《Boxer Girl》11. Cave


I was pacing around my room. Everyone was having lunch, except for me. I declined. My brothers tried to protest, but I told them I'm going out with Johnathan. So they let me go, and Alicia gave a wink that went unnoticed by my brothers, but not Selene, who grinned.

I was a mixture of emotions. I was angry, mad. But at the same time, I was happy and enthusiastic. All mixed with a little nervousness.

I had no idea what to wear, what to do. Should I wear make-up? Wear casual clothes, or more of facny ones? Should I wear a dress? Or just plain top and jeans?

I let loose a sigh, and sat on the bed. I took my phone again, and looked at our latest conversation. After I accepted his offer, he replied:

As if it was casual and did nothing to me emotionally.

I shut down my phone and returned it back to its charger on my nightstand. I sighed again and rested my head in my palms and my elbows on my knees. What should I do.

I was deep in thoughts, that I didn't notice when someone opened the door, entered, and sat on my bed, until they put their hand on my hands for me to open my eyes. The person was Alicia. I smiled at her, and she returned it. "What's wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head and said, "nothing's wrong. In fact, it's amazing. Johnathan is taking me out on a date."

"Who's Johnathan?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up, and saw that both Ashley and Selene were surrounding my bed.

"My little brother." Said Selene looking at Ashley, who answered her by an acknowledging nod.

"And you're not ready because...?" Asked Alicia training off. I looked at her with pleading eyes, and replied with my pathetic answer, "I don't know what to wear." Looking down at my hands that were now in my lap.

"You should wear a dress, and a bikini too." Said Selene confidently. I looked at her and asked, "you know where he's taking me?"

"Yes." She said. "But don't try taking the truth, I'm not telling you."

At the mention of the truth, I remembered that Johnathan was secretly S.J.. But Ashley's presence here with a smile reminded me that I kept similar secret for a reason, so I declined thinking about his.

When I looked up, I noticed that both Ashley and Alicia were rummaging through my wardrobe, while Selene was searching my make-up. There wasn't mach.

"What are you doing?" I asked the three. Alicia left the wardrobe, and walked over to me. I looked up t her and she said, "go shower." In her most commanding tone.

I did as told. And as soon as I was out of the shower, I was surrounded by them. Ashley was holding a dress, Alicia had some shoes in hand, and the other was holding a purple bikini, while Selene was holding a hair drier in hand and a make-up box in another. I sighed and took the dress from Ashley's hand, and the bikini from Alicia's, who was grinning like there was no tomorrow.

It was a light orange dress, the color of the sky during sunset, with black straps on its edges and four lining on the waist. It reached above my knees and was ripped at the bottom in a delicate way. I remember wearing it once, at a cousin's engagement party.


Before I left the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw how the orange let out my brown hair and skin.

I heaved a sigh, and opened the bathroom door, to see that the girls have parted ways, each took a place to comfort herself from standing up. But as soon as they saw me, they all grinned and in one chores they said, "perfect." Which caused me to look at them creepily, and them to laugh.

Selene grabbed my elbow, and pushed me into a chair, where all the make-up was placed. I felt light tugging at my hair, but let it go. "Please don't cake me." I said to them all.

The three chuckled, and Selene said, "no promises." In a sing-song voice.

I opened my eyes abruptly, and looked at her with a death glare, making her crack a smile, "I'm kidding." She said after. Causing me to relax into the comfortable chair.


I was, for once, gorgeous. As I looked at myself in the mirror, the make up was perfect, thanks to Selene. The dress was perfect, as well as the shoes. I could never ask for better friends. And I couldn't stop grinning at myself still awe-struck. But I was pulled from my daze when Jace knocked on the door asking, "why is Johnathan here in a dress shirt and asking for Maia, blushing?" He asked cracking a little at the end, but laughter lessened when he saw me.

"What the hell are you wearing?" He asked dumbfounded when he looked at me. "You're not going on a date with Johnathan, are you? You said you were going out, not a date!"He said almost screaming at the end with a weird look on his face. Luckily, Selene charged to his side calming him, "it's only a date." She said reasonably. "And she's a senior now. She has a right to go on dates." She said flashing him an adorable smile.

He looked at her lovingly and said, "okay." Opening the door farther for me to go out.

I looked at Selene grinning, who winked at me as Jace grabbed her by the waist. I looked away and started walking down the stairs, to stop at the top and take a deep breath.

It's just a date. I thought, and started walking again. I descended down the stairs cautiously. It's not often I wear heals, even i they weren't that high.

As soon as I reached the bottom floor, I began my hunt for my date. I looked for Johnathan in the kitchen first, but he wasn't there, so I went to the living room. He wasn't there either, but Shawn was. As soon as he saw me, he faced me and asked, "are you seriously going on a date with Johnathan?" With a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

I blushed a little, looked down at my shoes, then up and confirmed, "yes."

Shawn finally gave me a big smile and said, "he's one lucky guy." And winked at me before he returned to his show. Since when does he watch Smallville? Yeah, well, Tom Welling is hot, the poor thing probably doesn't know he'll lose Lana so evil me said, "You know Clark is going to lose Lana at the beginning of series 8?" And ran out of the room hearing his voice screaming at me calling for my return.

I giggled as I walked farther away but was stopped when I bumped into a standing figure. I looked up and saw Johnathan standing before me looking at me with a grin splitting his face in half, well, almost.


"Hi." I said in a whisper. His hair was standing up, and actually combed neatly. He was wearing a light green dress shirt and very dark green khaki pants. They match his eyes.

"Thank you. I knew you would think that." He said succumbing a laugh inside. And then it hit me. I said that out loud.

"Oh, god." I said covering my face, causing Johnathan to chuckle and embrace me in a hug with my hands still covering me. And while he was at it, he muttered, "you look more gorgeous than you usually are." In my ear causing me to blush and let loose a chuckle.

After a while of comfortable hugging, luckily no one saw us or they would kill me with mockery, we finally left my house, and headed outside to his car. He opened the door fir me, and then headed for his side of the car. As soon as he sat there, he took my hand in his and drove the car.

"Should I bother asking where we're going, or are you as secretive as your sister?" I asked hoping he would tell me our destination.

He chuckled at than, but then shook his head and said, "nope. Don't even bother wasting your energy on it." With a grin on his face.

I sighed loudly, then took my hand out of his and crossed my arms pouting like a kid and looked to the front.

"Oh, come on, baby. You'll find out anyways, so why waist the surprise?" He said reaching for my hand again. But out of all the sentence, the only word that struck to me was baby. He called me baby! I grinned and untangled my hands to intertwine mine in his outstretched one.

All throughout the ride, we sang to the songs on the radio that we happened to know, or tried to at the ones we didn't. He made me laugh and smile all the time. But mostly my happiness was because of his hand being in mine.

Soon enough, Johnathan parked the car. I looked outside, and saw a building I never saw before. Before I could even unbuckle, Johnathan had already opened my door and outed his hand requesting mine. I got out and took hold of his willingly with a little heat reaching my cheeks.

"Where are we?" I asked as we started walking. He didn't answer, instead, he continued walking until we reached the double doors. He told me to wait a little until he takes care of something. I looked around, with a weird smell that was eerily familiar.

In a matter of seconds, Johnathan returned with a woman walking behind him with a smile. I looked confusedly at them, and I walked a few steps towards them.

"Maia," started Johnathan, "meet my cousin, Sara. He parents own this Canada Center." He said grinning.

"Hi," said Sara, and I waved back with a sincere smile. "I'm really happy to hear that Johnathan actually dates. I thought he was going to die married to a couple of cats, except he's allergic to them." She said laughing a little.

"Yeah, well," I started, "he might be. Who knows what the future holds. Or it could be mice instead of cats." I said snickering at the end of my speech causing Sara to laugh as well, mostly at Johnathan's pout.

After a few seconds of silence, She finally said, "we have several activities here. Ice skating, bowling, swimming, and more. What would you like?" She had a big smile that caused her blue eyes to close a little. I felt Johnathan's arm snake around my waist, so I looked at him not knowing what to choose.

"We'll go bowling first." He said looking at his cousin, then me with a smile and sparkling eyes which held me captive in them.

"Alright, follow me." Sara said leading the way. Johnathan kept his arm around me as we walked, not that I'm anything against it.

Soon enough, we reached the ally, and were handed white shoes in exchange of our ones.

"Let's see who's the best." Said Johnathan choosing a purle ball as I finished wearing my shoes.

"Oh, it's on." I said standing up. I took a light pink one, because I noticed a big instruction manual that was taped to the wall. It showed that pink balls are the lightest, and purple ones are the heaviest. Poor Johnathan. I'm taking the advantage here.

Johnathan took the lead, and shot the first ball. He knocked down almost half the cones, which he winced at. He tried a second shot, but to his misfortune, he only knocked one. So he ended up with the score of eight out of fifteen.

I took the pink ball again as Johnathan sat on one of the seats behind our lane. I positioned my hand to match a straight line with the lane, put the ball higher, then dropped it to let it glide through the lane. I turned my back to it since it would take some time to reach the end, and went to grab a ball. Before I could get hold of any, I heard the sound of something crash, and saw Johnathan's shocked face. I looked behind me to see that I knocked thirteen out of fifteen, but the cliche farthest two were still standing with glory. I groand, but stopping in the middle as one of them fell to the side, causing me to jump and squeal in happiness and mockery. I took a second ball, but failed at knocking the latest one, causing Johnathan to laugh at my failed attempts and pout.

"I still have a better score than yours, and game's not over yet." I said back as his turn came.


"Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! I told you I'll beat you." I said as I was jumping in my place up and down mocking Johnathan, who had lost with fourteen scores less than me.

"That was a lucky shot!" He exclaimed as we handed the casheir the shoes and took ours. He was one score higher than me, but I did the golden shot and knocked the cones in one shot.

"It definitely was not!" Grumbled Johnathan as we left the bowling ally.

"Yeah, right." I scoffed, then walked ahead of him. "Where are we going now?" I asked as I walked through the hall. There were posters of what was in the Center, and many commercials for many thing. There were plants decorating the place as well. I looked behind me, and saw Johnathan standing by a door already opening it for me with a smug smirk on his face.

"Wipe that stupid smirk away." I said walking through the door, instantly hit by the cold. "Ice Skating!" I exclaimed happily.

"You did it before?" Johnathan asked me as he walked next to me.

"No," I said with a small frown, "but I always wanted to." I continued grinning while looking at him.

"Good. " He said mastering a huge smile of his own.

We walked to the cashier, and exchanged our shoes with skates. "Just wait five minutes. They're working in the arena. It'll be done soon." the cashier said as he exchanged the shoes.

We walked bare legs to the seats to wear our scates. On our way, we passed a vending machine, and Johnathan bought us some chocolate and some chips to ease my grumbling stomach in which I did not notice its existance.

As we sat and Johnathan helped me wear the skating shoes, we started chatting again, and eating the food and enjoying the other's presence. Until the music started, and Johnathan stood up abruptly, "may I have this skating dance?" In the weirdest voice I ever heard from him causing me to burt=st laughing. There were people already scating. Couples, friends, singles, you, and even old ones. We walked to the ice rink, where Johnathan walked before me, and held his hands out to hold me, which I took gracefully.

As I put my first leg on the ice rink, I stumbled a little, but got hold on my self before I did anything humiliating. I grabbed into Johnathan, and put my second foot on the ice rink, but still put both my arms on Johnathan's shoulders, all the while laughing and chucklingwith a huge grin.

I clutched Johnathan's arm as he started moving and said deadily, "don't you dare leave me or I'll kill you." And his reaction as he gulped visibly satisfied me.

"Move slowly and let the ice take care with the action." ohnathan said as he held one of my hands, and I held the railing with my tightest hold. I moved my right leg, but it started slipping, so I retreaved it, for it to slip faster than my intention, and almost falling, if it weren't for Johnathan, who held me tightly. "It's not like walking." He said, "try gliding. Because when you glide, the floor beneath you takes care of most of your movement, and you're not the only one to. You need to learn how to cope with that, and learn how much power you need to not fall when you skate alone, which you will." He said as he let go and showed me what he meant. I started gliding on the ice like he said as slowly as I could, and he reached my hand for support. Which didn't go unnoticed.

Soon enough, I was skating much better, but still, we did fall. And I didn't just fall on the ground. I fell for his laughter when he would fall to the ice taking me with him, I fell for his dimple that always stood on his cheek. I fell for his green eyes everytime I saw him looking at me. I fell for him whole.


"Where are we going now?" I asked as we left the rink. We finally wwere done with skating. My legs were sore, I don't doubt having a bruise or two by any chance. But it was all worth it. The fun. The happiness. His touch.

"Swimming." He said. "Selene gave you a bikini, right?" He asked looking at me.

"I shouldv'e thought of that." I grumbled to myself making him chuckle a little.

We walked up the stairs, until we reached a big hall. The smell of chlorine entered my nostrils, making me smile. I didn't go swimming a lot this summer. Only once or twice because both my brothers and Alicia dragged me out, I was married to my bed.

"Where do I change?" I asked. He gave me a key and said, "locker four, you can out everything in it, and there's a towel and some shampoo if you want to shower after we're done." He said with a smile and gestured for the ladies lockers.

I walked ahead before he left, and he called, "I'll wait for you." He said and I entered the ladies room waving him away.

The locker room was white with a hint of beige and light blue all around. There were lockers covering most of the room which were tall. There was about fourty around the square room, and a small door that lead to what I suppose the changing and showering rooms. I entered there, and there was a woman in there changing for a young girl. She looked like her, same ocean blue eyes and same ebony hair. I smiled and entered one of the stalls and closed it behind me.

As soon as I took off my dress, I got out and delicately set my dress in the forth locker.

I got out of the room, and saw the woman I saw earlier swimming, and teaching her child to swim. The kid looked scared a little, but still trusted her mother.

All of a sudden, my thoughts were interrupted as hands sneaked around my bare waist and felt someone kiss my right cheek. I looked to my right grinning, and was assured when I saw Johnathan grinning at me, sending a shiver down my spine. But then I noticed that his smile was sneaky, but I was too late, he already had me on his shoulder.

"LET ME DOWN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Johnathan walked around.

"Your wish is my command, princess." He said, and before I could regist what he said, I was already launched in the freezing, already hitting the bottom. I looked up through the water, and saw his figure standing, but then, he jumped next to me, and held me tight taking me out of the water with him.

As soon as reached the surface, I took one huge gulp of air, filling my lungs to the max, satisfying them, opening my eyes at last.

I looked around searching for Johnathan, but didn't see him around anywhere. I searched around in circles, but he was nowhere to be found.

All of a sudden, I felt something brush the bottom of my leg, and I pulled it up disgusted. For the second one to be pulled from under me, and I fell, once again, under the water.

The first thing I saw as I looked around was Johnathan's grin. So I started reaching for him to hit him, but to no avail. He always swam farther away from me. I got depressed, and decided to get out of the water. Mostly because of the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

I got out, and watched for Johnathan's figure under the water as he surfaced as well. As soon as his head was out of the water, I splashed him with all my might several times as he covered his face and screamed "stop, stop." To no avail. I was mad at him for scaring me.

Soon enough, I was satisfied, and stopped. He took a few moments to take deep breath, but then started laughing, so I started splashing him again and he called fast, "okay, okay. I'm sorry. I think that was more than enough payback." So I stopped. I looked at him angrily as I crossed my arms together and pouted. He saw me and his features softened.

Johnathan swam until he stood in front of me. He held me by the waist, and got me closer to him and said, "I'm sorry. I won't scare you like that again. I promise." He said giving me one of his most gorgeous smiles he paired with his white teeth. It always got to me, so I said, "Okay." Smiling back splashing him by surprise.

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