《Boxer Girl》10. Couples.


I was staring at the seiling absently. The sence of deja vu from this morning was coursing through my veins. Just this morning, I was having happy thoughts. And this night, my mind was swirling with everything that had happened this day.

Turned out, my best friend wasn't at some doctor appointment, but in a date with my brother, who clearly snuck into my phone and stole her number long ago. She didn't tell me, neither did he.

Add to that, the so called S.J. turned out to be the one and only Johnathan Singer. I still don't believe how come I never saw it coming, or even noticed the signs. Being absent the same time I was at the arena. The rip in his Halloween clothes. His eyes. That day I caught him in S.J.'s boxing suit, or his boxing suit now.

But there lies one problem. I can't confort him. I never would be able to. How would I explain that he lied to Red Death, unless he knew I was Red Death.

But then, the grumbling in my stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten all day. I didn't care much. The events of the day made me lose my appitite, so I pulled my school bag, and searched for my water bottle to shut down my stomach. It was, unfortunately, empty.

I got up sighing. I didn't want to risk the chance of meeting Shawn, but the sudden sandy feeling in my mouth aurged me to. I got up from the bed, and as soundlessly as I could, I decended down the stairs, and when I reached the kitchen, I peeked through the threshold hoping no one sees me. The kitchen, luckily, was empty. So I took my chance and entered it, filled the bottle with tap water, and retreaved to my room hurriedly.

As I reached door, I closed it behind me, to be startled with a figure sitting on my bed. The figure's head snapped up at the voice of me coming in, and I saw Shawn sitting on my bed. So much for not wanting to meet him. I thought.

"What?" I asked coldly.

"Can we talk?" He asked me vulnerably in a soft voice. I looked at him. I was mad. Very.

"Talk." I said cutting to the chase.

He took a deep breath then said, "I love Alicia, and with the stunt you pulled today, she left me. She thought I was cheating on her."

I looked at him silently. I knew they deserve that for keeping that from me, but deep inside, I knew I didn't want to see them hurt.

I was hurt because they didn't trust me on such secret. They were the closest people to my heart.

"Why?" I asked, "why did you keep this from me?"

Shawn looked down at his hands and fiddled with them for a while. I stood in front of him crossed arms. He's going nowhere today without a propper explination. "I didn't want to tell you. Ali was going to tell you right after our first convirsation, but I stopped her. I wanted to surprise you." He said at once looking at me at the end of his short speech.

"Why?" I asked shorty. "You know how excited I was when I found out you liked my friend. And it was finally my chance to help you find love. Am I really that untrust worthy to you that you wouldn't tell me?" I asked my voice cracking at the end.


He abruptly got off the bed and stood facing me and sid, "no, it's not that." He said, then heaved a sigh and continued, "I wanted to surprise you by showing you my ability to attrack girls. I remember you once asking is I was gay, too. Plus, the look of delight and surprise would've been worth to see too. I wanted to see you squealing happily, and see your mood swings too. We were planning on telling you today after school. but you never came home. So I took her to the arena."

I looked at him pointedly. It was, in fact, a sweet gesture of him, that he remembered me. But I wanted to tick him off a little more as a payback and said, "why should I believe you? It could be all a lie you created while waiting for me."

"It's not!" He exclaimed. "Why would I lie to you? I need you in my life. The only woman I knew my entire life. You, the most caring person. Practically our mother, but in a younger version."

Our mother. I thought. The only thing that struck to me. And I forgot all about the plan of teasing and annoying him and getting a payback. And the only thought was of the woman every girl needs in life, which I lost.

"Oh, god." I heard Shawn say as he moved closer hugging me closer to him as I sniffed a cry.

After a few seconds, I calmed down, tapped Shawn's chest and looked at him slightly looking up, since he was taller than me. "It's okay." I said with a small smile.

"You sure?" He asked as he took a small step back still holding me. I heard a buzz but ignored it, and looked at my brother sincerely, "yes." I said.

He looked as if he wanted to say something, but then retreated. I looked at him tilting my head and asked, "what's wrong?"

He shook his head silently, then said, "nothing. It's nothing." And started leaving the room. I got hold of his arm and looked pointedly.

"I had a nightmare this morning. This was why I was mad." He said as he sighed. "It was the first nightmare I ever had, and I was scared. It was about Alicia not accepting me because she didn't want to ruin you two's friendship." He said with sadness in his eyes. I felt sorry for him He doesn't deserve that, so I said, "I won't stand in the middle of you finding love, nor in the middle of my friend finding her's. I promise." I said with the whole truth.

He smiled in my direction, and said, "it's okay. I understand." And he walked out of the room

As soon as his figure was out, I sat on my bed and finally took a few gulps of my water. I must get them back together at any cost. I thought. But then I heard the buzz again, and looked at the direction of my phone as it cut my thoughts. I looked at the screen and saw that I recieved two massages. I checked out to see what Alicia sent:

Was the first massage, and the other said:

I sort of knew what she wanted to tell me, but I didn't want her to leave my brother either. So the only chance is to tell her my secret, even if there was a chance she'll leave me.


The next day came, and I woke up surprisingly early. I did my normal boring rutine, and put Alicia's favorite shirt of mine. She said it was a perfect fit. I could use it to my advantage.


As I walked down the stairs, I heard rustling in the kitchen. I entered and saw Jace and Justin there. The weirdest thing was that Justing was trying to help Jace prepare breakfast. Key word: trying. I laughed silently at his attempt of cracking an egg to make omlette, as he crushed it whole in his hand causing him to grunt and let out a disgusted girly squeak, causing me to double laughing.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I moved closer to him. "I don't think we'll appreciate having crunching eggs for breakfast." I said with laughtr in my voice.

He looked at me pleadingly like a lost puppy then said, "I want to impress her."

That caught me off gaurd. Her. Is my brother, Juatin of all of them, interested in someone.

As if he could read my mind, he said, "my new founded friend."

I looked at him impressed and asked, "who is she? A dancer?" I snickered at the end. He always had something for danceres, and remember him banging all the dance team when he was in high school.

"I don't think I can work as a dancer." A voice said stopping me from pinching Justin's reddened cheeks. I looked behind and I saw Ashley. The one who broke my arm.

"Ashley?" I asked confused, then looked at both my brothers. Jace had a similar expression as mine, confused. But Justin had a sheepish one as he walked next to Ashley and said, "Maia, I want you to meet Ashley, my friend."

I scoffed in my mind, I had met her alright. I thought. But then remembered, in here, I'm not Red Death, the one who defeated her twice. I was Maia Miller, the siuster of the four sons of Miller, as they are known in the arena.

I got into act, and moved closer to Ashley and said, "nice meeting you." Extending my hand witha smile on my face. Maybe behind all these muscles of hers, lies a heart of gold. I couldn't know if I didn't try.

"It's nice to meet you too. Except that you look eerily familiar." She said tilting her head at the end. I chuckled lightly and said, "you probably saw me two years ago when I actually used to come with my brothers." I said. She looked relieved and said, "most likely." With a huge smile.

Justin moved away, and returned next to the counter, when Ashley and I sat together at the table,. Since it was Saturday, Jace usually makes a big breakfast. Just like he's doing right now. He started putting many different plates in front of us, while Justin was tryin to whist the eggs.

I moved closer to Ashley, trying to start small talk and get to know her. "If you would like some crunchy eggs, I suggest you eat Justin's eggs. If you feel like unlife-threatening ones, eat Jace's." I said loudly enough for both of them to hear. Ashley chuckled, while Jace snickered as he put his scrambled eggs in a plate. They looked, like everything else, delicious.

I looked at Justin, and his face was red. I took my phone out of my back pocket, opened the camera, and called him. As soon as he looked, I snapped a picture of his confused self with red cheeks.

"Thanks." I said putting it back in my pocket, and sliding slightly off my chair. As soo as Justin finally understood what just happened, he got mad, and grumbled saying, "you better delete that."

Before he could start following me, I muttered to Ashley, "Welcome to the Miller family." And took off running around the house. taking as many turns as possible to make it harder for Justin. I finally ended up in Mason's room and closed it behind me. He was still asleep, so I took his keys, and wrote him a note and put it in the place of his keys. Let's hope Shawn accepts giving him his car.


After I snuck out of the house. Luckily, Justin had given up, I started drivign over to Alicia's. Before I left, I sent her a massage telling her I'm coming over.

Ten minutes later, I was by her house. I still didn't leave the car. I was prepping on how to tell her that Shawn never cheated on her. And I ended up with an idea.

I got up, and locked the car behind me. And started walking over to the door. As soon as I knocked, Alicia opened it. She looked sad and worn out. Her eyes were puffy, and she seemed like she cried all night.

"Oh, god." Was all I could say before I englufed her in a hug. I hate seeing her sad. It hurts to, especially knowing that I had a hand in it. We rocked back and forth a little as she let a few hiccups out.

"Why didn't you call me?" Was all I asked before closing the door behindd me.

We walked to her room in silence, and all I did was out my hand on the small of her back and walk with her.

We entered her room, and she locked it behind me. I still didn't hear a word from her, until she said, "I'm sorry." With pleading in her eyes.

I sat on the bed, and patted it next to me indicating for her to sit as well. She did, and sat in silence for a bit.

"I lied to you." She started. I kept my expression neutral and gestured for her to continue. "I never had a doctor appointment, I was going out on a date with your brother, Shawn. It was our first date. She said with a smile on her face as she looked on the floor. "It was perfect. We wanted to tell you as soon as school was over, and we went to your house. But you never came home. He said that you two had a fight, but I didn't know why. So after lounging around in your house, and ypu still didn't return, Shawn said that he wanted to take me somewhere. He took me to the arena where your brothers box and fight, saying he wanted me to know exactly what I was getting into. And I knew exactly." She said as her eyes turned cold at the end.

I urged her to finish, and she did, "turned out, he had other girls there. I expected to hear that Justin had several girls, but not Shawn." She said her eyes getting teary.

"He doesn't have many girls. Only you." I said senserely looking her in the eye.

"He alreay told you, didn't he?" She asked. "He probably toldd you some lie about his innocence."

"He never did." I said diverting my eyes away.

I then looked at her and said, "please don't hate me," with pleading dripping from my voice.

She looked confused so I blurt out, "I'm Red Death. He didn't have to lie about anything because I was there when it all happened." I said in one breath.

She was silent. No reflex. This is what I feared, the storm after the calm, and now we were in the calm phase.

But the surprise was, the storm was a hug that kncked the breath out of me. I heard her whisper, "Shawn never cheated?" As she was pushing the breath out of me.

"Yes." I said breathlessly, "but I don't think he'll be with you if you killed his sister." I said with my latest breaths, causing her to let go of me.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked grinning, "you have, like, this double cool life. student at day, boxer at night. Just like Hannah Montana."

"Yeah, well. Boxer only Sunday nights." I said grinning sheepishly.


"SHAWN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as soon as I walked through the door. But Shawn wasn't the one I met first.

"You're lucky you're home this early." Mason said as he snatched the car keys away from my hand and walked past me out.

I giggled at the was he responded, and walked more into the house, and saw Shawn Jogging down the stairs that he almost tripped in the middle. But he did trip when he looked at me, and saw Alicia behind me.

As soon as he fell, Alicia let out a startled cry, and practically ran over to his side nurcing wherever he was hurt. I decided to give the two a moment get back together, andwent to the living room, but before I did, I winked at Shawn as he looked at me confused with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished. Or should it be promise.

As I entered the living toom, I saw Justin with Ashley sitting on one couch and Jace and Selene on another. "Would you look at the lovers fair." I said gushing and clasping my arms together. Selene laughed, while Jace only smiled kissing the side of her head. But on the other hand, Justin and Ashley looked at each other with horror and sat faurther than they aready were, giving me a spot in the middle.

As soon as I sat there, I looked at Justin and said, "have I ever told you you look cute with your cheeks red." Causing him to heave a sigh. I grinned and looked away to watch ehatrever hey were watching.

Until a buzz cut me off. I looked at my phone from Ashley's side, and saw that it was a massage from Johnathan. It said:

I looked at the TV, there an action movie was on. I was never into action, so I replied:



I hope this one didn't suck. Not my best chapter. I hope you liked it, and if you did, please five it a vote, and feedback telling your thoughts about it. I would lovingly appreciate it.


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