《The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITING》Hiccup's 'Army'?


I storm through the forest, breaking everything in my way.

Toothless flew behind me trying to keep up.

"Don't you think this is a little much, Hiccup?" he asked forcing me to slow down.


"Snotlout didn't mean to make you mad."

"Yeah he did. He's been doing it since we were five." I hissed.

Toothless continued to follow me.

He flew faster pouncing on me bringing me down to the ground.


"Let's just find a cave to stay in. You look mad, and you're hurt!" Toothless says to me.

I sigh madly at him knowing he's right.


After a while we found a cave. Toothless ordered me to lay down while he found herbs.

I lay there licking my paws. They hurt so much.

I wish I didn't shift in front of the gang. None of this would've happened if I had just let Toothless fight the stupid Skrill.

But after Snotlout. I don't feel bad. He made all this happen. Ever since we were five. He had to be the better one.

I bite down on a stick breaking in into splinters.

"Hey Hiccup I'm back!" Toothless says as he came into the cave.

I look up. I don't say anything.

"Toothless. Snotlout is going to tell my dad. Someones going to kill me." I say.

He sat down. "What are you gonna to do?"

I stand up slowly testing my wings, carefully. "I need to defend myself."


I look at him. "I need a Dragon Army."


I was in my Dragon form. Toothless flew behind me.

"Where are we going?" He asked me.

"Dragon Island."

"Are you crazy?"

I look at him as he catches up.

"Slightly. Why?"


"Because. You know what it's like on Dragon island. It's dangerous."

"I'll be fine." I say.

I land on the island. Toothless lands shortly after me. I shift to my human form, than take a deep breath.

"Just please, please be careful." He said.

I look at him. "Let's go."

We walk deeper into Dragon island. I get a bad feeling in my gut.

As if, they smell my fear, two dragons come out from hiding.

A red Deadly Nadder with Blue legs came up. As well as a a blue and Green Monstrous Nightmare.

I take a deep breath. The Nadder comes to me, sniffing.

I slowly put my hand out, showing it I'm not a threat.

It sniffs me again then put its muzzle in my hand. It closes her eyes and opened them.

"Night Fury." She whispered, looking to me then Toothless.

The Nightmare came to me, as I backed up.

"I.. Uh.."

It then stopped. "What do you want?" He asked

"I need help." I reply.

"Help?" The Nadder asked.



"His life is in danger." Toothless replied.

The Nadder looked to me then to Toothless. "How so?" She asked.

"People in my village want me dead." I say.

"Oh." The Nightmare replied.

"So..." I start.

"So.. What."

"Will you help me?" I ask.

The Nadder looked to he Nightmare. They stay silent for a moment.

"Anything to defend a Night Fury."

"Hiccup?" I call out softly.

After what happened, I feel a should apologize for Snotlout's doing.

I had a barrel of Fish, knowing he'd take it.


I came to the cove where the cave is. I go down by the cave. It's dark.



I see a set of blue eyes staring at me from the cave.


The dark green dragon slowly comes out, slowly. He looked like he was ready to attack.

He looked at me, then sniffed that air. "What do you want?" He growled.

"To apologize."

"For what. Snotlout!!" He snarled. "I don't forgive him."

"Hiccup. He didn't mean to make you mad." I say.

"But he did."

I freeze when three other dragon leave the cave. Toothless and two others.

A red Nadder and blue Nightmare.

"Who are they?"

Hiccup sat. "My new army."



"Hiccup, you're going to far!" I tell him.

"No. I'm not. If I'm going to die I want to protect myself." He told me.

I look at him.

He saw the look in my eyes.

"Astrid. I don't mean for this to happen. I need a I defend myself. You can't ask me not too. It's in my instincts."

I look at him again. "You're right."

I stare into the blue gaze. "I'll see you later." I say walking away. I left the basket for him.

I can feel his gaze on me. I turn back, to see him and the others gone.

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