《Ink & Tears》Jester


Spin me round

I’ll show you the face of a clown

A down right jester

Twisted features

Jokes to choke the air from your lungs

But do you see the paint running

Streaks down my cheeks

Always the jester

For fear of people realizing

The tears behind the clown

The frown behind plastered paint

Do you want me to wash it away

Remove the mask that makes so many happy

I don’t think you could handle the me

That I try not to let anyone see

I hide behind my smile

The wrinkles beginning to form

Just one more coat of ochre

One more pointless pun

One more trip and fall

Causing raucous laughter to reverberate against the wall

Happy hysterical laughter fills my dark halls

Shaking plaster and mortar from patched walls

Egg shell dust adding a new pigment

Do I dare wipe away the film across my face

Who would want to see

The dark depths within me

So may faces I have worn

But the one that sticks the closest

Is the jesters smile

Gapped toothed and crazy eyed

Anything to bring a smile

To everyone else’s lives

I think I’m ok

To continue and hide

Within the jesters lie.

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