《The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITING》The Search


Stormfly landed by my house.

Hiccups been gone all day. I'm sure he's doing what Hiccup's do.

Fishegs flies down with the rest of the gang.

"Have you seen Hiccup?" Ruff asked.

"No. I've been looking all day. Why?"

"Stoicks looking for him. And he's not happy." Snotlout told me.

"When is Stoick ever happy?"

I was about to say something when one of the villagers ran through the village, yelling frantically.


I look to Fishlegs then run to Stoick who came out with Gobber. At that same time, Hiccup landed Toothless by the great hall running over to his dad.

"I heard someone yell." Hiccup started. "What's wrong?"

Stoick went to the villager.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"N-N-Night Fur-Fury. I saw a Night Fury. Another one."

Hiccup looked to Toothless then to his dad. "Dad. What's he talking about? There are no other Night Furries."

"Toothless is the only Night Fury on Berk." Stoick added.

"No. It's true!" The villager started.

"I saw a Night Fury. It was with the boys Dragon!"

"That's impossible." Gobber muttered.

"I saw it. It was dark green. With electric blue eyes. It was with Toothless."

Hiccup stiffened as soon as he said the description.

"Green with blue eyes?" He asked.


Hiccup remained silent. He then got on Toothless slowly.

I quickly get on Stormfly. "Well go find it!" I say.

"What?!" Hiccup snapped.

"We'll find the Night Fury." I say.

"Uh. Why?" Hiccup asked.

"It could be dangerous." I tell him.

His father sighed. "Hiccup, you and the Dragon Riders will go out and find the Night Fury.."

"Dad. You can't be serious!"

"Hiccup. A wild Night Fury is on the lose. The last thing we need is an attack from a wild dragon."


Hiccup sighed. "Dad. I trained a Night Fury. It's not that hard. But we can't just go looking for it."

"You'll find the Night Fury and that's final." His father snapped.

Hiccup sighed madly.

"Yes dad."


"We've been flying for hours!" Ruffnut complained.

I took the lead, with Snotlout who was actually willing to help.

Hiccup was in the back. He didn't look to happy. I saw him mumble something as if he were talking to Toothless.

"We need to follow Stoick's orders." I say.

Hiccup then flew up to my side.

"And when do I listen?" He asked flying up ahead.

I groan then follow him.

"We doing what he said." I say.

"I know." He started. "I'm just saying. What if the Night Fury was just visiting. It could be gone." He said.

"If it were visiting, why was it with Toothless?" Fishlegs asked.

"I don't know. I don't know everything." Hiccup snapped flying ahead.

Snotlout groaned flying up a little. "Look in a bush. Maybe it's hiding." He said.

I stay in the air, looking in bushes.

"There." Tuffnut suddenly yelled.

I look to see a bush moving.

"I'm on it!" Both Hiccup and Snotlout yelled.

They both dive down at full speed towards the bush.

Hiccup looked determined ad Snotlout started to look scared.

"I'm not backing out, Hiccup!" He said.

"Neither am I!"

The two dragons let out warning screeches to each other.

They were getting pretty close to each other.

"Hiccup!" I yell but he doesn't listen.

I hear Toothless screech as the two dragons suddenly collided.

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