《shades of blue》midnight blue;


In just one month, I knew everything

about her and she knew everything

about me. No secrets held back.

She was the key to the treasure

chest of secrets that even monsters

were afraid of. Yet she wasn't


She would always smile,

and say, "It's up for you to

understand: we can only

control ourselves, not the

people around us."

Then everything would be

okay, for just a second.

The world would stop

spinning, birds would

stop flying and her smile

would be the only thing


"Is it possible to fall in

love with a stranger?" She

asked one day while

we lay underneath the

stars. The sand underneath

our fingers, desperately

crawling out.

I shrugged. Yet I knew.

"Because it feels like I am."

I sat up, curious as to

who she is talking about.


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