《Boxer Girl》12. broken.


He feeling was foreign to me. I was never kissed before, and for the first time, I feel lips attached to my own. He tasted of sweet lemon and toothpaster. But I couldn't focus on that, because of the hustle and bustle in my stomach as he touched me.

I got lost in the feeling of his lips that I didn't notice when he turned me around and we were chest to chest. He deepened the kiss as he tilted my head by putting one of his hands tangled with my hair on the back of my head, and the other pushed me flushed closer to him.

I could do nothing but kiss back as I tangled my right hand in Johnathan's hair, and the other behind his neck clinging to him closer. I could feel the love and care from the way he held my best to his, let alone the love that deepened as he held me in his embrace as if both our loves depend on it.

But here comes the problem all lovers have to face when they kiss, I was chocking, so I had to part our lips, even of that didn't feel right. I took a deep breath as I rested my forehead to his chest and he hugged me to him even tighter I thought I might start chocking any second.

A smile, no, a grin, was pastered on my lips as I closed my eyes and my breath evened. That kiss didn't only take away my breath, but also had made me fall even more for Johnathan, that now, I think I might love him.

"God, I've been dying to do that for ages." He said as he let out a slightly shaky breath, making me crack a smile.

"Nobody told you not to." I said snuggling to his broad chest and put my arms to rest between. He chuckled and said, "glad I did after all." And I could feel the smile in his voice.

All of a sudden, I heard Johnathan gasp slightly, then say, "damn, you missed it." Making me look at him confused.

"Missed what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. He was looking at the sky.

He looked at me then back to the sky, "a shooting star just passed."

I looked back at the sky, and another one passed. I wish Johnathan stays forever with me. I wished in my head as I saw it. I know I was being selfish, but I couldn't wish for a life without him now that he's in it.

"What did you wish for?" I heard Johnathan ask as he held my back to his chest.

"I can't tell you." I said looking at the now blueish sky. "If I did it won't come true." Chuckling at the end.

"As you wish, my love." He said as he kissed under my ear, making my smile wider. We kept looking at the sky as it darkened only holding onto each other while Johnathan was snuggling his nose between my ear and neck.

All of a sudden, Johnathan stood abruptly, making me look at him with a mixture of confusion and anxiety, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"The food must be cold by now." He said with a guilty feeling. I cracked a smile at his feature, and said, "it's fine, you can cook me breakast in the morning?" I said smiling innocently.

"Why?" He asked with a grin, "are you emplying something that would make me stay the night?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.


I laughed and hit his chest lighty and stepped away from him and started walking out in the beach and running from him. He followed me laughing and screamed, "I was joking. Get back here."

I looked back, and saw that he wasn't that far behind. Wrong move. As soon as I looked back, I tripped to the sand, well, almost. My long hair reached the sand, but Johnathan held most of my body from the impact.

"Wow, you're fast." I said in a whisper as I looked deep in Johnathan's eyes.

Seconds later, I noticed he didn't have an attempt to pull me up, instead, he landed my body safely and softly on the sand, as he laid next to me and held my hand and looked at the sky.

It was darker now, and thre was a single star standing out in the sky. "You know," I started after a while feeling his thumb brush my hand as he held it to his and propped his head with the other, "they say, when there's only one star in the sky, all you wish for comes true." I said and looked at him as I finished.

He looked at me, and I noticed how close my face was to his. He leaned in and pecked my lips saying, "I have everything I wished for." With a huge smile on his face.

I returned his smile with a bigger one and said, "and I have more than I ever wished for." Then paused a little, then continued, "I didn't ask for an overload of brothers." I said with laughter in my voice, "but I could never imagine life without them." I said whispering the second part, "neither without you." I finished making him smile and I pecked his lips again making the kiss linger a little while.

"Neither will I." He said as we parted. I closed my eyes, and rested my head on his left shoulder, and put my right enterwined hand and his left one on his chest. As I opened my eyes and looked at the sky, I noticed it grew even more stars I have never seen as many back home.

After moments of silence, I asked, "how did you discover this place?"

He was silent for a while, then said, "I was once walking here the day before school started, I was tired, so I laid in the cave, ended up sleeping, and waking up at sunset. I wateched it and dozed off, and noticed the stars. I wanted you to be the first to come here with me." He told and looked at me lovingly at the end.

"I'm glad you did." I whispered. Our eyes locked in a gaze we both were lost in for so long I was lost in time.


"Here we are," Johnathan said as we reached my house. We had spent hours absently sitting on the sand merely staring at the stars and enjoying the other's company.

All throughout the ride, I was anxious. I wanted to tell Johnathan about being a boxer and knowing about him as well. I didn't know how to tell him. Should I sugar-coat it? Or straight forward? He knows Red Death, I mean, she's his friend. How will hi accept it? Will he b-

"MAIA!" I heard Johnathan's voice scream as he was shaking his hand in front of my face pulling me out of my daze again.

"Oh, uh, sorry," I mumbled, "I just dazed for a while." I said giving him a smile.


"Are you sure?" He asked concern. "You look pale. Please tell me I didn;t ruin the date in any way?"

"No, it was perfect. My perfect first date ever." I said giving him a sincere smile. He smiled back and said, "it's also my very first date. As well as the kiss." He finished grinning.

I looked at him and said, " guess it's the day of firsts." Chuckling at the end.

"Yeah," he said and got out of the car. I looked out and noticed we were already by my house. As soon as I unbuckled and reached for the door, it opened, with Johnathanholdingout his hand for me to hold. I looked at him and his huge smile, and took it willingly.

We walked silently hand in hand to the door. There, he held me back to look at me, I guess for a goodnight kiss.

But I couldn't, I still wanted to tell him, so I stepped away from him slightly and dragged him behind me as I walked to where I sat a couple of big chairs a couple years ago. I sat on one, and gestured for Johnathan to sit next to me.

"I need to tell you something." I said sighing. Johnathan looked at me confused then said, "go on. You can tell me anything."

I looked at him searching for something, anything, that could assure me he will accept me, and I found it. Love.

"I believe you know who Red Death is, right?" I asked looking at him wincing. He still looked confused, "yeah." He said, "what about her?" He asked.

Straight and forward. I chanted in my head. Straight and forward. "I'm Red Death." I said diverting my gaze from his eyes to the floor before I could see his reaction. "And I know you're S.J. too," I said then looked at him, "but it's okay, I unders-" I continued but was cut when he lifted his hand up with a horried look on his face.

"You knew all along I was S.J.?" He said whispering. The look in his eyes frightened me the most. He looked a mixture of mad, angry, and, disgust. "How could you not tell me!" He said raising his voice. "You knew for so long and didn't even bther to tell me!" He said almost screaming now.

"Well, I didn-" I started to protest, but he cut me off saying, "I can't believe you. It's like you were playing with me. Would you believe it if I told you I liked Red Death as well, but it took me long to end up choosing you, to find out I actually liked the same woman!" He said standing up and starting to walk away with a blank look.

I couldn't lose him. I can't lose him, not now. Not ever, so I followed him, "wait, Johnathan," and held onto hid elbow with a tear staining my right cheek.

He shrugged my hand away and said, "leave me alone Maia. I don't want to be with liers. The reason I changed from Wrestling to Boxing is that it had a lot of acting and scinarios and lies." And he left. I stood at the porch, looking at him as he left speeding with his car. I lost him.

I could do nothing now. So absently, I opened the house door, with a blank look on my face. I heard Jace's voice calling as I passed the living room, but it was like he was in a different town that the sound was hallow and I only could hear it echo behind the voices that kept chanting in my mind.

Leave me alone Maia.

I stareted climbing the stairs absently, not noticing where my foots step.

I wanted you to be the first to come here with me.

I reached the hall where our rooms stood. I could hear Jace calling after me as he left the living room, but still ignored it.

it's also my very first date. As well as the kiss.

I opened the door and shut it behind me locking it. I wanted no one with me.

How could you not tell me!

I finally reached my bed, and dropped on it, finally letting my tears flow freely as I buried my face in my pillow. I screamed, cried, hiccuped, but still I couldn't get this awful feeling out of my heart. Johnathan will never speak to me now again.

At the thought, I cried even harder. My cried became worce as it truned voiceless, and I could feel the ache at the back of my throat.

Johnathan propably now hates me. He won't ever speak with me ever again. And with that, I fell asleep in the pool of tears with the thought that Johnathan despise me. And the voice of Jace calling me from outside and asking for my room's key.

I guess the shooting star doesn't really make wishes come true.


"Maia?" I heard someone whisper next to me. It seems that I slept crying. I felt the soreness at the back of my throat, and felt my eyes double size. I looked at myself as I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was still in the dress I wore last night for the date. The date.

The day that began perfectly amazing, and ended up the worst way I could ever imagine.

"Maia?" I heard the same voice again calling as a hand shook my shoulder slightly. I opened my eyes, and saw my four brothers and standing around my bed, and Alicia sitting next to me on it, with her hand on my shoulder. All of their eyes held worry and unconditional careness in them.

"What happened?" Alicia asked in a whisper. I propped myself on my elbows and stood straight but still looked at my lap as I fiddled with my hands.

Finally, I started to speak, but my aching throat caused me to cough a little. Mason hurried and opened my school bag and took my water bottle out. It was almost full. He handed it to me to ease my throat ache.

After I gulped most of the water, I set it between my legs as I sat crossed-legs and set my hands around it as well.

I felt someone sit next to me, and noticed Shawn's black stained sweat pants with the corner of my eye. I felt as he resred his arm around my waist. Johnathan did the same last night.

The thought pulled a trigger in me, and tears prickled in my eyes and I sniffed. Knowing the sign, Alicia dashed and hugged me. I could see her motioning for my brothers to leave the room. They did, but hesitantly. I felt Shawn's hand loosen as the latest sign of their leave. As soon as they left, I loosened my tightly shut eyes, and tears dropped like endless rivers from my, and all Alicia could do was to hug me closer and rub my back soothingly.

After minutes I don't know how much, I calmed down to hiccuping. When I did, Alicia moved to sit at my left and held me by putting a hand on my back, as she used the other to hold my hand.

I knew she wanted an explanation, so I said, "I told Johnathan my secret."

I kept my eyes on my lap as I fiddled with my hands as I felt Alicia's arm moving across my back soothingly. "But he must've done something to make you that sad." She said whispering.

I looked at her and gave her a smile, "I can't tell you. It's his secret, not mine. And it's about it." I said and retrieved my look away.

Time passed and we sat in silence, the only moving thing was the clock and Alicia's hand on my back.

"What time is it?" I finally asked after moments of silence. Alicia looked at the time on her phone which she took from her pocket and said, "four thirty." Practice starts in an hour and half.

"I'll take a shower." I said. "You may go enjoy your boyfriend." I said gtinning at her. She didn't, instead, she frowned and started, "Maia..."

"It's okay," I said standing up. It's not like I'm dying or anything." I said as I walked to the bathroom.

I heard her heave a sigh as she left the room. I'll just bottle my pheelings and loosen them on the poor punching bag. I had tore it so many times.

I took off the now crumbled dress and got under the shower. My bad, I forgot to set the water and heat it up, and I was drenched all of a sudden with cold water. Just like the ones in the pool Johanthan dropped me in. Johnathan.

Hold it in. I chanted to myself. Hold it in. I thought as I took deep breaths.

I calmed down eventually, resulting with one or two tears which went unnoticed because of the water.

Eventually, I was done showering, and got dressed in a loose shirt that showed my shoulder, even if it had a strap to hold it. And loose pants, and I let my water-dripping hair loose.

I left the room. I was hungry. I probably have been asleep for nine hours. As I reached the stairs, I heard murmurs from the kitchen.

"I hate when I see her like that. I feel like the worst best friend anyone could ever have." I head Alicia say. But I knew she wasn't useless. Her presence was more than enough.

"It's okay, baby. We'll find a way to help Maia. We all love her." Shawn said soothingly most likely hugging her. Oh, how I wish Johnathan would hug me right now.

Tears prickled in my eyes again, but I shut them tightly and took deep breaths.

"I'm going to kill that Johnathan if he's the reason." That's Mason for you. The most overprotective of all four. I don't blame him, of course you would be overprotective over your twin.

"I don't think Maia would appreciate that." I heard Jace say. "But you can at the match today. Dad set you in a match against S.J. today." What match?

"Who's S.J.?" Alicia asked.

"Mr. Johnathan Heartbreaker." I heard Justin's voice dripping with sarcasm. They knew.

"So that's Johnathan's secret that Maia refused to tell me." Alicia said connecting the dots, but I could barely hear her as the thought of them knowing pulsed through my head. They knew and didn't tell me. I would completely understand why Selene didn't tell me, and neither did Jace. The same reason why Selene wouldn't tell Johnathan about me. But what about the others?

I was fuming on the inside. So I did the one thing I could think of. I ran away from home.


The walk to the arena takes an hour. I was luckily smart enough to bring my costume with me.

It took me a little more than an hour, bit eventually, I reached the arena. I walked in a bee line to my assigned room. Nobody was around yet, or the ones who were happened to not be in my way. I reached the room and changed into my makeshift costume I use for practice, covered my face, and headed to they gym.

The first thing I spotted was the punching bag. Poor thing. I strapped my gloves tightly, and started punching the bag with all I have of might. I pinched the hell out of it for I have no idea how long. But I know that by the time I was satisfied, there were other athletes in the gym. Two hours were left for the matches to start, so I left to my room to prepare.

On my way to my room, I saw my coach, who walked alongside of me.

"You have a big match tonight." She said. "Your belt is on stake."

"Against who?" I asked cutting to the chase.

"Ashley." She said making me groan. Now it's going to be harder to fight her, since she's my brother's friend. But I had no way to object, so I said, "sure." And walked hurriedly as she chose a different hall to walk through.

On my way, I checked the schedule which showed the matches of the day. Mine was the second. Mason and Johnathan was the latest.

As I started walking back to my room, I stumbled a little out of lack of balance. I shook my head to resteady myself, then resumed walking.

I guess I was lucky today I didn't see Johnathan yet.


The matches began. I was wearing my costume, but without its mask. I was sitting and gazing at it.

"Hey." I heard from the door. I looked and saw Alicia standing there looking very lost.

"Come here." I said gesturing for the seat next to me.

She skipped over, and hugged me as she sat. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

Exhausted. Drained. Were simple descriptions for how I felt. "Good." I said.

"Are you sure? You look pale." She said worriedly.

"I am." I said. "I took out all my frustration on the punching bag back in the gym. I believe I left a few cuts too." I said cracking a laugh at the end, making my head woozy for a few seconds.

"Yeah, I heard." She replied.

After moments of silence, she was about to say something, bit was stopped when coach entered the room, "time for the match."

"Be safe." Alicia said before I got up.

"Will be." I replied and walked out.

As I walked, I could feel the walls moving, bit didn't give notice. I saw coach talking, but all I did was nod my head as if I'm listening even though I wasn't hearing or understanding a word.

A few steps later, we reached the hall's entrance. The previous match was over, and now Ashley was entering. Coach handed me my belt, and stood waiting for the announcer to call my name.

"And now, the youngest champion you'll ever see. Please welcome, the winner of Ladies' Best Boxer, Red Death!" The announcer said and I walked as soon as he said my name, holding my belt up high, even though I couldn't resist any of the screaming people's faces. Their voices were like echo im my ears, and everything was moving, but I was too heart broker to care.

I heard my name being called by a familiar name as soon as I started walking. It was Johnathan. But he was too late, I'm already out live. No turning back.

I walked farther down the isle and descended my belt to hold it with one hand.

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