《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-28-


Taehyung and Y/n had so much fun in the amusement park, it's their favourite place to be. After that they went to watch a movie. Spending time together is always special.

They returned home and Jungkook was not there. "Oh, should I cook kookie?" Y/n exclaimed.

Taehyung chuckled. "Do you even know how to hold a knife?"

"My knife skills are no joke okay! And I want to try! Jungkook will be back. He will be so happy to know I cook for him." Y/n said and she ran to the kitchen.

"Y/n, you should not. You will hurt yourself. You know nothing." Taehyung said. She is already wearing the apron and told the maids to leave. She searches on her iPad, to make an easy recipe.

"Y/n, you can't even make ramen how you gonna cook dinner?" Taehyung exclaimed.

She turns on the electric stove. "Is it heating?"

She was about to touch. Taehyung stopped her. "Stop, it will be hot. You should use a flame stove."

Y/n pot the pot with water on the stove. "Okay, where is pasta?"

She added pasta. And then except for adding oil, she was about to add the dish washing soap.

"Y/n you will give me a heart attack. You know nothing about cooking, so just leave it. " Taehyung exclaimed.

"But I want to cook." She pouted. "Kookie will be happy."

Taehyung sighed. "Let me help then." He said as if he knew anything about cooking. . Both had never even boiled an egg. Or made ramen for themselves. They even get fruit all cut up and served well. So they never even had a knife. They are spoiled at that point.

"No! Just accompany me or leave." She exclaimed.

She had literally no idea what she was doing, she was just following the video. She made Taehyung taste the sauce. "Woah, you are so good at it!"

Y/n smiled. "See! I told you I made it with love for my Husband."

"I think I should add more cheese?" She said,

"No need Y/n." Taehyung said.

"Just a little bit." She already had cheese on the cutting board, so she picked up the knife. She needs only a little more cheese so she tried to cut it with a knife

"Be careful." Taehyung exclaimed. She tried to cut the cube. Taehyung sighed. "God give me a knife now. "

"No, a little more." She was about to cut but this time she ended up cutting her finger. "F-uck!"

She is not used to pain and cuts. It is really rare, so even a small cut was too much for her. Her eyes got filled with tears.


"Y/n!" Taehyung held her hand, it was a really tiny cut. He took her finger in his mouth, sucking the blood, which actually helped in relieving the pain. He closed his eyes, while sucking her finger.

"Tae, it is enough." Y/n said. But he was busy in his own fantasy.

"Is everything okay here?" Jungkook asked, Y/n pulled her hand, bringing Taehyung back to reality.

"Kookie!" She went to him, showing her finger. "I got cut while cooking for you."

He literally can't see the cut. "Where baby?"

She squeezed her finger, causing the blood to come out. "Here."

He hugged her. "Why were you cooking? And where are the maids?"

"I wanted to make dinner for you."

"I am really happy that the princess made dinner for me. But I will be happier if you don't go to the kitchen again. It is a dangerous place for you." He said. She nodded her head.

"You go change, I will serve you dinner today!" She said,

After Jungkook came back, they all sat down to eat. Y/n was looking at Jungkook, waiting to get complimented by her. He took a bite. "This tastes so good, baby! I can't believe it is your first try. "

"Really? Does it taste that good?" Y/n asked.

"Yes baby."

Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, there is no way they will let the other win. They started eating, half of it was already gone.

"I should taste it too." Y/n out her plate and added the pasta. She was about to taste it but Jungkook interrupted.

"We should have wine with it too, right? Go baby get me some." Jungkook exclaimed.

"But maids won't let me touch the bar."

"Tell them I am asking." He said. And Y/n went to get some glass and wine.

She returned and saw all the pasta was finished. Even that she had on her plate.

"You finished all of it?" Y/n said.

"Sorry, It was really good, panda." Taehyung exclaimed.

Y/n smiled. "Good thing I made a lot, I had some left in the kitchen. I will eat it from there."

"No Y/n!"

She went to the kitchen. She tasted the pasta and threw it out.

Everything just tastes wrong, like really weird, baking soda except for salt. And other mistakes too.

"Eww, gross. How did you both eat so much of it? It's definitely not edible." Y/n said.

"It tastes good. You made it with so much love and you tried. That made it so special." Jungkook said.

"Yes, I don't think it tastes bad at all." Taehyung exclaimed.


Damn, they both really love Y/n that they rather eating that horrible dish than hurting her.

"Let's go and rest, you must be tired right Y/n?" Jungkook said and brought her to their room.

"This is not good. I wanted to do something special for you." She said, He smiled and played with her hair.

"You still can do something special for me." He said.


"You, in lingerie."

"Gosh, what is special in that? You see me naked all the time." She replied.

"It is really special. Every Time is. But I really want you to see you in the one I bought."

"What did you buy?" She asked. He went to the wardrobe and came back with a box.

"Okkie, give me a few minutes. Bring Wine too."

"Y/n you will become an addict if you keep drinking like this."

"Please, to set the mood." She looked at him with puppy eyes.

"As you say princess."


They cuddle in the bed while watching tv and drink wine. Cuddles and kisses after sex are adorable. Until it gets heated up and leads to another round.

"I am sorry babe." He spoke.

"For what?" She laid on the top of me.

"For saying so much about Taehyung, you are right. There is no proof that he is one who actually did it. And as your guardian, I should have supported you and Taehyung, but I got so emotional while thinking about Irene. " Jungkook exclaimed. Y/n smiled.

"See here my mature kookie is back." She pecked his lips.

"How is Taehyung doing? As he is back?"

"Hmm, I feel like he is a little distant. He acts normal. But it is like something is bothering him."

"Is it a love matter?"

Y/n Chuckled. "No, impossible. He hates dating and stuff."

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders."Who knows, maybe he is stuck in one-sided love. He is just 16, how is it possible that he is not in love with anyone? At least a crush? Even a celebrity crush?"

"But he would have shared it with me. "

"You remember Somi right?" He exclaimed. Y/n nodded her head. "So, when she turned 15 she had her boyfriend. Which she hid from me for months. I had to turn myself into detective mode to find who is dating. You know siblings should know each other and they like or dating so we can be there if they need us."

"It is different from Tae, you won't gonna understand. He doesn't share a lot. He just listens. He draws like me too, but has never shown me his drawing. He said he is really bad at it."

"So you don't think as her sister, you should try to get to know him better? He helped you get me right? Why don't you help him get his love?"


Here she is. In the Taehyung room, as Jungkook said. She should get to know him better. She was trying to find something which hints that he likes someone. Because Y/n knows he likes someone but doesn't know who.

After searching for good minutes, she found absolutely nothing.

Not even that box.

That means he has nothing to hide.

She saw his iPad on the table. But it was locked. She sits on the bed. Trying password that was related to Taehyung.

She looked at the floor, there was a hidden space. "What? Why is this house like this?"She mumbled thinking it must be of the house.

She took off the floor tile, it easily got lifted up and there was a space underneath it. And a box. Y/n sat on the floor, looked at it.

"Damn Taehyung, you really are hiding something."

Childhood toys, pictures and other stuff. She smiled looking at them. Such nostalgia.

But then she saw another box right beside that Box. She took it out too, it had a journal, she took it out. It was a sweet journal, it looks like he wrote about her crush in it. It just addresses the girl as 'her'.

But as she flipped the paper, she read how painful it was for him, flipping more pages, and he was showing his aggression. It just made Y/n confused as why does he feel guilty for loving someone?

Even had blood drops on the paper, which was of him when he actually tried to kill himself for feeling guilty.

Not once but multiple times but he stops, whenever he thinks he needs to live to protect Y/n.

The journal didn't mention her name. Y/n got so curious to know who this girl is.

But then she got her answer when she looked further in the box. Her heart dropped, she could never expect something like this from Taehyung.

His iPad, with trembling hands she entered the password again. She was able to guess it right this time. Going to his art gallery, she just wanted to see what type of art he makes.

"Y-/n," Taehyung said, surprised that she was there with the box that he had been hiding for years.

She looked up at him, walked to him. She slapped him."You are disgusting Taehyung."


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