《Pixie Dust Away》Another Week of Physio Therapy


Jake's POV

So it was another week of Izzy's physio therapy, and it was her last week of her physio therapy too. I am so proud of her. Me, Cubby, and Skully have helped her physio therapy at home too during the weekend. She didn't want to get out of her bed but we forced her to get out of her bed.

"Hello Jake and Izzy. Izzy, are you ready for your physio therapy?" The physio asked her.

"Yes I am. What is my first exercise?" Izzy asked him.

"Well we're going to do the leg raises again but without the band. So you're going to need to lay down on the bed." The physio therapist exclaimed as I helped Izzy to walk over to the bed and I helped her to lie down on the bed.

"So Jake, do you want to help her to lift her leg while she does the leg raises?" He asked me.

"Sure, we did this with her over the weekend. So Izz, do you remember what to do? Don't worry I will still help you." I asked her as I put my hands on her leg.

"I think so Jake." Izzy says as she began to lift her leg up and down slowly while I held onto her leg.

"Way to go Izz, you're doing great." I exclaimed.

"Okay Izzy, do it for another five minutes." The physio therapy told her, so she did it for another five minutes. I was really proud of her as I stroked her forehead.

"Okay so the next exercise you are doing is resistance ankle inversion. So you're going have to stand up for this one." He exclaimed as I helped Izzy up and I kept my hands on her shoulders, so she wouldn't fall over.


"So you need to sit down on the floor." He said as I helped Izzy to sit down on the floor. "You're going to need to get your legs stretched out." So she stretched her legs out. "So this therapy band will be around the leg stand of the bed and you're going to need to loop the band around the ball of your foot. So try to move your ankle away with the band." The physio therapist explained while Izzy tried to do that. I kept my hand on her back while she tried to do it.

"So do fifteen sets of it each." The physio therapy exclaimed as Izzy nodded and she did 15 sets of it each.

"So the last exercise we're going to do is the resistance ankle eversion. It is very similar to the last exercise. So you will need to move the loop of the resistance band down to the arch of your foot. So move your foot up and out of the therapy band." The physio therapist exclaimed as Izzy nodded and she moved her foot up and out of the therapy band.

"Like last time Izzy, do fifteen sets of each." He said as Izzy put her foot back into the therapy band and she did it fifteen times.

"Okay Izzy. That's enough for the day. Well done. You got two more days of it then you will be able to walk again by yourself." He exclaimed while I smiled. She's doing so well.

"Thank you sir! I can't wait until I walk by myself." Izzy exclaimed as I gave her her crutches and we left the appointment.

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