《Boxer Girl》14. Epilogue.


°12 years later°

"Oh, my god!" I heard Alicia exclaim next to me as I was packing a small bag. "I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt!" She said jumping up and down.

Yes. I'm pregnant. With what? I don't know. Johnathan and I asked the doctors to keep it to themselves. I was wishing for a boy, but Johnathan wanted a girl. Good choice, she could help me with chorse.

"Hand me the bottle." I said pointing at the water bottle that stood far away from me as I put my left hand on my humongous stomach, meaning at least four meters. I'm pregnant with nine months, and my baby is coming any second.

Alicia hurried and grabbed the water bottle handing it to me as I put it on the side of the bag next to my phone. This bag is going down in case I'm giving birth to my baby any second, for Johnathan to grab it as soon as I feel cramps.

I zipped the bag and sighed. "That's it." I said patting the small bag and putting it aside.

"How's my love?" I heard from the door, making me grin.

"Exhausted." I answered turning around to face my husband. Johnathan and I got married four years ago, and all the while we were trying to have babies. He said he wanted a doven of mini Maia running around the house. Not like I would mind mini Johnathans running around as well.

Johnathan moved closed and put his arms around my pregnant stomach and lowered his head kissing it, as if kissing our baby, and then looked at me moving upward to kiss my lips. After his lips touched mine in a loving kiss, it hit me. Alicia was in the room. I parted away and looked around with an apologetic look, to find the room empty.

"She left." Johnathan said when he noticed me looking around. Then he asked, "how's my Alexis?" He said grabbing tightly into our baby.

"It's Alexander, and he's not yours, he's ours." I said grinning sheepishly.

He moved away to the bag with a smile on his lips. "Is this the bag?" He asked.


"Yeah." I said lowly. Johnathan held it, and diverted his elbow to me like he always did when he wanted us to walk together. And I always accepted it, because I know he loves to, and because I liked it too.

We walked down the stairs, him giving me a chance to hold on to the railing and him at the same time, as he held my bag with his other arm.

We walked slowly, taking each step at a time to make sure nothing wrong happens. I'm calculated to give birth next week, and I really wouldn't feel like it to lose my child a week before it comes out.

As soon as we reached the latest step, Johnathan made sure I WS standing straight before he left to put the bag in the right place next to the door. I was thankful to have such a thoughtful and amazing husband. I walked slowly, mostly because of my huge stomach, to the living room, and there I slowly sat down with the remote in my hand. I started switching channels when all of a sudden, pain hits. It was in my lower area. I looked down, and saw that my water broke.

Oh, god. "JOHNATHAN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, making Johnathan run as fast as he could, with a toast in his mouth. Dammit! He was eating.

"What's wrong?' He asked hurriedly with a worried look.

"My water broke." I said whispering with my face terrified. Johnathan, luckily, kicked into action, and held me bridal style, and carried me to the car, giving me time to grab my bag as I giggled. He put me in the car, and seconds later, he was speeding off. We were lucky police weren't on our way.

As soon as we reached the hospital, he opened the door and carried me again. As soon as we reached the hospital, he pit me down and went to get a doctor. People came with a bed for me to lie on, and I held my hand out for Johnathan to hold. He did, and ran with us to the operation room to give birth to me. He was stopped by a nurce, who told him he has to change before he enters. And that's when we parted.


I was all of a sudden in another piercing pain, I couldn't hold, I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Ma'am, do you want an Epidural injection?" A nurce with blue eyes and masked head and mouth asked.

"What's that?" I asked out of breath at the new founded pain.

"It ceases the pain." She said. But it was too late. I could feel my baby coming, making me lay on the bed and scream at the top of my lungs. As if on cue, Johnathan bursted through the door, and held my hand and patted my head soothingly as he chanted calming things and words.

A female doctor looked down there and said, "the baby is coming," making everyone surge into action. One nurce brought a cloth for Johnathan to wipe away my sweat. He did soothingly as he shushed me and kept chanting, "I love you." And, "it's okay." And "it won't take long, and we'll have a baby after." He was saying all those and more with a smile on his face, but it still couldn't hold the worried look.

I took several deep breaths, then said with all my might, "don't worry. I'm a strong woman. I'll survive this." And I smiled a sincere smile, which was gone when the doctor told me to push.

I did, and screamed at the amount of pain, but still went through with it. I saw Johnathan wincing, and I knew I was squeazing his hand to death, so I loosened my grip looking at him. He noticed and smiled at me lovingly as he stroked my hair, "if there was anything I could do, it would be anything to ease your pain. And you squeazing my hand means you're taking your frustration out somewhere. I don't care if it was me, but squeeze away." He said gesturing for our interwind hands. As if on cue, I had another pain, and I squeazed his hand again.

"You're worth it all." He said kissing my knuckles. As soon as his lips parted from them, a cry came from the other side of the bed, making our hearts burst with happiness and joy. We looked over at the same time, and saw the doctor holding a girl.

The doctor held her handing her to Johnathan, who offered, "do you want to cut her cord?" She asked indicating for our baby. One weird thing, I still felt full.

All of a sudden, another pain surged through me, startling Johnathan as I arched my back. The doctor handed our girl to a nurce, and returned to where I gave birth and said, the second baby is coming.

"Second?!" Excliamed both Johnathan and I at the same time. We're having twins! I thought happily.

I started pushing again, with more power than before. And soon, we heard another cry. It's a boy.

"We got both Alexander and Alexis." Said Johnathan after he cut the cord.

After I took a few moments to rest, the doctor and nurces brought our babies. I held Alexis, and Johnathan held his son.

"She has your eyes." I said as I looked at her, then I looked at Johnathan with Alexander in his arms. Johnathan wasn't looking at me, instead, he was cradling his son carefully in his arms as if he held his life time.

"I'm a father." He said whispering, and then looked at me and said, "and you're the mother of our children." He finished as he sat next to me with a sincere smile playing on his lips.

And that was only the start of a long lasting family.


I know it's short, but I was stupid and started a week late. I would've loved to add extra scenes. But I believe the story was perfect.

What do you thing of it? I really hope you liked the story. Even with the extremely cliche ending.

Happiness is the best, but without sadness, there's no meaning for happiness.

Please vote if you see the epilogue worth one, and give me feedback on your opinions and thoughts about the whole book. It would mean a lot.


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