《Boxer Girl》9. secrets Are Discovered.


Halloween was over. It was Friday. My life was back to its boring self.

I was bored. Everything was boring, and the worst problem, I woke up extra early without noticing, and now, I can't get back to sleep.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling absently as I thought about my life.

Thanks to Johnathan, Algebra became one of the subjects I aced. Even though I no longer need his help, we still would sit together at his house and study. It became a habit now. In fact, he's the first boy I befriended, and I like that.

Alicia was her normal self. Being the most innocent person I've ever met, caring, loving. But most importantly, crushing on Shawn.

At the memory of their crushing on each other, I thought I might be able to hook them together. Who knows. Since Shawn is leaving Boxing as soon as he gets enough money for the artists college he's joining, he's leaving there.

My thoughts were cut when I finally heard my clock's buzz, indicating time to wake up.

I left the bed and headed down stairs. But before I reached the stairs, I noticed Jace descending down them, so I jogged over and hopped on his back. Wrong move. I thought as we both fell down the stairs.

"You're lucky I'm strong enough that we didn't fall, and that I love you enough not to kill you right now." He grumbled as he walked down holding me by my knees as I clung into his shoulders tightly.

When we reached down, he let go of my legs, causing me to almost fall of it weren't for my death grip around his neck.

"Why the hell are you awake this early?* he asked grumpily as he looked at me half eyed.

"I have no idea." I said grinning while slumping my shoulders upwards in a rejecting manners.

"Well, never do it again." He said as he walked to the kitchen table, crossed his arms together on it, and rested his head on it, face down.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting opposing him with a worried look on my face.

He lifted his face from inbetween his arms with a sleepy smile on it. "Nothing's wrong. You just never witness this phase of my morning. You would still be grumoily tossing yourself around." He finished with a wicked grin.

I tossed him an angry look, but couldn't say otherwise. He was right. I'm not a morning person, and it's the weirdest thing I woke up this early.

"Fine, whatever." I said putting my legs on the table ignoring him as I crossed my arms behind my head and closed my eyes.

"Okay, what woke you up so early?" He asked shifting in his place.

"I don't know." I said oppening one eye and looking at him.

He chuckled then asked, "what's up that crazy mind of yours?" He said indicating for my head.

I looked at him warily. I hope he doesn't laugh when I tell him, so I say, "please don't laugh." I plead.

Jace looked at me more awake now. He shifted his back up and straightened it, "I promise." He said.

"I'm thinking of ways to hook Alicia and Shawn together." I said wincing a little wondering what will be his reaction.

I never got to know it, because both our gazes pulled from each other and into the dining room's door when we heard Shawn's voice screeching, "You're doing WHAT?"


I was startled, and I think I exchanged my lips with a fish because I couldn't utter a word and kept opening and losing my mouth at that moment. I'm screwed.

"Why the hell would you interfere with my love-life?" He asked angrily as he moved closer.

"Because I know you like her." I said pointedly, "and I know she likes you, so why not be together?"

"Because I never asked you!" He practically screamed.

"Well, then. I'm sorry." I said calmly getting up and heading back to my room awaiting Alicia's arrival.

I laid on my bed. This was very unusual. Shawn had never screamed. Never. And to top that, he was never mad at me. He was always calm and collected after Jace. The one with creative ideas. I recalled memories of him asking me to model for someof his paintings, I would sit like a statue for hours and not complain. It was very relaxing. The aroma he lives in is relaxing. So when he screamed at me startled me, even scared me.

A buzz took me out of my memory lane of events me and Shawn shared. I opened it, and saw that I recieved a text from Alicia:

I replied:

And shut down my phone. The walk to school takes a lot of time, so I grabbed my bag and left silently, leaving my phone in its charger.


I spent the day alone. I didn't see Johnathan anywhere until fourth period. I was sitting in silent, but grumpy. I was surprisingly still effected by Shawn's attitude towards me, and now hunger was added to my Bad-Mood Reasons list. Yeah, I had one. And yes, school is in it too.

After what felt like my entire life, the bell finally rung, indicating the end of class. I practically jumped from my seat and headed out of the class. Alomst. Because I never reached the door as someone dragged me back slowing me down.

I looked at the hand around my wrist, and looked back scowling at Johnathan saying, "let go, I'm starving."

He did let go, but still walked next to me. "What crowled up your butt and died there this morning?" He asked laughing.

I looked at him scowling, I definitely did not need his sarcasm at the moment.

"Okay, okay." He said stepping a few feet away from me lifting his arms in the air in surrender.

I looked back ahead. I'm definitely not in the mood. Which means Shawn picked the wrong time to get mad at me, because I think I might be PMSing at the moment.

"I'll meet you at lunch." I said to Johnathan and without a reply, I left to the bathroom. In there, I was sure that my hormones were overflowing in my veins at the moment.

As soon as I finished my business, I left the bathroom and went to the cafeteria. The halls were almost empty, apart from one or two students who stayed behind with their teachers for god-knows-why.

As I reached the cafeteria, I had already lost my appetite. I didn't feel like eating at the moment too, so I went over to Johnathan and sat opposite him. I looked at him, as in really looked at him. And for the first time, I notice how his hair is always up, tousled even. How his eyes were set in a straight white line giving him the perfect smile. How his jawline is defined, but familiar for some reason. His brown eyes looking warmly at everyone he looks at, and the weird sensation of familiarity somewhere else. How his body-built is, his arm muscles, his broad shoulders-


"Are you... Checking me out?" Johnathan said snapping me out of my moment. He was chuckling with an amused grin on his white-pearl teeth.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I replied lamely.

"I see." He replied giving me a weird look. A few moments of silence later, he asked, "why aren't you eating?" Due to my face-attached-table.

"Not hungry." I replied shortly, even though I knew it was muffled by the table.

"You said you were starving." He said immediately. I looked up and noticed that he had put down his food. Uh oh. I'm in trouble. Johnathan is one to have one of the closest relations to his food.

He was about to say something, when the bell rung cutting him off. I got up with an apologetic smile, and left the cafeteria hurriedly taking gulps of my freezing water.


I was mad. All the day I spent it bottling my anger inside, waiting for this moment. For the moment of me facing the punching bag.

I was mad. Every time I thought about what Shawn did made me angrier. And what's worse, is that no one will understand me for being mad.

I was mad. Shawn picked the exact wrong time to get me pissed. My mood throughout my period days depend on the very first day. If it was good, everyhthing passes like cool water. If something ticked me off, all hell breaks loose.

I was mad, and I didn't have my best friend to calm me a little.

I think I just tore the pinching bag. That poor thing, always getting hurt for no reason.

After school today, I didn't go home, I came to the gym right away. I was the first here today, so I took it to my advantage, and started punching the bag. I have no idea how long ave I been punching it, but it could have passed hours, because just now my coach has finally arrived.

"How long have you been here?" She asked as she looked at my sweaty-self.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "I came here straight after school."

"That's like three hours!" She exclaimed worriedly. "This is not healthy." She said with a mad expression on her face.

I descended down from the ring, grabbed my no-longer frozen bittle and chugged the whole contents of it.

"What did you do here?" My coach asked, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Just the bag." I answered shortly cutting to the chase.

"It's time for you to rest, then." She said sighing, causing me to jump from my spot calling, "NO!"

"What then?" She asked.

"I'm going for a run." I said as I pulled my headphones from my bag with my iPod, and headed to the deserted running-machines.

"You have one hour max." She said timing the machine, causing it to stirr ti life speeding up little by little until the assigned speed.

The hour passed by in a blur with me lost in the sound of music and using it to forget the world. As I was almost over, coach came over with a new water bottle and handed it to me with a dry towel. I thanked her and headed to my assigned room.

I know I'm not allowed to sleep after sport for three hours, so I took the clodest shower I ever had avoiding the soreness I was going to face tomorrow and freshened up. The cool water felt good after the hot one. I just hope not to get sick tomorrow.

I was about to walk out of the room, when I saw two familiar figures walking past my room.

I peeked out of the door to be stunned by the sight of my best friend and brother walking hand in hand.

At that sight, I forgot everything in the world and walked out of my room following their figures. I heard Alicia say, "why did you bring me here?" She asked.

Shawn replied, "I wanted you to see my work of art that I hide in my assigned room. Nobody saw it, and I never wanted anyone to see t, until you." He was looking at her lovingly.

He always showed me everything he drew. Always cared what was my opinion, and always asked if there was anything I see wrong. I thought he showed me everything. Turned out I was wrong. And I knew that was my cue to make my move.

"Excuse me!" I called dow the hall. They both looked back. A confused look on Alicia's face, but starstruck at the same time, and a pale one on Shawn's that he even let go of Alicia's hand. That move didn't go unnoticed by her.

"What the hell is going on here?" I said walking over to them with my hands on my hips and anger flaring in my voice.

"How do you know her?" Alicia asked silently.

"Oh, he knows me. He knows me well." I said with venom lacing my voice looking at her, and then I looked at Shawn wih every bad emotion swarming in my eyes; betrial, anger, disappoitment.

"I can't believe you." I said then headed past them.

I walked fast, not wanting him or her to call after me. I kept walking and walking, until I saw Selene by chance walking one of the halls.

I walked over to her, but her back was to me. I followed after her calmly, but before I reached her she entered a room. I looked up and saw S.J. carved on top of it.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I peeked from the small crack where the door was slightly open.

The shocking shight of Selene hugging S.J. stunned me. Selene's face was to me, so that S.J.'s back was to me. They were hugging longingly and lovingly, that it stunned me that I thought she would be perfect for Jace.

But what stunned me more, was when the two let go, and I for the first time saw S.J. without his mask. It was Johnathan.


And viola, S.J., or should I say Johnathan, is caught. Like you didn't see it coming.

I hope you like it, if you did please vote. And I would really love getting feedback on this chapret specifically.


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