《Pixie Dust Away》Day 2 of Izzy's Physio Therapy


Jake's POV

It was the second day of Izzy's physio therapy and she's doing great. She's made it through the first day of it even though she did want to give up.

"Hello Izzy and Jake. Izzy, are you ready for your second day of your physio therapy?" The physio therapist asked her.

"Yes I am. So what is the first exercise that I am doing?" She asked him.

"The first exercise that we are doing is that you need to lie down on your back on the floor." The physio therapist exclaimed as we both helped her up out of the chair and we helped her to lie down on the floor. I was on one knee beside her. "Okay, now you need to put your feet on this exercise ball." He said as he brought the blue exercise ball over to her and she put her feet on it and he put it on the wall.

"Now I want you to press on the ball with your feet as fast as you can. Jake you can help her as well." The physio therapist exclaimed as I nodded.

"I will help her as well." I exclaimed as I helped her I put my hands on her leg and I helped her to move them.

"Okay Izzy. You're doing good. Keep it up!" I exclaimed as she kept pressing the ball into the ball with all her might.

"I can do this." She whispered and she was out of breath as well.

"Okay Izzy, you've been doing the exercise for five minutes. Do you want to take a break?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Yes please." She said as we both helped her up. I helped her to walk to the chair.


"Thanks Jake. I'm too tired." She says tired. I got her a plastic cup of water.

"Here you go Izz. This should help." I exclaimed as I handed her the water.

"Thanks Jake. I really appreciate it." She says as she drank the water. I rubbed her shoulder. The physio therapist came back over to us.

"So Izzy are you ready to continue?" He asked her. After she was done with her water. She nodded.

"Yes I am. What's the next exercise?" She asked him.

"The second exercise is toe lifts. You can still sit in your chair for this one." He said as Izzy was still sitting "Okay try lifting your big toe off the floor while keeping your four toes flat as possible. You may feel pain." He said as Izzy tried to lift her big toe off the floor but tried to keep her other toes flat as possible. But she was having some pain.

"It hurts." She said as she kept trying to do it.

"Okay just raise your big toe up and down." He said as she did that but still in pain with her toe.

"Okay now raise all five of your toes." He said as she started to do that. She was raising all of her toes. I was proud of her.

"Okay the last exercise of the day is that you just need to lay back into the chair, just relax all the way back. So I'm going to place twenty marbles and a bowl on the floor." He said as he placed a small ball on the floor and the twenty marbles on the floor while Izzy layed back into her chair, completely relaxed.

"Okay now with your foot, pick one marble up at a time. Then place it in the bowl." The physio therapist exclaimed as Izzy started to pick up the marbles one at a time. It took quite a while until she managed to put them all into the ball.


"Okay we are done for the day. Izzy, you have done really well today. I bet Jake is proud of you." The doctor exclaimed as he passed Izzy her crutches. I smiled.

"You bet I am. I am really proud of her. She's made it through two days without giving up." I exclaimed as I hugged her.

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