《Boxer Girl》2. My Boys.


"Guys, I'm home." I called as soon as I opened the house door. Johnathan gave me a ride after school, so now we can study.

I turned to Johnathan while clutching my over-the-shoulder bag's handle and said, "come in, we'll study in the living room. No one's home." And I went inside.

When we entered the living room, you could see the aftermath of Justin's 'party', where bottles of coke were scattered around, and a few pizza boxes open and mostly empty.

"I'm going to kill Justin." I muttered under my breath.

"What I'd it with you and killing?" I heard Johnathan's voice from over my shoulder, which startled me a little causing me to unleash a squeak that caused him to double over laughing.

I gazed angrily at him for a while, even if I wasn't truly mad. I mean, how can you be mad at this set of gorgeous ey-.

What the hell are you thinking! I asked myself snapping out of my daze, so I grabbed his wrist before he could sober, and dragged him upstairs.

My desk was set next to my bed, so I sat on it, while he sat on the spinning chair and we took our books out.

It was amazing how he could make me understand what I don't, he was a great tutor. He never gave the treasure, only gave the map. It was my mission to find the answers by myself. It took time, but it was successful. While I was finally doing some equations by myself, he did his own homework to kill time, and by the time he finished, so did I.

"MAIA!" I heard from downstairs.

"Oh god." I said recognizing my twin's voice. "I'll be right back." I said hurriedly. The thing about Mason is that he loves screaming at time, and would start talking from down the stairs that his sentence is finished when he reaches my door, or anyone's for the matter.

"What!" I said after I ran over to him, fearing he might say anything about our boxing career.

"When's your next training?" He asked the second I reached him.

I let out a sigh and slapped my forehead for his stupidity. "It's on Thursday, and I have someone in my room, so don't say or scream anything about it." I said and headed upstairs.

"Wait!" He said following after me, "you didn't say Alicia, so who's with you?"

"My tutor. Thanks to you and your new girlfriend." I replied cutting to the chase before opening my room's door and entering.

Unfortunate both me and Johnathan, Mason came after me, but when his eyes landed on Johnathan, his eyes softened a little, "hey man." He called.

Johnathan changed his gaze from his phone to our direction, where he smiled when he saw my brother. "Hi." He replied.

"You're her new tutor?" Asked Mason as he directed his thumb at me.

"Yeah," he replied as he spun the chair to be facing my brother perfectly.

Mason released a sigh of content as he said, "you, my friend, are a life saver. You'd be lucky if she passed." He said and left.

"Hey!" I called after him, "you were a bad tutor, that's all." And returned back to my seat.

"I was never a bad tutor, you never asked for my help." A voice said from the door. I looked and saw Shawn standing at my door, with a paintbrush in his hand.

The thing about Shawn, he was never interested in boxing, but still did it for extra money for his college fund, and did artwork on daily basis. He was always there, unless he was painting, so I took that fact against him for teasing, "you never were, just like Mason now with his girlfriend, you had your brush and never gave me time." I said pouting and intertwined my hands together like a young child.


He sighed and entered the room saying, "I'm sorry, okay? I'll- I'll find time for you too. Is that okay?" He asked pleadingly. He was always this softhearted.

"Okay." I said with a smiley, but on the inside, I was at the edge of cracking. "It's okay now." But after that I couldn't contain it, and burst out laughing.

I could hear laughter from another place, but I know it wasn't Shawn's, so I knew it was Johnathan's

"And who, may you be?" I heard my brother asking curiously while I was still laughing.

Johnathan cleared his thought and said, "Johnathan Singer, Maia's tutor."

"I see." Said my brother thoughtfully, then continued his investigation that's meant to embarrass me, "do you like my sister?" He asked out of the blue.

A blush crept upon Johnathan's cheeks as my brother continued, "you're not planning to ask her out without permission, are you? And if you are, you better not hurt her, or I'll hurt you and you'll regret ever looking at her direction." And the poor Johnathan was getting redder by the moment that it was astonishing his face didn't leak blood at the end, and all he did was stutter incoherent words and voices.

I finally decided to step up before my stupid brother could start saying some inappropriate things anytime soon and said, "leave." In the most stern look I could master.

When I saw that Shawn hesitated and looked at me, I this time screamed angrily, "LEAVE!"

That's Shawn for you. He is the reason I still have never even lost my first kiss, and never had a boyfriend in the first place. He always scares them away, even the nice ones. He obviously doesn't want me out of the house, or just over protective.

"I'm sorry," I started after my brother scurried away, "and that's only nothing from him. You should see what he did when someone came to take me on a date, the poor thing ran away before I even had a chance to see him. I promise it'll never happen again." I finished in one breath and looked at him worriedly.

After a few seconds, he let out a sigh and said, "let's hope." With a smile.

"So," I said coughing, "did you finish, or?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did." He replied. "And you? Any problems?"

"Nope." I said grinning "thanks to you."


After a few seconds of awkwardness, he finally said, "I think it's time to go, I have to do something back home." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Okay," I said standing up, "I'll escort you out, hoping we won't budge into any of my other brothers."

As we started walking down the stairs, he asked, "how many brothers do you have?"

"Four, and no sister to my dismay." I said frowning. "Not that I hate them, but it would be nice to have females in the house." I rumbled fast in hope he doesn't misunderstand me.

"cool. I understand. I have an older sister, already in college." He said. "She practically raised me because me mother was absent most of the time, and my father working at some company."

"Oh," was all I could say in my part.

"It's fine." He said after noticing my awkwardness, "I could live with that."

By this time, we reached the door, but before I could open it, it opened by itself, to reveal both Jace and Justin.


"And you are?" Was the first thing he said directing it to Johnathan as he saw him standing next to me.

"Johnathan Singer, Maia's tutor." Replied Johnathan hurriedly, his face a bit pale as he saw my big-built brother.

"And, he's leaving," I added to save him, and grabbed his wrist and went past him heading to his car.

"Thank you!" He said as soon as we reached his car, and I noticed that some color had returned on his face.

I grinned at him, and said, "I had to pay back for your help, even if Jace would be joking when he acts serious, just like now. If anything, I know he would take you away from everyone to talk if it was really serious." I said, then I thought about it when I saw the confusion on Johnathan's face.

"That, was seriously complicated,"he said, "and we seriously should cut on the 'seriously' word for now."

"Okay, I gotta go." I called as I started heading back inside, "see you tomorrow."

"See you." He said before riding his car and leaving.


It's been three days since Johnathan started tutoring me. And today is Thursday, and I have no idea what excuse I'm going to tell him about not being available today after school, because I have to go straight from school to the gym where my coach is going to wait for me and my brothers.

As I walked out of my fourth period, I stand out of the class to wait for Johnathan to come. Soon enough, I see him, and I see that he's looking around searching for someone. I head over and call his name.

"Oh, the person I've been looking for." He said the second he saw me.

As I stood next to him, I say, "I was looking as well."

"I can't come today to tutor you."

"You can't come today to the tutor session."

We look at each other awkwardly, then laugh it out, "it's settled, then." He said after a while.

We start walking to the cafeteria, while so, I ask, "what are you busy with?"

He stutters at first, then said, "something that will take long. And I need to do it, too."

"I know how you feel." Was my reply before we entered the cafeteria and parted ways.

As soon as I reached the table I sit at with Alicia, she bombarded me with questions, "how do you know Johnathan? Do you like him? Are you two partners? Since when do you know him?" And the list continues.

After she's finally out of breath, I start replying to the major and more important question, "he's my tutor, we were paired at Algebra class, and ever since we've been good friends. He can be really nice. And no, I have no feelings of that kind for him." I said in one breath.

"Great!" I hear from behind me. I look back to see Mason holding a tray with his girlfriend on his side.

"Hi Mason, Emily." I greet them.

Mason sits beside me, and leans closer whispering in my ear, "you haven't forgotten today, after school, right?"

I whisper back, "I didn't, and canceled my tutor session with Johnathan for it. Turns out, he's busy too."

"Good." He whispered and goes back to his food and talks with his girlfriend.

Alicia looks at me with questioning eyes, which I answer with, "twins stuff." And dove into my food as well. By time, lying to my friend got more casual, as hard as it is.


"My dear Red Death." I heard Jace calling from afar, so I turned around and saw all my four brothers walking over lined due to their age. Weird. But what's weirder is that they all were the same height. All a foot taller than me. It's not my fault they got father's genes, and I got mom's. Even Mason, which in my head doesn't make sense.

I waited for them, and walked between Jace and Justin to break the awkward line they created subconsciously and headed to the gym. The boys were talking about subjects I was never interested in. All the time walking my mind was absent, and head hung low, until we reached the gym.

When we entered, I saw someone standing with our coaches. We had three. The only female was my own coach, and each two of my brothers shared one.

Since I decided to train in my costume to make it better when I move during a real battle after training in them, the person didn't recognize me, nor did I, for he was wearing a mask as well.

"Red Death," called my coach, "this is S.J. he will be a partner of yours while training."

"WHAT!" I heard four sets of voices call at once, so I averted my gaze back to them with my deadliest glare which said, zip it, or I'll make you before my secret is revealed.

Nobody, not even my coach, knew my true identity, and it would be horrible to know that the girl who stopped loving boxing at the beginning of her junior year was boxing ever since junior year.

I was always known in the boxing arena, because of my father and brothers, but then when I started boxing, I didn't want anyone knowing I did, so I had my family spread the idea of me being a 'teenage girl' and not liking boxing anymore for wanting more time with friends. It worked for more than a year, and I like it that way.

I turned away from them when I made sure my massage was delivered, and said, "let's get started." To the coaches with a smile.

Throughout the training, I was calm, and didn't need to say anything to S.J., because there's nothing to be said.

Two hours later after punching the hell out of the bag, and doing enough push-ups, the coach finally decided to give us a break, and I almost ran to the dressing room to brush some of the sweat of and during some water.

"Red Death." Someone called from behind.

I looked behind me after finishing the bottle of water with a clean towel in hand to find S.J. standing at the door. "It's an honor to actually meet a legend like you." He said.

At the word legend, I snorted and started brushing off some sweat starting with my face, "I wouldn't call myself a legend. I didn't have enough time to prove myself enough." I said now cleaning my armpits. I hate when they get overly sweaty.

He let out a small chuckle, "I can see great future for you with the winnings you've accomplished by this time." He said grabbing a towel for himself getting rid of some of the sweat as well.

"Okay, S.J.," I said turning to him, "I have never seen you here before. Why?"

"Because I was a wrestler in the past, it then, I liked those red gloves, and decided to change career."

"Oh," was all I said. "I was never interested in wrestling. I was always into boxing."

"Makes sense with what you've become by the day." He said with a wink.

A second later, the door burst, and Justin barged in. "Water. Now." Was all he said.

I threw him a bottle of water, and prepared for Jace another one knowing he'll enter any second now. But before he did, Justin was already gulping down most of the water bottle contents as he sat next to S.J. on one of the benches.

The door opened again, but Jace wasn't as miserable as Justin, and when he saw the water bottle he only shook his finger for me to throw it, and I did.

Shawn and Mason came in later, but weren't as in bad shape at all. They looked eerily fine. But then, the thought hit me.

Being friendly with my boys night get me caught by S.J., so I took off almost running out of the locker room as fast as Shawn and Mason came in.


A cold bath was perfect. It always is after every training. I just had to endure it for ten minutes to know I won't have aching muscles next day. I actually shared this idea with S.J. when we returned back to training. We only had one hour shockingly, but it was exhausting never the less.

I went down stairs to spend what's left with my brothers, to find Shawn and Jace sprawled each on a couch.

"Where are the others?" I asked when I got in and dropped on one of the couches myself.

"Justin's asleep already," said Shawn, "and I think Mason's in the kitchen."

I wants to take advantage of the situation, so I called, "MASON!" With all my might.

"WHAT?" He shouted back.

"I WANNA EAT!" I screamed whining like a baby. It would actually work.

"CHEESE OR HAM?" He shouted back.

"CHEESE." I replied.

"I'm staring to doubt you being a boy, not a girl." I heard Jace said.

I glared at him with my best glare and said, "you're lucky I didn't kill you four yet for what you did today at training. You should be more careful!" I said with a sad look.

"And should I tell you to be careful from that dude S.J. too?" Asked Jace. "I don't want you talking to him. He seems dangerous." He said.

"Don't. Change. The subject." I said as deadly as possible.

"Trust me, you don't want that." Said Mason as he entered the living room with a mouth-watering sandwich. "And that's my way of apologizing for our slip today. We'll be more careful." He said hugging me from the back.

"Thank you." I replied sincerely.

"But seriously," started Jace, "why do you want to hide your idenitity? You're awesome sis!" He said hugging my side.

A frown grew over the smile I had after Jace's compliment. "You don't understand how would it feel to be a girl and known for violence. That's why I use a nickname too. No one needs to know the real me." I said smiling with sad eyes. "No one wants to be friends with someone who's job is hurting others. I'm even afraid Alicia would leave if she knew, and I don't want boys to take advantage of that just to get into the boxing career."

Jace nodded understandingly. "You might try when it comes to Alicia. You don't want her finding out by herself and getting mad for keeping a secret too." He said. And I actually thought about it.


So? How was it? Please tell me the truth even if it's disappointing. It would be even better!


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