《Boxer Girl》4. The Signs.


"Jace?" I asked, "of all the people it had to be Jace." I said chuckling as I walked with Selene in the festival to the food court.

After the second I saw my brother having fun with my friend's sister, I saw that it was not that bad, and I could cope with her, due to the times Johnathan talked to me about her.

Jace was surprised at first, as well as Selene. But then a grin grew on his face as he tucked me under his arm and introduced me to his 'future girlfriend'.

We had fun together all four of us, and once we rode a small roller coaster I asked Johnathan how come he never told me, to turn out that today he was supposed to meet him for the first time.

"I don't know. It just happened." Answers Selene as we neared the food court. I looked at her for a brief second, to find her blushing and staring at the ground, but a grin was on her face.

"You like him, don't you?" I asked out of the blue.

"Yes." I heard her saying faintly I could barely hear. This was our first conversation ever since we met, and I really would like if we could be friends. I might even be able to tell her my secret and share it with a female, of course after Jace tells her about himself first.

"Well," I started knowing I'm about to give a stupid speech next, "you like him, and I know he likes you, and I know I like you, and we can all like each other, and the whole world should like each other then." I said with so many stupid hand gestures of tossing my arms around us meaninglessly.

But then I stopped midway and asked myself confusedly, "what the hell am I doing?"

At that, both Selene and I bursted out laughing. I know I could be stupid, but seriously Maia! Not that much!

"God, you're hilarious." Said Selene after a few minutes when she was sobering from laughter. I was still laughing too.

After we sobered, I stared at my males as I raised them in front of my face and said in a mocking and bored tone, "I know, I know. Everyone tells me that." With a shrug. At that, I almost fell on the floor laughing.

"Are you two done? Cuz' I'm starving." A voice said from behind us as we were still high.

"I highly doubt that." My brother's voice replied.

Whispers sounded behind us, and before I knew it, I was on someone's shoulder, heading somewhere.

I tried kicking their back, but my laughter had gotten me limp, so I waited, knowing I'll eventually be down. And I was, set on the grass next to Selene by Johnathan.

As he sat on the grass next to me, I slapped his arm saying, "don't ever do that again." But was grinning.

"Yeah, right." He scoffed.

Out of nowhere, a brown sack was thrust my way, in it were sandwiches. I choose the cheese one, and dug in as the sack was thrust towards Johnathan by Selene.

The four of us sat under the shadow of a big tree on the grass for I don't know how long, bit the sun was no longer in the middle of the sky, and noticing that shadows were taller than objects, I knew it was after four O'Clock.

"I want cotton candy." I said as the idea popped in my head out of nowhere.


"Come on." I heard Johnathan say, "I'll come with you." And he stood up with me, leaving the lovebirds for some time for themselves.

I dug my phone out of my small bag, and sent Jace a text:

It took him a few seconds to reply:

As I walked with Johnathan, we looked around the colorful festival. There were many kids, mostly laughing and enjoying their childhood. Some chasing after each other, some clinging to their parents' clothes begging them for a ride or a toy or even food and sweets that were everywhere. Couples took advantage of it too, and came to have fun and enjoy the other's company. From afar, I could see elderlies as well. A woman was sitting on a bench with he standing-stick between her hands as she watched everyone with a smile.

"White, pink or blue?" I heard a voice calling taking me out of my dazed watch.

"Oh," I replied absently as I diverted my sight to Johnathan, "white. Coloring-free." I said.

He nodded and turned to the man who sold cotton candy which apparently we reached in my dazed moments.

"There you go." Said Johnathan as he handed it to me taking a not of it.

"Hey!" I said jokingly slapping his hand away but alas, he had already eaten the piece, causing him to grin back with some of the sugar still between his teeth.

"Your teeth are getting sick. Poor teeth." I said Pointing at his pearl white teeth.

He stuck out his tongue in mockery, and stole another piece of my candy, but this time, he stuck it for me to eat.

When I opened my mouth to accept his tribute, he retrieved his hand and ate the candy.

"Hey!" I protested, "that was mine." I said with a frown.

"Yeah, right," he said, "but I spent money on it." He said with a smug smirk.

I looked at him pointedly then said, "you gave it to me. It's mine." I said then turned around flipping my long hair in the process in hope it would smack his face, which it did when I heard him say, "ouch." Causing me to grow a smirk of my own.

"Fine, fine," he said as he step foot next to me, "you win, it's yours."

"Good boy." I say gushing at him while holding his chin and wiggling it as if he was a kid.

An idea came up to finish my pay back. I took hold of a small piece of my candy, and extended my hand towards his mouth saying, "here."

Johnathan forgot the trick he pulled on me minutes ago and opened his mouth but received nothing as I put the piece in my own mouth.

I heard him chuckle as I voiced a moan while eating it to perfect the trick, and then he said, "not bad, not bad."

"I know." I said in a proud voice then chuckled with him.

"Hold on." He said as he diverted to the left. I followed his retreating form, and saw him walking to what looked like a drink-cart. Many people were there, and each leaving with a plastic cup with a straw sticking from the top.

I slowly walked there following him but giving him time to finish whatever errand he was planning on making. A few moments later, I saw him coming back with two cups like the ones I saw earlier.

"Please tell me you like orange juice?" He said in a questioning form.


I took a cup from his hold and said, "I do." And started drinking. And let's say I wish this festival never closes for the sake of the orange juice, because it was indescribable.

After that, the two of us went to the Ferris wheel and 'see the rest of the park and decide what to do next'. Johnathan's words, not mine, but it was surprisingly helpful.

We went to different rides after, many of which I don't recall their names. nut it was absolutely fun and worth it.

And when it was close to sunset, Johnathan decided to take us to the roller coaster, where the carts stopped on the very top allowing us to watch the sun set. And the second the sun had disappeared, the carts turned alive and the actual ride began.

We had fun that day, and actually shared some food after the orange juice. And as cliche as it is, Johnathan won me a stuffed cat. I always wanted an actual one, but Mason and I are allergic to animals fur in total.

By the time we finally decided we were tired and wanted to go home, Johnathan gave me a ride back. Yet not seeing neither Jace or Selene.

As I went in the house, I was first met with Mason who was holding a can of coke and a bag of chips each in hand. Typical Mason.

"Lover boy left already?" He asked mocking.

"Is Jace home yet?" I asked him.

He shrugged as he left to the living room where I spotted Justin sitting on a couch.

"Has anyone seen Jace?" I asked as I entered the room and saw tha my three brothers were there lacking the eldest.

"Nope." Shawn said.

"Well, tell him we need to talk as soon as he gets home." I said and left the living room and headed to my own.


As I went back downstairs slowly, I heard my brothers cheering for some match they were watching in the living room. I went there, to see them watching a wrestling match. As soon as I laid eyes on the masked one I asked, "is that S.J.?" And sat next to Mason.

"Actually," Mason answered, "we're watching it because it's S.J."

I looked back at the screen, and saw him punch a guy under his chin. Let's hope this guy wasn't putting his tongue between his teeth, because if yes, his tongue is gone forever.

"Isn't he a bad-ass wrestler." I heard my father say. I looked around and saw him standing at the door frame with a glass of wine in hand. "That's why I accepted his proposal to join our company."

All of a sudden, the house door opened, revealing Jace with a dreamy look in his eyes and a grin on his face. I knew that look.

As soon as I saw him, I jumped off my seat, got hold of Jace's wrist, and dragged him to my room silently, even if I knew the boys were looking at us weirdly.

When we reached my room, I closed the door behind us, and sat cross-legged on the bed and said immediately, "I like her." Causing his grin to widen.

"So, did you ask her yet?" I asked.

"Yes." He said with a grin.

"She said es, didn't she?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied shortly again.

"Well why aren't you jumping yet?" I asked as I started jumping in my place.

"Cuz' I'm too exhausted." He said and dropped next to me on the bed with the grin still on his lips.

"Go to your room." I said pushing him on the shoulder, but he didn't respond as his snores started.

I rested next to him and opened my phone to find a text from Johnathan:

I Laughed at his remark and replied:

Seconds later, I received a new massage:

The naiveness of Johnathan made me smile then reply:

It took a bit longer but Johnathan replied:

At that, I put my phone down and laid next to Jace. The bed was big enough for both of us.


The next day was Sunday. I had a fight today. And this morning Jace told me he'll bring Selene to the arena to show her what he does before they jump into a relationship.

I spent most of the day either sleeping or at the arena, or texting Alicia. Until two hours before the fights began, I focused my mind on training.

While I was at it, I saw Selene coming alongside with Jace, and I knew that this is it. It's either she accepts his reality, or not.

I remember punching the bag when they entered the room, and I saw how amused she was when they entered, but then turned into a grin, and saw her hold his hand with a smile on both their faces. It means she accepts his life. That's when she met the rest of our brothers. Jace mentioned that he wanted us to meet in a special different occasion than the festival, but it was completely worth it.

I also talked with S.J. for a while too before the fights began, and asked him why he changed career, but he shrugged it off.

After the show started, I went to my assigned room, and changed from my training costume into the fighting one, it was more flexible so that when I trained in the hard one, it's easier to fight in the softer one. And I waited in there for my call.

Soon, coach came and that was my cue for the match. I went with confidence holding my belt in hand.

The match wasn't easy, and my rival was a tough woman today. I never fought her, and she was an outstanding woman.

All I remember from that match is that was winning with the same punch I saw S.J. do yesterday, and left with a broken left arm. Luckily I'm right handed.

Next thing I knew, I was heading to the arena clinic, and my arm was being x-rayed.

And Monday morning, I woke up with a cast around my left forearm, knowing that I have to decide which lie to choose for the day.

I texted Alicia not to come pick me up that morning, and she didn't protest. Mason gave me a ride with him and his girlfriend, Emily, who I told her I fell down the floor and broke my arm, and that's what I told Alicia as well at lunch.

"Oh, god. Why didn't you call me to be with you?" She asked when I told her.

"It was pretty late, I didn't want to disturb you." I lied.

"What happened?" I heard from behind me, and I saw Alicia grin. I looked back and saw Johnathan standing behind me with worry painted his face.

"I tripped down the stairs last night." I said.

"Wow," he said, "I think it was 'break your arm' day yesterday."

Confused, I asked, "what do you mean?"

"Oh," he said as if noticed he shouldn't have said that, "yesterday Red Death broke her arm too. Didn't your brothers tell you?" He asked. "I saw it on TV. That poor thing had a vicious fight, but still won."

"Oh my god." I heard Alicia say, "is she okay now?"

"Yes," replied Johnathan as I diverted my sight from him to Alicia then back on him.

"You know what," he said looking at me, "let's sign your cast and make you happier." He said and pulled out a black marker from his bag. "Don't try to protest. My signs aren't horrendous." He said.

I had nothing to do but extend my hand to ease the suspicion, and he started marking my cast. Soon enough, Alicia joined, as well as a few friends I knew but wasn't close to.

Let's say I now can't wear the cast and leave as Red Death unless the sings were covered.


So, how was it? Please tell me it was indeed better than chapter 3 like I promised.

I hope you liked it, vote if you see it's worth one, and comment feedback for a better continuation.


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