《Boxer Girl》5. A Normal Teenage Day.


I spent the entire week either at school or the house. I didn't have to attend training, but father told me to be present at Sunday night. According to him, my fans wants feedback about how I am, and there's no better source than the victim herself.

Moreover, throughout the week, Johnathan had been overly easy on me, saying I shouldn't work hard with a broken limb, but then I shut him telling him that I'm not dying with laughter. He didn't like that and kept his frown until I told him that it's no big deal since I write with my right hand, and not left one. He hesitated, but dropped the subject.

Mason was being over protective. Seeing his twin hurt and not being able to help sucks. I know because I saw him hurt before like I am now. That's why I spent most of the time comforting him the most.

Selene came over too. She pressed the idea of Red Death's broken arm, and how it's strange we both broke the same limb, bit I just shrugged it off.

Time passed in a blur, and without noticing, it was Sunday already. And I knew I had to face the media today.

I knew that I had to cover the signes first, but I couldn't paint on them, because I knew I'd have to face my friends tomorrow, and they'd be suspecious. So I did what Shawn adviced me as second plan.


I was in my assigned room in the arena. I remember having a small aid kit in here, so I went searching for it. The second I found it, I got hold of the gauze. I didn't want to do it at home. I feared someone might pop up and come to a surprise visit and catch me hiding the signs, and all get suspecious.

I sat on one of the chairs in the room, and put the aid kit on the table in front of me. With the tip of the gauze next to my wrist, and started rolling it around the rest of my forearm.

It took a while, but eventually I finished wrapping it and hiding it. I was lucky enough to have four brothers who kept me safe and guided me in a way no one saw the signs before reaching my room. And now, I know I'm safe.

"Knock knock." I heard someone say from the door. I looked and saw S.J. standing there a little pale but with the same smirk he always wore.

"Oh, hey." I said happily. I haven't seen him all week, and it was refreshing having him here.

"How are you doing?" He asked as he started moving to where I was sitting indicating to my cast.

"I'm alive, aren't I?" I asked mockingly, "unless I'm a ghost who's here to haunt you." I continued freakily.

"Why would you?" He asked as he finally reached next to me and sat.

"No reason. Just for fun," I said grinning.

"That," he started then stopped to think, "would be cool." He finished. But before I could answer, my coach called me and said, "you'll be the first to stand in the ring today."

I stood with a sigh, as well as S.J. who said, ""I'll escort you there."

"Okay." I said smiling.

We walked in silence, until we reached the end of the isle where all fighters go out. Someone was standing there to arrange who goes out. He stopped S.J. in place and ordered him not to go out, which he agreed to.


We waited there for a few moments in more silence while the man standing prepared me to go out and mostly fixed my mask. After he gave me a mike he went back to a table where he got contol of many bottons I have no idea what they mean nor do.

"Hey," I heard S.J. say as he neared me. He put his han on my shoulder and said, "you're going to do okay." He said leveling himself to m level. "I know you would."

I was about to reply, but I heard someone say something from the outsaid that encludes my name, so I only gave S.J. a smile, and started heading to the ring enterane.

As I walked outside, the sound of cheers was deafening, but refreshing at the same time. Een after I broke my arm, people still believed in me and loved me.

I started waving to them as I walked to the ring. I climbed the two stairs and entered through the ropes into the ring.

In there, I waved to everyonr again turning in circles as I looked around and saw all the signs they were holding up for me. Nostly holding my nick name 'Red Death', and some had some words written for my sake. Some even held a picture of me.

I finally tightened my grip on the mike and closered it to my face. As a sign, everyone went silence. And I started.

"I did not see that coming." Was th first thing I said, and everyone cheered again, "wow." I said.

Seconds later, everyone calmed down again, and I knew i was my cue to start the speech.

"Thank you, everyone, for your support. It means a lot to me that you don't have a clue how much. Knowing that all of you care about my well being, even if it's just a simple break, means a lot." I said then took a deep breath, then continued, "seeing all of you guys being supportive like this, encourages me to want to heal faster and get back on the ring and fight again for your sake only.

"The manager asked me to come today and talk about how I'm doing, and that the media is going crazy about what happened. I just want to say that it did hurt, but I didn't sign to dance ballet here. I signed to be a fighter, and fighter pull through everything. Just so you know, I have nothng against ballet, I even thought I'll be one to dance it in the future, but chsnged my mind." I said chuckling at the end.

"It was a tough match last week. I remember it like it was yesterday. After I felt my arm break, I thought it was the end, but then, my mind drifted to all the people I was going to make sad if I lost, including a dear friend of mine called S.J., I saw him fight once, and copied the idea." I said, then diverted my eyes to the enterance and said, "thanks pal."

I looked back at my fans and decided to finish my speech saying, "I love you all. And I'm overly thankful for all the support you've given. And I hope to never disappoint you." And with that, I gave one last wave with my right arm, nd walked back down the isle still waving for everyone.

I loved that moment and the smile never left my face that night.


"Good morning." I said to my brothers as I went down the stairs Monday morning.


All I recieved was the grumpy reply of Mason, and the hand wave from Justin.

"Your fans must have gotten into you." I heard from behind me. I looked back and saw Jace walking down the stairs slowly still in is pajamas. I can't wait to finish high school and resume working with dad's company like my brothers.

I heard a car honk from outside, so I grabbed a couple of cookies I remember Jace made yesterday and left saying a muffled "bye."

Outside, I saw Alicia in her car waiting for me. I jogged over and opened the door saying, "morning Ali," as I entered next to her.

"Morning." She mumbled and started driving. I handed her one of the cookies saying, "Jace made ones yesterday."

She grinned and took it gracefully, munching at it gleefully. It was indeed an alien taste, but unbelievebly delicious at the same time. That's how Jace does it.

Soon we reached the school, and we both left the car after she parked it. We walked side by side talking about her weekend with her grandparents. As boring as I thought it could be, she loved elderlies, claiming that she loved helping people wheo helped others in their youth days, and deserve the rest and care by this generation's youth. Complicated, I know.

"Hey, Maia," she called after a while of silence, "why is there a gauze on your cast?"

I looked at my left arm, to discover that indeed there was the gauze. I must have forgotten it while in my enthusiasm and excitment after my speech yesterday. But I still had to lie so I said, "We had important visitors last night, so I covered them to look more professional."

After a while of thinking, she said, "but yesterday was Sunday. and there was a match with your brothers, wasn't there?"

At that, I hesitated. She caught me off gaurd with her question, so I knew I had to give another lie when I said, "Only Shawn had a fight yeserday."

As soon as I answered, she butted in, "but isn't your father the manager?"

I knew from that moments that doubts are starting in our friendship, and I had to take the chance of me not working because of my broken arm to lessen her doubts. I answered, "he came halfway."

At that, Alicia fell silent, but I knew she was still thinking about it, because of the slight frown on her lips and crease between her eyebrows.

I was about to ask her what's on her mind when the bell rung, and we headed to homeroom.


"Hey." I said as I reached the table Alicia and I sit at during lunch.

She was already digging in it, so I didn't expect an answer and sat in front of her. When she looked up at me to reply, she looked behind my shoulder and grinned. I knew exactly what that meant. Johnathan is coming.

You see, Alicia had this theory about us being a perfect couple. But knowing him a nerd, meant that he would never be interested in a boxer girl, so I set aside all my emotions my best and didn't show them. Yeah, I might have a slight crush on him, but I would decline if he made a move on me. He would never accept who I am and what my future is.

I looked at Alicia with a knowing look, which she understood, but ignored with a wider grin.

"Why is there a gauze around your cast?" I heard Johnathan's voice saying.

I looked to my left and saw him sitting next to me. I replied, "we had important guests last night, so I covered it, but then apparently forgotten about it."

I started taking it off, but he kept gazing at it weirdly and said, "how weird." In a very low voice I almost didn't hear him.

"What's weird?" I asked as the signs started showing.

"Huh?" He asked as he looked dumbfounded. "Nothing, nothing." He replied after a few seconds.

"Okay." I said as the signs all appeard now. I took the gauze on my hand and left the table to throw it. When I returned, both my friends were eerily silent and each was in their own fantacy world.

All of a sudden, as I sat on the table, Alicia asked, "who whould like to come with me to the party Friday night?"

I was about to vome up with an excuse when I remembered I didn't have to go training and said, "I would."

Alicia grinned and clapped her hands calmly, then turned her gaze to Johnathan.

I closered my face to his and asked, "are you free Friday night?"

He absently answered, "I have training." But then paled hen he noticed what he said.

"What training?" I asked.

"Uuh," he started. I knew that look. He's going to lie in his answer, "I have math training with my friends." but his tone was unusal. It was the first time he lied, but I dropped it off. He has his own reasons like I do.


I sent Mason a text saying that I won't be home after school. And I left with Alicia to the mall to buy dresses for the party. I know it's early, but the sooner the better.

We went straight from the school tot he mall, where we both roamed the stores searching for the perfect fit. Each ended up with a dress of her own.

Alicia bought a whight dress that reached midthigh and was cut from the top. There were several lines on the waist, the bottom and a single on on top.

mine was brown and reached my thighs. The chest part was bwown with flowers and veins in black carved into it, and a see-through black lace was ontop of the brown one, where it was very short from the top, and almost reached the lenghth of the brown lace from the back.

After we were done with the shopping spree, we went for some food, and left afterwards each with her dress and matching shoes.

Friday came in a blur, and without noticing, school over too. We decided to go over to Aliucia's and bring her stuff to get ready at my place. Since I didn't have any make-up, she brought hers. It's not my fault I was never interested in it.

We got dresses, and Alicia did my hair and make-up in no time. While she did her make up, I did her hair. All the time goofing off and having fun. She seemed very excited.

"I still can't believe you're actually coming." She said with a grin on her face.

"Neither do I." I replied with a light chuckle.

"I'm just glad you are." She said looking at me through the mirror.

After a few seconds she asked, "what is it between you and Johnathan?"

At that, I was caught off guard. I didn't see that question coming, and before I could even come up with a reply she said, "you like him, don't you?"

I looked at her scoffing then said, "Whaat? That's impossible."

"The blush gave you away." She said straightforwardly.

"FINE!" I screamed, "so what if I like him?" I said whispering.

To my surprise, my friend gave a loud shriek then said, "oh my god! This is fantastic."

I knew where this was going, so I used the 'my brithers' card and said, "I'll never be able to go out with him. My brothers will ruin him and scar him for life. They almost did when he came here first to tutor me." I sighed after I finished talking then ssaid, "plus, with Jace dating his sister, it would be awkward too."

At that, her face lit as she asked, "you didn't tell me how did the date go."

At the thought, I smiled and put the last pin in her hair and sat down on the bed and started telling the story, "Jace took my advice and took her for a dinner in the middle of the ring. I was going to help, but with my broken arm, we asked Shawn to help as well. We ended up putting flowers around the ropes of the ring, and table in the middle of it, with two red candles. and red rose petals scattered around the table. That was Shwan's idea.

"After that, Jace told me he took her to the beach, and they spent the night gazing and atching the stars. Turns out, she loves the stars, and the mere sight of them, even if she didn't study anything that has to do with the subject, mostly Astronomy.

"After hour of mere staring, he took her home, and they shared their first kiss." I said gushing at the idea.

"Awwwh," I heard Alicia say, "that's so cute. I wish I had a boyfriend like one of your brothers."

"Hey, Maia," I heard someone open the door behind me. I looked back and saw Shawn standing there like a stone staring behind me. He was staring at Alicia.

I got up and walked over to him and asked, "what is it?"

He looked at me slightly dazed but then cleared his throat and said, "where are yu going?"

I looked at him pointedly then dragged him out of the room. "I believe that wasn't what were you going to ask."

"Yeah," he said his voice still raspy, "I was going to ask if you were coming to training today, but apparently not. here are you going?" He aske finally gaining his usual self.

"I'm going to a party with Alicia, and you have no right to stop me, so later." I said opening the door and closing it behind me.

When I looked at Alicia she was still in the same possition she was before I looked at Shawn. I think I just found her perfect boyfriend. This is going to get awkward.

"Let's go to the party." I said snapping her out of her daze.

"Yeah." She replied still star struck.

I looked at her teasingly, "looks like someone has finally found a crush on one of my brothers."

"Shut up." She said slapping me in the arm.

When we walked down, I noticed that Shawn was looking at our direction intencely.


The party was like the same you read about in books or see in movies. A typical teenage party. There were already drunk teenagers all around ones grinding to each other's bodies at the beat of the music. I saw one or two people already passed out. The place was hot because of all the people around. I never thought it was real. I thought i was all made up whenever I watched TV. I guess I was wrong.

"Let's have fun." I heard Alicia say as she got hold of my right hand and dragged me to the bar. This is going to be a hell of a night.


To be honest, I never went to a party, so I don't think I'll write a lot of them. And the dress Maia's wearing my mother is sewing me one like it for a marriage of some relative, but it's floor-length and dark red. It was my idea too!

I really hope you liked this chapter, and if you think it was worth it, please give it a vote, and feedback if you'd please.


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