《Memento Mori》v. resting bed


the most sickening part is that

i've consumed death beyond the light of life,

and when i think of death,

it is no longer the scary void

i'd thought of as a child,

but rather a haven.

no better place for a tormented soul, the void in my vision, became a garden of solace.

the coffin?

my resting bed.

she's waiting for me,

to close my eyes with one last breath,

to drift and never wake up.

how can this fragile heart of mine

ever forget you? what can i do?

retract the memories it had of you? trace another name over yours? i'll trace a thousand,

but yours will always remain as first, it would've remained;

i'll love a thousand,

but you were always my first.

in sorrow and pain, it beats against my chest,

for the loving memory that will never erase.

although my wounds have healed yet; the mark still remains

to remind me of how graceful you once were.


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