《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 6


You didn't really know what to say when Cherry and Phoebe, along with her parents came strolling into the room. As a matter of fact, you didn't say anything, you just hid your face underneath your covers in sheer embarrassment. They didn't really make anything of it, but as soon as the adults had left the room, claiming that they'd get all of us some lunch, Phoebe started interrogating you.

"What happened, (Y/N)." She asked, setting a warm hand on your shoulder and you shook your head, peering at her from beneath your lashes. You were trying to subtly avoid her eyes but if you didn't answer while looking at her she'd know that something was up. To be honest, you didn't even know why you were being so bashful about this, despite you wanting to tell her bluntly.

"I really don't remember, I recall trying to get the stupid dress off me, but after that it's all a blur."

Phoebe nodded, taking one of your small hands into hers, "Well, you and Max got trapped in the elevator and ran out of oxygen. Luckily, for him at least, he didn't lose consciousness and they found you pretty quickly after."

You nibbled lightly on your lower lip, which had begun to quiver at an alarming rate. Cherry quickly grabbed your other hand, "I'm sorry, (Y/N), it wasn't much of a birthday was it? At least you both made it out alright." She said soothingly, running her thumb along your knuckles.

You took a sharp breath, yanking your hands out of their grip and stared Phoebe down with a pointed look, "Did you know that your dad paid my hospital bill?"

Phoebe's brows creased and you immediately knew that she didn't think it was a big deal, "Yeah, they thought it would help you out."


The fact that her expression was asking for some gratitude only made you more angry. You clenched your fist, "Is that supposed to be flattering? How dare you let them pay for me without asking? I'm your friend, not your charity."

Seeing that you weren't only getting agitated by her, but her parents as well, she became defensive quite quick, "I think you're blowing this way out of proportion, (Y/N), we only helped you with the bills because you can't pay them yourself."

"You're not supposed to do anything for me! I'm in charge of my own life and I don't need your help to get where I want to go! And how dare you think that I can't pay it myself?! I can pay and even if I couldn't, I wouldn't ask you for the money."

You were suddenly hating everything Phoebe was doing, the fact that she was even looking you in the eye was making your blood boil. Scoffing, Phoebe glared at you darkly, "Really? You can't even afford a new bag! You've been using that same ratty one for how long? It looks like it belongs at the bottom of a junkyard."

Sniffing distastefully at the jibe she made at your possessions, "I can afford one, for your information," You said as your face contorted angrily, "I just don't want to waste money, my bag is perfectly fine!"

"Yeah, right! You're a pencil away from that thing ripping to shreds!"

You scowled heavily at her, "I can't believe you actually didn't think that I couldn't have paid my own bills, Phoebe, you're my friend, not my bank, I don't need your money!"

"Why can't you just accept our gift? Why are you being so stubborn?" She cried, exasperatedly.


"Because I don't like that you think that I can't pay my own bills! I get it, I don't have parents to take care of my needs, I'm an orphan, but I don't want any special treatment."

Phoebe scoffed, "We were just trying to help, but if you don't need it we'll just take our help and friendship out of here." She spat and stormed out.

You sighed, you hadn't realized you had offended her so much, you hadn't realized you were so angry either.

Cherry cleared her throat from beside you and followed Phoebe out the door, muttering a soft 'Get well soon'

You groaned in exasperation as you felt guilt and slight regret in your stomach. At the sound of the door, you had lifted your head, expecting Phoebe or Cherry but you were more than surprised to see a different Thunderman standing in your room.

Max let out a low whistle, "This is the most depressing place I've ever seen, but then again, it is perfect for you."

You sighed, not in the mood, "What are you doing here, Max?"

"Not the thanks I was expecting."

You scoffed, "And why exactly should I thank you? I don't recall you doing anything great."

"Well, after we got out of that elevator, I was the one who got that stupid hair pin from that girly store. Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?"

Your brows furrowed, "Y-You were the one who got my pin back?"

"Yeah, I thought 'Hey, it's the kid's birthday, might as well give her something.' I'm not giving you any more presents until you die, which hopefully won't be a long time to wait."

You scowled at him, "The pin clearly isn't good luck, otherwise you'd have died in the damn elevator."

"Still not hearing a thank you."

"Thank you, Max." You growled.

"Careful with that tone, I can still give it back to the store." Max snapped.

"Okay, first, you'd be too embarrassed to go back to the store and second, I'd break your arm before you could even grab it off my head."

"You mean like this?" Your eyes widened as he flashed your pin in his hand. How did he-? He wasn't even close to you at the time.

You jumped out of your bed and tried to snatch it away but he held it above his head and out of your reach. Bloody short legs.

"Max. seriously, give it back." You sneered at him, lunging for the pin but it was way out of your reach.

"Hm, I don't think I want to, really."

You growled, putting your hands on his shoulders and one leg behind his, pushing him sharply to the ground. Snatching the pin, you sat on his back, grinning smugly.

"Get off my back, fatty."

"Hm, I don't think I want to, really."

Max snarled at you, pushing himself up. Your eyes widened, he was literally doing a push-up with you on his back. You hadn't realized he was so strong, impressively strong.

You scrambled to get off his back and he got to his feet.

"I still have the pin." You said meekly. He glanced at your flustered face and rolled his eyes, "Okay, have fun in the hospital, fatty."

All signs of fluster vanished from your face, "MAX! YOU'RE SUCH A-!!" Max shut the door, cutting off all your curses.

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