《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-29-


She left his room. He went after her. Taehyung held her hand. "Y-/n listen to me-"

Y/n pushed him away. "What the fck Taehyung! How could you make such things about us!"

"Y/n, i-i am sorry. It ju-st a-rt. "

"That is not art! It's disgusting! How can you draw us together like that! You are a sick pervert!" She asked.

Taehyung started crying. He never thought something like this would happen, he thought he was good at hiding. "I love you Y/n. "

"Love? Taehyung, what is wrong with you! I am your sister." She ran her hand through her hair frustrated. "And what about you believe sex is all lust and love can be without sexual desires!"

"It is my feelings, I n-ever told you to love me back. It is pure, Y/n. I promise."

"Pure? You've been drawing us together doing intimacy!!! It is disgusting, I never expected that from you." She hid her face and started crying.

"Y/n, I tried to do everything, I just couldn't get over you. Please just kill me. Because I can't even do that."

"Y/n," He tried to touch Y/n but she pushed him away.

"Don't dare to touch me." She said she saw Jungkook entering the house. She ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Y/n, baby what happened?" He asked. She was still crying, and Taehyung too.

"Can we leave this house? I don't want to stay here with him." She said Taehyung heard her.

"Y/n, please no. Please forgive me. Don't leave me. I am sorry." Taehyung exclaimed.

"Jungkook, I want to leave right now."


He threw the vase on the ground, causing it to shatter all over the place.

Taehyung was crying limitlessly. He can't believe Y/n left him all alone.


It wasn't like he didn't feel bad or he didn't try to move on. He was still trying, until everything got destroyed.

At the end of the day, he just wants Y/n's happiness. He is not selfish to think about himself. But in the world of art, he just wants to free himself.

The silence of the mansion was eating him up. He was left all alone, with no one to hold hands.

What is the point of all this richness, when Y/n left him and everything behind?

He stood up, staring at the glass on the floor. He stepped on the glass. And groaned because of pain. "You deserve pain Taehyung, you deserve pain after making her cry. You couldn't keep your disgusting self to yourself. Now Y/n left you."

He is like this. He has always been like this. Punishing himself, he thought he would hide this secret in his heart for the rest of his life. He never expected anything from Y/n.


Jungkook gives Y/n a glass of water to calm down. But she is still crying a lot.

"Can you tell me what happened when you left the house? Is the fight between you and Taehyung really that big?" He asked.

She shakes her head. "It is something personal. I can't tell you."

Why would she tell him? It is not necessary for her to tell everything to Jungkook. And even when Y/n is mad at Taehyung, she would still try to hide the mess Taehyung created.

And here Jungkook already knew it but he clenched his jaws as she should tell him everything.

He wiped her tears. "It's fine, no need to tell me."

"At least you can smile right? I brought you to my house, do you like it? It is not as big as yours, but it is comfortable to live in."


She hugged him. "It is perfect, I don't need anything else. I just want you, Jungkook. My trust got broken, I won't be able to handle it if you did that too."

Jungkook smiled. "Never baby, I will never gonna break your trust."


Ever Since Y/n left the house, Taehyung had been really depressed. He didn't even step out of his house. Only this time, to come to the company.

He just wanted to see Y/n. Who looked okay now, she still avoid Taehyung but he is happy that she is fine

She must be really happy with Jungkook.

Since there was no one in the chairman's position, today it will be announced who will become the chairman until Taehyung gets mature.

Jungkook suggested there should be no chairman, but directors were against it. "It is not just two years, Mr.Taehyung will take two years to get legal, but then they need to complete their college. And it will take 5-6 years. So the company really needs a chairman."

They told Jungkook to take that place, "My apologies, but I think the real Kim should take this responsibility. Until Taehyung get mature enough, Namjoon can be the chairman."

Everyone asked for their opinion. Taehyung doesn't care about anything right now, he is focused more on Y/n.

Everyone agreed. Namjoon was chosen to be the chairman.

After the meeting, Jungkook met Namjoon. "You got what you want, now you better keep your mouth shut."

Namjoon smirked, "Change of plans, I will keep my mouth shut if you give me Y/n."

"You are being too much now. Aren't you?" Jungkook said. "I am doing everything, and you are just blackmailing me. When we planned everything together from the start." Jungkook said.

Like from the start they were together, Namjoon and Jungkook both, Namjoon always tried to distract the twins by making them think Jungkook is bad, which made them suspect Namjoon is bad.

Then the time when Namjoon drugged Y/n and Jungkook left her with Namjoon. Because it was their plan too, they did want Y/n to wake up in between. But in between he wanted to sleep with her, because he and Jungkook were fighting and he wanted to make Jungkook mad by doing that. But Namjoon couldn't do that because he fell for Y/n.

"Taehyung is useless, I am pretty sure he will end up in asylum soon. Then everything is ours." He exclaimed.

"Don't hurt Y/n." Namjoon said.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well it depends,"


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