《The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITING》The New Tail


I land at blacksmith late at night.

I slide off Toothless patting his gently.

"Stay here," I whisper to him going to my stall.

I pull out a prosthetic tail that I've been working on. It's an automatic one. That way he can go wherever without me.

He's a dragon. He should be able to go wherever he wants.

I set it on my table adding a few new tweaks to it then grabbed it, going to to Toothless.

"Hey bud!" I say to him.

"I got another tail for ya,"

Toothless sniffs the contraption.

"What do you think of that? Yeah!"

Toothless turns away from me.

"Would you just settle down" I say to him chasing his tail around.

I pounce on his tail sitting on it. I removed his red tail-fin attaching the new one. He begins to move his tail again making me fall.

"Toothless! Come on, bud! Let me get that on you! Yeah! You are going to love this! Okay."

Toothless sniffed it again then looked at me. Toothless starts to moan about the new tail. He started swinging at round banging it around.

His tail swept past me knocking me down. I get back up slowly.

"No no no... To-Toothless! Stop! Please, please! Toothless, please!"

The tail-fin expanded on its own.

"Ah... Here you go. See? Got it?"

He lookked at me.

"Wanna test it out?" I ask him.

He nudged me licking me like crazy.

"Okay, okay! I'll take that as a yes!"

Toothless licked my face coating me in his saliva.

"Eww, eww, what? Eww, argh Toothless!" I exclaim in disgust.


Billowing clouds rise like mountains around us. I know I shouldn't be out here this late but, when am I known to listen.


"Okay there bud, we're gonna take this nice and slow."

Toothless gains speed gaining altitude.

I losen my grip looking back sure the new tail. It's working great.

Now the big test. The dive.

I slowly try and stand on Toothless' back keeping myself balanced.

"Alright, it's go time. It's go time!" I say to him.

I balance myself then fall backwards off of Toothless, free-falling.

Toothless dives for me joining me.

He keeps distance with me but stays close.

Toothless taps me spinning me in the air. As the water got closer, Toothless dives underneath me, shooting up into the air.

I pat his head as he head up higher.

"Good job, bud!" I tell him free flying for a whole.

His new tail is a good idea. He can gather fish if he liked without me and without throwing me into the sea every time.

I just hope he doesn't fly away again, like last time.

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