《The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITING》A Useful Ability


I sit at the end of the bed, looking at Hiccup, who lay asleep... Again.

He's been out for a good three days.

Hiccup risked himself for a lot of things. He nearly killed himself again.

He took an arrow to the tail-fin.

I hover over him, whining and grumbling impatiently.

Hiccup slowly stirs opening his eyes.

"Toothless." He started groggy.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You took an Arrow to the Tail-fin." I say.

He sat up a little. "And you got caught by a Bola." I add.

"Did my dad.." He started.

"He brought you home." I told him.

"But I thought he wanted to kill me?" He asked.


"Why not?" He asked.

"It was Astrid." I say. "She told him you were the Night Fury."


I lean on him, causing Hiccup to sit upright with a yelp.

He looked around slowly, as if confused.

"I'm at home..." he sighed.

He looked at the fire pit on the main floor of his house.

He looked to Me.

Hiccup then struggled to sit up, leaning over his bed.

"Hiccup." I start. "Be careful. Your in a rough condition."

Hiccup shifted to get out of bed then paused.

I heard footsteps. I looked over and saw Hiccup's father coming to me.

"D-dad," He mumbled.

"Hiccup. Your alright!" His dad said to him, scooping his out of his bed. "Thank Thor."

Hiccup looked around.

"I don't get it." Hiccup sighed as is father let him go.

"What?" His father asked.

Hiccup raises his eyes to meet his father.

"I... Almost destroyed Berk. I should be Dead." Hiccup said.

"You have a very useful ability, son." Stoick started. "But I didn't know until now."


Hiccup stood up again. His father helped him.

"You will be able to help Berk with this ability." His father told him.

Hiccup sighed. "What?"

"You told me many times thy a Night Fury is very powerful." His father started.

"Yeah." Hiccup sighed.

"Having one Night Fury is good. But having two is even better."

Hiccup looked slightly confused.

Stoick then pat Hiccup's shoulder gently. "I'll let you get some rest." He said before leaving the house, leaving Hiccup and I alone.

I look to Hiccup. He sat on the edge of his bed looking at me.

He managed to smile a little bit.

He then touched his forehead to mine.

"Thanks Toothless."

"C'mon Hiccup!" I call to him standing outside his house.

Toothless jumps down from the roof as Hiccup Comes out of his house.

The past week has been great.

Hiccup had recovered, and uses his ability for certain things.

He rarely uses it now.

But he does sometimes, whenever we're doing s training exercise and sometimes flies at Toothless' side.

Toothless has his auto tail sometimes and the other times he has Hiccup.

Hiccup's friends Amber stayed here for a few days, then head back to where she came from with her Dragon.

I know he'll miss her sometimes.

But other then that. Things have changed for the better.

Hiccup comes to me, then looked to Toothless.

"Shall we start the race then?" He asked.

I mount Stormfly.

"Are you using Toothless, or will it be the three of us racing?" I ask.

Hiccup shifted, then prepared to take flight. "It's the only way to see who the fastest Night Fury is." He said then turned to Toothless.

Toothless snorted something at Hiccup then got ready.

I back her Stormfly into position.


"You ready?" Hiccup asked me and Toothless.

Toothless snorted an excited 'yes!'

"You know it." I say.

Toothless shot a plasma Blast signalling for us to go.

We leap into the bright blue sky, together.

Both Hiccup and Toothless gain speed. I follows, giving chase.

I managed to fly past Hiccup, but he zips past me spinning up into the air, through the village- under eaves, over rooftops, down cliff-sides, and between ship masts.

Toothless catches up to him, as Stormfly tries her best to catch up.

Hiccup and Toothless suddenly break from the trail, spinning into the blinding sun, Hiccup gaining more speed.

I gain speed meeting at his side. He looked to me, looked to Toothless then opened his wings, letting himself, fall back.

Now it's me and Toothless.

I see our finish line. Toothles and I are neck on neck.

I was about to win when a dark green blur, flew past me, passing out finishing line.

"Looks like I win." He said to my flying in a steady pace.

I shake my head with a smile.

I can't believe gong to say this, but I'm glad Hiccup was turned into a Night Fury.

It may have been a struggle for him, but now, it's one of the greatest things that has happened yet.

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