《boxer [p.jm] ✔️》1.5



I enjoyed amusement parks, but some things, I have to sit out on.

Roscoe really wanted to go on the biggest roller coaster here, but I just ate and couldn't go. I said I would sit out, on a bench nearby the place they would exit after the ride.

That's where I was now, on a bench, sipping on the orange flavored slushie I bought. I started to people watch, almost feeling terrible as I lightly laughed when I guy dropped his ice cream.

"Oh, PeyPey!", I hear a voice I know all too well from my left side. Should I ignore him? He ignored me the whole time we've been here until now. "PeyPey!"

I slipped my shades back on, finally glancing as his approaching figure. He couldn't see my eyes, so as long as I didn't turn my head to him, he wouldn't know.

"Peyton," He was next to me now, finally catching my attention. I looked over at him, giving him a small nod. "Why aren't you talking?"

"Don't feel the need to," I simply answered, going back to watching people walk by and do weird and funny things. "Why aren't you on the ride?"

"Not my thing," he shrugged his shoulders, the silence quickly resting between us. It was not one of those comfortable silences, it was a completely awkward filled silence.

He didn't know what to do, nor did I. I wasn't going to do anything until the other's joined us after the ride.

A loud, high pitched screech erupted from the roller coaster to my right, causing me to stare at the cars descending down the track.

"Hoseok," Jimin let out a throaty laugh, leaning back on the bench comfortably. I smile, finally hearing normal screams of enjoyment, taking a big sip of my slushie.

I set the cup in my lap, absentmindedly playing with the straw and stirring it. I jumped, feeling the cup being taken away from me while I started reaching for it. "That's mine."

Jimin smirks, mouth already closed on the straw as he drinks it. He happily sips on it, not bothering to give it back. I huff and fold my arms, pouting and staring at the exit of the ride.

I sigh in relief, seeing Piper and Roscoe both waving at me crazily. I wave back, standing up and shaking my legs out. Forget my slushie, I wanna go do some more things.

"Pey, you should've seen Hoseok's face when we went up that big hill!", Piper giggles uncontrollably, a glaring Hoseok joining her side.

"Oh, I heard it," I nod, laughing along with her, hearing the grumbles leave his lips. "Jimin pointed that out."

"I did what now?", I slightly jump, hearing him suddenly next to me. He looks down at me, waiting for me to repeat what I said.

"You pointed out Hoseok screaming," I deadpan, seeing a colorful car past out of the corner of my eye. A Ferris wheel, I'll take Roscoe so we can catch up on things. "Let's go on that, Roscoe."

I point in the direction of the Ferris Wheel, grabbing his wrist with the other. He nods his head, quickly running forward, pulling me with him. "We can finally talk and not have to scream over everyone!"


I let out a laugh, jogging behind him and waving a hand at the others. "We will meet by those spinning cart swings!"

Piper sends me a thumbs up, pulling Tae away and off for another ride. I stop jogging once we were in line, thinking of a conversation to spark up.

"Hey, Peyton," Roscoe starts softly, making me look up at him. He seems like he wants to say something. I can't tell if it's good or bad. "I have to talk to you about something serious on the ride."

"Alright," I nod my head, not knowing what else to say. It's been years since I last saw him in person, and surprisingly I didn't have much to say to him. Maybe or friendship was changing.


We walk toward the stopped car, quickly climbing in and sitting on opposite sides. Neither of us spoke a word as the ride operator spoke to us about whatever they normally do.

"Enjoy your ride," he dully states, slamming closed the car door. He makes sure it looked before turning around and pushing a button. We start to move up, feeling it stop for the next people.

"What did you want to talk about?", I decide to break the silence, asking him what he seemed to be thinking about currently.

"I really didn't want to ruin today with this, but I have to say it sometime," he starts, looking out at the amusement park, watching the people grow smaller. "I feel like something changed between us."

"Like what?"

"We don't get as excited as we did when we first left one another. We still care about each other, but I don't feel as close as we did," he explains, moving his hands in circles while he spoke. "Do you think we should just be occasional talkers?"

"I get what you mean. We aren't that comfortable together anymore, there's that awkwardness and tension. Maybe it'd be best if we just spoke to each other when we need to," I nod in agreement, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Occasional friends?"

I hold my hand out, smiling when he puts his hand in mine, giving it a firm shake. The ride starts to go down, while we both sit still, finally feeling at ease.

"You aren't mad?", he speaks up, looking at me from his side view. He was worried, I can tell.

"I'm not, I thought things felt different between us," I honestly answer him, standing up and making sure I had my phone in my pocket. The ride stopped, the operator coming over and opening the door.

"I hope you had fun," he mumbles, offering a hand to help me out. I take it, giving it a squeeze before jumping off.

"It was refreshing," I replied, giving Roscoe a small smile. We walk away, side by side, both of us looking for the ride we were going to meet at. "I'm glad we talked."

"I am too," he sighs, pointing over to my right. I follow his finger, seeing a group of people laughing along the side of a fast spinning ride. "I think that's them."

"Piper!", I yell at the top of my lungs, widely smiling when her head pops up from where she was standing. She waves me over, telling us to hurry.


I start to pick up my walk, getting closer and closer to the group of people. I jump next to my sister, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Why aren't you hanging on Roscoe?", she teased me, making me flick her arm.

"We talked, we agreed on being occasional friends," I give her quick summary, feeling her give me a shocked nod. "We aren't as close as we were."

A phone rings within the group, while Roscoe deeply sighs. He pulls his out, answering it immediately. "Hello?"

I observe his face, freezing when he slowly holds out his phone for me. I cock an eyebrow, bringing the phone up to my ear. "Hello, this is Peyton."

"I can't see you but at least I can hear you!", a voice chirped on the other end. Was this April? "Oh, silly me. I'm April."

"Oh, hi. How are you?", I smile to myself, feeling her over happiness spread to me. She seemed fun.

"I'm good, just a bit bored," she sounded like she was dying of boredom. "I need someone to girl talk with."

"I can try, I can't guarantee I'll be useful," I let out a breathy laugh, feeling Piper lean closer to the phone. I push her head away, receiving a glare.

"It doesn't matter. How's your love life?", she asks me, a crunching noise catching my attention. "I get hungry talking about guys."

"It's practically non-existent. Unless you count a seven-year-old forcing it on you," I laugh, holding up a finger and walking far away from the group. "Actually, that's a lie."

"Couldn't talk about it in front of people?", she seemed to know.

"Well, the guy was in the group. A seven-year-old girl is basically using her acting powers to get me kisses on my forehead and cheeks," I sigh, shaking my head at how pathetic it sounded. "She even teases me!"

"Young Cupid. Is she one of those smart kids that seem to know more than you?"

"Absolutely. It's amazing because most of the time she is right and successful with her schemes," I rant out, finding it surprisingly easy to talk to her. "Do you mind if I send your number to me? I like talking to you."

"Knock yourself out. I like talking to you too," she giggles lightly, more crunching is heard. "Are you and Roscoe alright? He said he wanted to talk about your friendship today."

"Yeah, we talked it out. We are gonna talk to each other when we need to, it'll make things easier," I tell her, turning around and looking at the gazes that we watching me. "I have nine stalkers."

"Typical," she snorts, letting out a sound indicating she wanted something else to say. "As for your guy, just push forward. Do you have nicknames for each other?"

"Not really," I say, slowly walking back over to the group of people. I see their confused looks when I get closer. "My mom always called my dad baby."

"Like how? In English, I heard people who don't speak English well like hearing nicknames in English," she rambles, while I laughed, trying to count the number of times she said English.

"'Hey baby, I know you liked that meal from that restaurant. I tried my best, but it was all I could do.'", I spoke in English, earning two expectant gazes from Piper and Roscoe. "Then he'd answer, 'You did good, babe. I'm so proud you call you mine.' Kind of made me sick."

"Real charmer, your parents are," she laughed on the other line, Roscoe waving his hand in my face.

"Why are you talking to her like that?", he asked as I shot him a look to be patient.

"Your boyfriend would like to speak to you, he's getting worried that you might be leaving him for me," I told her, hearing a thud followed by laughter. "Don't die before then."

I pull the phone away from my ear, placing it in Roscoe's waiting palm. He instantly bombards her with questions, his voice fading as he walked away like I did.

"What were you talking about? Baby, babe?", Piper jabbed at my side, following me as I jumped away from her.

"Guy talk. She wanted to know what nicknames I knew of. I told her about mom and dad," I explain, earning an impressed look from her. "What?"

"You were talking about guys!", she broke out into squeals, pulling my arm and jumping around. "How did you get on that topic?"

"She was bored, wanted to talk about guys. I said I wasn't that useful, but she asked about my love life," I told her, seeing a look of realization hit her. "She kept asking me things after I said it didn't exist."

"What about that cashier guy?"

"Like I would be with someone who didn't enjoy boxing," I scoff at her, the reminder of that grocery store cashier that gave me disgusting looks when I bought hand wraps. "Even if he did, I would break him like a twig."

"Don't be mean! He was cute!"

"Piper, he has to smile at people! He needs to look like he wants to work at his job," I brush off her comment, making her fall quiet. "I'll just hang around the boxing room, see if any new guys come in and interest me."

"There's Jimin," she whispered to me, making sure no one heard her. I looked at her like she was crazy, feeling her reach up and squeeze my cheeks. "So cute!"

"Shut up," I mumble, shoving her hands off my face. "When are we leaving? I'm hungry for some real food."

I felt an arm slung over my shoulder, looking up and meeting Roscoe's sudden smirk. "What did April tell you?"

"It wasn't only April. Piper had one half, April had the other. She told me to give you advice," he smirked wider, making me freeze under his arm. "Non-existent, huh?"

Nope, not today.

"I'm leaving before you start up with your theories," I state, pulling Piper by her arm to follow me. She yelps but nonetheless comes along with me.

"I was trying to see what Jimin was saying," she whined, pulling me over to a nearby bench. "He looked annoyed again when Roscoe was hanging onto you."

"I don't care," I dismiss her thoughts, sitting down and looking up at the small, puffy clouds across the sky. White, cuddly.

Maybe, I did care a little bit?

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