《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 1


You step into Phoebe's house, taking a deep breath and letting it out through a sigh.

"Something the matter, (Y/N)?" Phoebe says, referring to your sigh and you shrug, "Not really, I was just taking in the scent of your house. I don't get out often so I'm just more used to the scent of my dorm."

Phoebe giggled at your quirky antics and you smiled at her, "I'm kinda surprised that I haven't been to your house before, I mean, we have been friends for a year, almost seems like something suspicious is crawling in these walls." You say cheekily, eyeing her with crazy eyes. She laughs but it comes out more nervous than she had expected.

You set down your bag and walk in the living room, just taking in the furnishing. "You know, you're house is really colorful, I'd give anything to bring a little more color to my room back home." You say plopping onto the couch with a slight bounce.

Phoebe takes a seat beside you, "Don't be ridiculous, your room totally looks like a college dorm." You nod, "Yeah, I guess, but it's so lonely there, all the kids are really young so I wouldn't even be able to have a conversation with them, not that I'd have any idea what to say anyway."

She rubs your arm, "Well, I have 2 brothers and a sister so I'm sure that you'd become more social with my family stew here. Though I doubt that you'd want to talk to Max, he's nuts." You giggled and pulled your bag to your lap.

"I'm sure he's not that bad. Siblings always fight, right? Not that I'd have any idea about that either. Con about being an orphan." You sigh and Phoebe takes her books off the coffee table, "Aw, well you're welcome to argue with my siblings for as long as you like." She smiles and you can tell that she's unfamiliar with dealing with orphans but you're happy she's making an effort.


"Thanks Pheebs, but for now let's wrestle with that calculus homework." You flip open your book and get into a comfortable position as does Phoebe. The both of you quietly solved a few questions before you were interrupted by the door slamming open.

You yelp and sit up as a boy with brown hair stumbles into the room, struggling to get a strait jacket off him. Phoebe laughs in disbelief and stands up, "Max, why are you wearing that thing?"

"And more importantly, how'd you get inside with that thing on?" You ask incredulously as you look between him and the door.

"Who's little-miss-lots-of-questions-up-my-mouth?" You raise a brow at him, "Phoebe I don't know how to break this to you, but your brother is a mental patient."

Max scoffs and looks at you, "I lost a bet, genius."

"Phoebe I don't know how to break this to you, but your brother is an idiot."

"Is there a reason you stroll into my house to insult me?" "For your information, me and Phoebe were studying when you and all your stupidity came wrestling through the door." "Oh so Phoebe got another one of her nerd friends in here." "Better to be a nerd than an mental asylum patient." "For your information, when me and oyster found this jacket we bet on who could win over the girl who works at the ticket booth at the movies, wait why am I telling you this?!" "Oh, so you're a mental asylum patient, are friends with sea food and have no game, wow, and I thought no ones life could suck as bad as this." You say clicking your tongue.

"Oh shut up." He snaps walking over to his sister, "Get this off me."

She laughs and gives him a harsh pat on the back, "Sorry, good luck loser."

You laugh as she pushed him head first down the slide and walked over to you, "I hope you're not offended that I insulted your brother that much at our first meeting."


"Nah, just don't mention that he's my brother outside the house, the less the people know the better." You chuckle and nod.

"So are you coming to Last teen mission to space:Part 2?" You ask as you start penciling in answers on your worksheet, she hums and clicks her pen in thought, "I dunno, I'll ask my parents when they get back, my dad went to pick up our thunderv-Mini van from the garage back in Metroburg."

"You left a van in your old city for this long?" "My dad just didn't think we needed it, plus he had paid for the garage for the next year and he was determined to not let his money go to waste."

You shook your head and smiled, "Well text me if you are, I don't really want to go if you're not gonna be there." "Oh, why not? Cherry will be there!" "And, that's what I'm afraid of." She giggles and nudges you lightly.

"We're a group and I can't really handle her without you." You say and she pats her thighs, "It's not like I have a problem, it's my parents I'm worried about."

"Try and convince them too, if we don't go to the first showing and Cherry does, she'll be spilling spoilers all week." Phoebe nods but then remembers something, "Oh, where are my manners, I haven't given you anything to eat or drink, give me a second."

You pull your feet onto the couch to make room for her to exit to the kitchen. You sigh, waiting patiently and sitting on your thighs. Just then, Max comes up the stairs, still struggling with the strait jacket as he bumps into many things. You laugh at him, "I think the purpose of that jacket is to keep you from hurting yourself, though in this case, it's not working."

He mocks your laugh, "Don't you think it's a bit much to insult someone you've just met and put your feet up on their couch?"

"Well it didn't seem like a problem for you, Mister-dumb-as-a-cork." You spit, emphasizing each word. He sighs and loosens his body, "Could you just get me out of this thing?"

You get up, walking behind him and started to let him loose one buckle at a time. "I expect a payment for my hard work." You whisper and he shivers, feeling your breath on the back of his neck.

He laughs in disbelief and straightened his back, shifting his feet, "I'm not giving you money."

You suddenly pull the buckles on so tight that it's uncomfortable, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to pull it tight enough to match your jeans."

"Alright, alright I'll give you 5 bucks." "Ten, or I leave you like this until someone who actually cares about you sets you free, although in retrospect that could take longer that we'd expect."

"Fine. Ten dollar." "Okay- Oh wait! Say pretty please with a cherry on top!" "Just take it off!" "Alright, alright, yeesh, someone's a drama queen, oh sorry, a drama peasant." You murmur as the jacket falls to the floor and you hold your hand out to him. He scoffs but hands you a crisp 10 dollar bills and you smile mischievously, "Pleasure doing business with you."

You step away from him but he quickly reappears in your vision, "But I do charge a fee to come into this house, so..." He holds his hand out to you and you slap it, "So, good luck trying to find someone who would believe that." You chuckle and cross your arms.

"Whatever, I'll get you back for this Miss-know-it-all." He says and walks over to the slide, "I look forward to meeting you again Mister-Thunder-turd." He gives you a sly look before sliding down and the hatch closes behind him.

Phoebe walks in with a tray full of finger-foods, "What was that about?" "Oh, just making a quick buck." You giggle.

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