《Boxer Girl》7. Leaked.


Just looking at Alicia intimidatedme. Mostly because I know my brother is crushing on her.

All of a sudden, she burtsed, "okay. What have I done?"

I woke from my dreams and thoughts of ways to hook her up with my brother. I looked at her for extra seconds to tick her off then asked, "do you like someone?"

She blushe. And that was my cue to smirk. "Who is he?" I asked sneakily.

"I- I can't tell you." She stuttered then looked down at her food ignoring my look.

I faked a look of hurt. If she didn't want to tell me, then that means he's my brother. "But I'm your best friend, aren't I? You should tell me. Like when I told you I like Johnathan." I said and she looked up. As she did she looked behind me and paled.

I looked behind me as well. And Johnathan was standing there with his mouth ajar.


"I still can't believe you ran away when Johnathan came yesterday. That was your chance to tell him everyhing." Alicia said as we walked to the clinic. They were removing my cast, which means no more Friday nights with Alicia.

"You don't understand. I can't be with someone, even if I like them." I replied with a sad smile.

Alicia let loose a light chuckle and said, "yeah, right. Your brothers."

"Yes." I answered. "Speaking of which," I continued, "you haven't told me who you liked." I finished as we sat in the waiting room.

She blushed again, damn she's a tomato. "It's no one." She said whispering.

"I never knew Shawn was no one to you." I said looking at her waiting for her reaction. It was perfectly satisfying.

She blushed even redder, that I think we're lucky if one of the arteries exploded from the amount of pressure and blood. Her eyes were huge and mouth ajar.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked slightly hurt she kept shuch thing from me.

Speak for yourself. I thought.

She looked at me with watery eyes. The poor thing never cared or had a crush on anyone.

"I just-" she started, "I never liked anyone, and I don't want to hurt our relationship by me dating your brother, and-" she said but I stopped her by giving her a tight hug almost chocking her.

"What was that for?" She asked as I pulled away.


"I don't care if it's my brother you like. I'm happy you didn't fall for the wrong person." I said.

"Wait," she said confused, "you're not mad?" She asked with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Why would I be?" I asked with smile of my own.

We were about to hug when someone called, "Maia Miller?"

I looked over and saw it was the nurce. "Time to get rid of this thing. It's itching." I said as we walked together hands interlocked.


"Oh, this feels good." I said as I scrubbed the skin of my left hand. It's been almost a month since anything touched it, and it's extremely white and itchy too. At times, I used a butter knife to each the itching, which caused me ache.

"Damn, your hand is so white!" Said Alicia as she examined it again.

"Are you coming over?" I asked as we reached my house.

She looked at the front door of our house and shook her head 'no' as she still looked at the door. I looked there and saw Johnathan sitting at the porch his knees parted, elbows on each knee and head down. His long brown as chocolate hair covered every feature of his face so I couldn't see if he was happy, sad, or anything for the matter.

I looked at Alicia with fear. I'm not ready to face him yet. Yesterday after he heard the confession I made about me liking him, I ran away leaving them both. I didn't go to his house neither today or yesterday for out tutering session, and after class today I practically scrurried away. Why is he here!

"Go." Said Alicia nudging my side.

"I can't." I cried to her. "You don't understand."

"I think you have to explain it to him." She said and looked out again. Johnathan had seen us and started walking over.

I got out and looked at her saying, "you're dead." and walked over to Johnathan.

"Listen Johnathan,"

"Listen, Maia,"

we both started together causeing us to chuckle at it.

"You go first." I said.

"Okay." He said taking a deep breath. "We can't be together for reasons I can't explain it to you. Please don't be mad." He said winsing at the end.

I let out a sigh of reliefe. "Good." Isaid. "Because that's exactly what I was going to tell."


"So, friends?" He asked openinghis arms for a hug.

"Best friends." I said hugging him back closer. This is going to be hard.


"So, should we take out dad's gun?" Justin asked as I entered the living room without noticing that Johnathan was behind me.

"What for?" I asked.

"I saw you and Johnathan hugging outside. Should I take it out in case he asked you out?" He answered.

"I highly doubt that." Johnathan said startling Justin am=nd making him look at him.

"We're friends." I said.

"Best of friends." Johnathan said with a small smile, but for a weird reason I could see the sadness in his eyes.

I was about to ask what's ging on when Justin butted in, "great! Then you're considered family now." He said pattig the sofa next to him.

Taking the chance, Johnathan jumped next to him taking a consol. I looked at the TV and saw them playing COD. Oh, great. I really don't like this game. It's lame, and prevents me from watching movies too. I should ask dad to get me my own TV and use this as an excuse.

I sat at the faurthest place, where it's hard to watch the TV and took out my phone. I downloaded my games just for times like these, or when there's an exam and I don't feel like studying.

"Nice phone case." I heard while I was i n the middle of the game. Dammit! I lost.

"I made it myself." I said grinning.

"Cool." I heard Johnathan say. "Maybe you should do mine." He said looking at me.

"Sure." I said returning to the games.


Friday roller by soon, and I was back to training again.

"Not bad for someone who disappeared for three weeks." I heard behind me. I stopped punching the bag and turned around to see my coach standing there grinning.

I grinned back and hugged her, which was a little hard because of the training gloves I was wearing.

"I missed you." I said pulling back.

"We have to put a new training plan because of all your absence so you coulod regain power. And you're having a match agains Ashley again Sunday." She said. Ashley was the woman who broke my arm. I believe coach has gone mad.

Are you serious?" I asked, "she's the one who broke my arm and the reason I didn't box for a month!" I almost screamed.

"But you still defeated her. Even with a brken arm." Coach said pointedly. She was indeed right. I had broken my arm before I won. It was a win to remember.

"Fine." I grunted, and went back to my punching bag.

Time passed and I was exhausted by the time I was done. I went to shower in my assigned room, to find S.J. sitting on one of the sofas playing with his phone.

"Hey S.J." I said casually as if we hadn't seen each other for three weeks.

"You're actually alive!" Exclaimed S.J. as he saw me. He got off the small sofa and jogged over and hugged me tightly.

I heard rumbles from outside my room, but ignored it and hugged him back saying, "I missed you, S.J."

"Don't ever break your arm again. I had no one to talk to after you were gone." He said pulling away.

"So, how was it?" I asked as we sat back. He was still holding my wrist as if I'd be gone if he let go.

"Those weeks?" He asked, "lame. The lamest ever." He chuckled.

I laughed at that, and said, "well, as much as I missed you, you have to leave. I want to take a shower, my coach exhausted me."

"You poor thing," S.J. cooed as he pinched my cheek.

"Well, it's not my fault Ashley is a killer, too." I protested ponting and crossed my arms.

"Ashley didn't come for two weeks after the match, and she was in a pretty bad shape." He said, and I remembered my brothers saying the same too.

"Yeah, I heard." I replied as I stood from my seat and left to shower.


"What the hell is this?!" I heard my father scream angrily from downstairs Saturday morning.

I hurriedly got up and left my room the same way I woke up, and found him looking into his iPad. The second he saw me he turned his iPad and showed me what he was looking at.

It was a picture of me and S.J. hugging in my assigned room in the arena. Yesterday. When I returned.

On top of the picture it says, 'Love in the Boxing Field.'

"Oh, god."


Please give me feedback on your opinion about it, and vote if you believe it was worth it (even if I don't like it myself.)


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