked to the sink with his plate and you scoffed internally, 'Since when does he actually clean up after himself?' Your question was unfortunately answered when he brushed your arm so teasingly and pressed his hand to the small of your back, excusing himself.


'Apparently only when he needs to tease someone. Freakin' tease.' You grumbled as you turned the tap and water shot out with such ferocity that it splashed everywhere. Everywhere except you, apparently. It just lay in a puddle at your feet.

You furrowed your brow, 'What the heck? Physics and Phoebe's house don't like each other?'

Ignoring it, you grabbed the pot full of water and exited the kitchen, "Alright! Let's scrub your face clean, or at least until we can bare to look at your face without laughing."

Phoebe grinned at you, "Okay, enough bad cop."

"Sorry, it's just so fun." You beamed.

It was off-putting, that weird things kept happening and you didn't even understand how it was happening. Somethings that happened couldn't even be explained. Like, a few days after the first incident;

"Phoebe, pause the movie for a second, I'll just fill my glass." You said as Phoebe did what you asked and you jumped over her legs, laughing and walking to the kitchen.

"Can you get some more chips please?" Phoebe called out, "Oh and ice cream!" Yelled Cherry and you shook your head, setting the glass of water down and pulling up a chair so you could reach the high cabinet.

Instead of telling you what flavor to get, Phoebe should have instead told you not to take the chair that had a broken leg after her dad sat too hard on it.

The chair wobbled but you didn't think anything of it as you grabbed the packet of chips. The chair, thinking that the bag of chips was too heavy, collapsed and you nearly screamed before you felt hands steady you.

You weren't off the chair, instead was just wobbling helplessly on the unstable piece of furniture, being forced to rely on the person behind you,"Didn't Phoebe tell you not to use this chair?"


Your heart was so close to stopping completely as you held your breath, 'Why did I have to wear shorts today.' You thought miserably, feeling his callouse fingertips grip your bare thighs.

"I-I don't think so." Your voice trembled so obviously and Max snaked a hand under your legs and one on your back, swinging you lightly and then setting you down. You blushed furiously and looked away.

"You don't sound like you're telling the truth." Max mumbled as he leaned closer to you and you scoffed, "What? You think I got on that chair to fall and break my neck, intentionally?"

And just like that, the mood was ruined.

Max rolled his eyes and walked away when you noticed your glass was empty, "Did-Did you drink my glass of water?" You asked in disbelief and he looked back at you with a brow raised.

"What?" "I filled this glass with water." "Well, I didn't drink it."

"You expect me to believe that the glass of water just drank itself?" You looked at Max with a raised brow.

A look of alarm flashed across his face for just a second before he grabbed both your shoulders and lead you out of the kitchen, only for you to hear the sound of water splashing.

"What was-?" "How about you stay here and away from the kitchen?" Max said, pushing you down to the mountain of blankets you arranged on the floor.

"But I'm thirsty." You pouted.

"Then tell Phoebe to get the water. This is her house anyway."

He gave his sister a sharp look and walked away.

You were curious beyond belief and a little mystified. It was kind of cool, like you were attending hogwarts without being aware of magic.

You tried to talk to Cherry about it, but the only thing she ever got from your detailed story was that Max and yourself had some serious sexual tension. As if you weren't aware of it

But among the both you, you had your fair share of weird stories that involved the Thundermans. You had proposed to investigate but Cherry waved it off, saying that she wouldn't have it any other way.

And you were forced to agree with her, especially the part about the sexual tension.

"Mom, dad, I think I'm losing control of my telekinesis." Max said in a private conversation with his parents. The couple shared an alarmed look before urging their son to continue.

He looked uncomfortable to be talking about this with his parents, since it wasn't something that happened often.

"It was nearly a week ago..."


"Then a day after that..."


After his stories, his parents didn't look as appalled as he thought they'd be, instead, they just shared a secret smile and kissed their precious son's cheeks.

"Don't worry Max, it's only temporary."

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