《Boxer Girl》6. Caught.


The party, I believe, was a blast. But the problem is that I don't remember anything. All I recall is after Alicia dragged me to the bar, I had my first shot, ever. I didn't want to tell Alicia, I thought she would mock me. But I did drink, and that's the end of the story, well, the one I know of.

After that one shot, I don't remembr anything else. Not even taking a second shot. But I could tell I did take many, because I had a massive hangover when I woke up the next day.

Lucky me, the curtains were closed, so I didn't have to suffer from the extra piercing light.

I heard someone knock me door, and it was open without my permission. I heard footsteps thudding against the carpeted floor of my room, and seconds later, Justin's voice rung in my ear, "I had massive hangovers. None of them I looked like you." And then I heard something making contact with my nighstand and Justin's footsteps leaving the room. He closed the door silently after him, and then I decided to finally open my eyes.

The first place I looked at was my nightstand. There I found a cup of water, and a pill. I took hold of it and closered it to my face to seeit well even with my face half-covered by the pillow and my right eye half open, again, because of the pillow. It was Tylonel. Of course Justin knew what he was doing. With his good looks, he went to a party almost every friday because he wasn't registed in Boxing before the end of high school, unlike me and Mason. He used to come home either tipsy or drunk. And at times I remember hearing the door open first thing in the morning, and I know it wasn't Jace too. He had his own packet of it too, he kept it in his room. I remember, he once told me to get him a pill after he slept in the living ro-.

My thoughts were cut when I felt pain in my stomache. I got up instantly and went to the bathroom and luckily reached the toilet in time to puke my guts out.

I hated puking. Not only does it not feel comfortable, but It stungs and actually hurts when I do.

After I was sure there was nothing left in my stomach, I slowly got up because of the pounding in my head, and rinsed my mouth drinking a little water afterwards to ease the burning in my throat.

I went back to my room, and saw the tylonel lying on the floor. I picked it up, and put it in my mouth drinking water to swallow it.

I knew it would take time for it to enter my system, so I went under my blanket and drifted back to sleep.


Voices were screaming my name, familiar ones. They were getting closer. Everything was dark. I looked behind me and saw light. I ran to it. There were six figures. I recognized five of them, but the sixth was standing behind them. I heard them all screaming my name with enthusiasm and happiness and cheering for me. And then, the crowds appreared as lights went on, and I saw a body of a woman lying on the floor. Out of nowhere, the referee got hold of my hand and a voice said booming in the speakers loudly, "and the winner of this match is... Maia!"

I heard everyone cheering, but my brothers and Alicia were like they were in the middle of the spotlight, and were alienated to the crowd and standing out. I heard a voice calling from behind me. I looked and I saw both my parents holding hands and smiling and waving at me happily. Even though mom looked like a ghost, I ignored the fact and smiled back waving.


I looked back at my brothers, and noticed that Alicia was linking arms with Shawn. I smiled at that.

All of a sudden, the figure behind them finally started moving, and when their face almost appeared-, I woke up.

I wasn't panting, I wasn;t sweating. It wasn't a nightmare. But I woke up because I have four stupid brothers who were surrounding my bed and merely calling my name. Oh, they're going to get it.

I got up slowly, and went to the bathroom to wash my face. The four followed me there.

"What are you doing?" I asked acting sleepy, and gave it a yawn for emphasis.

They all looked confused for a while, then Justin had the courage to ask, "aren't you mad?"

I chuckled at that and said, "why would I be?"

"Oh, come on!" Mason protested as he backed away from the door, "why is it always that my pranks are failing?"

"Wait," I called getting into my best act, "this was a prank?" I asked with a fake horrified look on my face.

The look on Mason's face was worth of all act. He looked disappointed, horried, sad, mad, and was at the verge of tears. It was damn worth it. But I had to resume the act.

I moved closer to him and gave him a hug and said loudly, "it's not my fault that you're a loser." Causeing the rest of our brothers to burst out laughing.

I stood a little far from them all and laughed a little. When theirs was dying, I took a deep breath and screamed, "GET OUT!" Causing to scurry away laughing more.

"Oh, it's on." I said as Jace closed the door behind him.


After taking a relaxing shower and thinking of several pranks, I went downstairs to the kitchen. I need to eat something, ASAP.

While I was searching for anything, I spotted powdered red pepper. Ideas started to flod into my mind, and I called the pizza place.

After ordering, I went to the living room and saw my brothers scattered around it, each in a weird relaxing position. Mason was sitting upside down, his head on the floor, and feet dangling behind the sofa from the top. Justin and Shawn each sitting on opposite sofas. Heads on a side, and legs on the other. While one of their legs is set straight, the other is propped on the very top of the sofa. Jace was crossed-legged right in the middle of the living room.

When I entered the room, I was going to ask them if they wanted to watch a movie, but I was fascinated by their sight that I forgot about it.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We wanna watch a movie."He said in a whiny baby tone. "Wanna join?" He asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah," I said sitting next to Mason as I tickled him slightly on his overly exposed neck, causing him so shudder from the feeling and sit straight. His head was red.

"I was feeding my brain cells." He complained.

"And I was saving you from a brain damage." I said. " An overly amount in brain arteries might cause some sort of trauma because of their delicy. I'm not ready to lose my twin yet. If I ever was, I wouldv'e killed you myself." I said grinning at the end.

He looked at me weirdly, as if I was an alien, then said, "you're weird." flatly. I shrugged and looked at Shawn as he was searching in the huge stack of movies. We has a whole closet set just for them.


As Shawn was fishing a movie, the doorbell rung. The boys looked at each other wondering as I said, "I ordered pizza." Which caused them all to grin.

I went to answer the door, paid the delivery guy, and went to the kitchen, where I put hot pepper on all of them except for one I had already taken out.

I went back to the living room already eating the pizza so they won't get suspecious and put it in the middle. Shawn had already put a movie I didn't recognize, and at the smell of the pizza, all my brothers dived into it. not even seconds later, protests started.

"What the," Jace started waving his hand trying to cool his mouth as he spit the pizza out.

"AAAAH" I heard Mason scream. Good.

"Holy-" Shawn started. "This is frickin' hot!" He exclaimed.

Iooked at Justin and he seemed normal. That douche. I forgot he loves everything overly hot. Well, I'm not all out.

I stood up, making sure the hot pepper is still in my back pocket and said, "I hope you like the hot pepper. That's what you get for tricking me." And ran away.

I heard the trio's screams as they ran to the kitchen. I took advantage of that moment and went into Justin's room.

It was messy. No, messy would put it nicely. It was disastrous. I actually thing there's nothing in the closet. As I walked around I almost stumbled at something. I looked at it and it was a lace bra. Pure eew.

In a hurry, I got the pepper out of my pocket and practically ran to his bed. When I reached it, I powdered his bed with the pepper and left as calm as possible.

I went back to my room and played with my phone for a while awaiting Justin's arrival. And after a while, I indeed heard the satesfying sound of Justin's screams.


I spent the entire Sunday hiding away in my room, afraid my brothers might do anything to me. Ubtil they left to the arena, and I finally got a chance to eat.

Monday rolled by fast. And the day soon would end and I would have to go home. But I didn't want to go home, so when I met Johnathan at lunch, I asked him, "hey Johnathan, can we study at your house this time?" Which he agreed to.

After that, the quite and calmness of the place was enough to engage us there and force us not to return to my house that was filled with noise. Note; four brothers. And with that, the both of us decided to study at his without the need to discuss it.

Days passed, and it was ordinary for the family to meet me. I already knew his sister, and I met his parents once and they invited me for dinner, and they were into me more when they knew who my father is, and told me that Mr. Singer works for my father's company. In fact, he was my father's CEO.

One day, I was bored, and decided to visit Johnathan since it was Friday and I had to wait until next Tuseday to remove my cast.

As I went over, Mr. Singer was in a hurry, so he let me in. I practically jogged to Johnathan's room, which was open. I peeked before I knocked and didn't see him, so I knocked.

"Come in." I heard.

As I walked inside, I heard Johnathan say, "I'm almost ready Selene. I'm just looking for something." He said and walked out of the bathroom, to stop when he saw me. I stopped in my place as well.

Johnathan was wearing S.J.'s costume.

But my doubts were erased as he asked, "do you like my halloween costume?" With a shakey voice and a pale face.

I knew he couldn't be S.J., but as I looked closely, I could see similar body structure. Anyways, their personalities didn't match, so I knew they aren't the same.

"Yeah," I said still shakey from my thoughts, "but halloween is still two weeks away. Don't you think it's a little early?" I asked.

"Nope." He replied popping the 'p'. "Dad wanted me to. He assigned that Boxer, S.J. into the company, so I thought I could be in his costume." e said with a smile.

I thought about it a little, and said, "not bad."

"Hey, listen." He said after a few seconds, "I'm going out. So if you're staying with Selene, you're more than welcome. But if you're here to have some fun, then I'm sorry." He said while pulling a hoodie over his costume adding sweatpants later.

"Okay," I said as I headed to the door, "see you later." And I closed it behinf me.

As I went out, I dialed Alicia and as she answered I immedately said, "we need to go shopping."


Alicia and I spent Sunday night walking around the mall. I remember walking here every Friday with Alicia as I took advantage of my cast and not working, even if I did miss it and the people.

As we walked around the mall, I noticed that there were decorations for halloween already. So I knew Johnathan was actually right, and we should search for costumes.

Let's say the day ended up in failiure, as I didn't find a costume of my own. But, Alicia did. Her's was an angel. She bought a floor-length white dress, wings, and even a halo to put above her head.

As we went home, it was dark already, and my brothers were back. The house was silent, and I knew one of them had lost.

I started franticlly searching the kitchen and the living room, but apparently, they weren't there. I went to Jace's room, and saw that Selene was already fixing his wounds.

I went to Shawn's room, it was empty.

I almost ran to Mason's room. it was empty too.

"They're at Justin's." I said as I jogged there.

The sight of my twin and Shawn wounded was horrifying, and to add to that, Justin was never capable of helping when bruised are existant. He always cared about his face not to enter any fights.

I an to Mason's side as I told Alicia to help Shawn fix his pained face. I saw her nod but with a faint blush on her face. As I helped Mason, I couldn't help but glance at my other brother sitting with my best friend together. And I couldn't help but notice how Shawn was prectically staring at her with glistering eyes. He was blushing!

I looked at Mason as I finished and whispered, "let's leave the lovebirds alone." Glancing at my friend and brother.

He looked at them, and pracrically dragged me out. One problem, Justin was taking a shower. And he could return any second. But nonetheless.


I was about to sleep when someone knocked the door, and Shawn peeked his head.

"I hate you." He said grinning.

At the sight of him, I got up grinning as well. He came. Good. We need to talk.

"Come in." I commanded as I saw him.

He walked in and sat next to me on the bed.

I looked at him intencely waiting for him to speak. And when he did he said, "I like her, okay? Please don't hate me for that." He looked pleeding and slightly sad.

I was astonished at the sight. I knew he was nervouse. Even if he was 19, he never had a girlfriend that there were moments I thought he was gay. He told me he's not. And yes, I asked him.

"When are you going to ask her out?" I asked out of the blue.

He looked dumbfounded and said, "don't you girls have this code against dating brothers or something?"

"Not in my life. She's all yours, but don't break her heart or I'll break your arm." I said with my deadliest look at the end.

All he could do was grin. And out of nowhere, he strangled me and hugged me, practically chocking me.

"I don't think Alicia would appreciate you killing her best friend." I said chocking.

"Oh, sorry." He apologized retreating, "I'm just happy you agree. I won't get any other woman's opinion."

The mood thickened, and not knowing my mother hurts. So to avoid it, I asked, "when are you asking her out again?"


Please tell me it didn't suck? I know not full of adventure and action and stuff, but still I hope you liked it.

Please vote if you see it worth one.


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