《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-26-


She feels empty with Taehyung. When she has everything she wants. And Jungkook, who she loves so much.

That is another thing that Jungkook is there to make her feel so full that she can't think of anything else-

But she just feels incomplete. She decided to not tell Jungkook and go meet Taehyung.

But her making decisions like this can lead to Jungkook not allowing her to go out at all.

The smile Taehyung gave when he saw her. As if he was waiting for her . Actually he was waiting for her.

She was happy to talk to him too. And she took the matter in her hands and visited their family lawyer by herself. They said Taehyung will be released from jail.

Since he is underage, and his crime hasn't been proved. Evidence is not enough to punish Taehyung or to prove Taehyung is actually guilty, which made Y/n relieved.

She came back home, and saw Jungkook, who looked pretty upset.

"Welcome home baby. Where did you go?" He asked. His expression showed that he already knew everything.

"J-just went out." She exclaimed.

He sighed.

"You went out to meet Taehyung? Didn't you?" He said.

"He is my brother." She exclaimed. Why would she be scared that she just went to meet her brother?

"Irene was your sister too, who he killed. You are shameless and selfish." He said. Y/n rubbed her arm.

"I don't know. I don't want him to suffer. He did it for me. So it is my fault right?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is your fault. Because you are forgiving your sister's murder so easily." He said.

"Everything doesn't make sense, I need to talk to him properly and I want to talk to him when he comes back. And his crime hasn't been proved."

"You need to choose me or Taehyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Sorry, Jungkook. But right now. I want Tae to be free."

Jungkook didn't say anything and left.

He gave her silent treatment for two whole days. And Y/n wasn't happy that he was mad. It makes her feel bad too. But right now, Taehyung was more important to Y/n.


She doesn't blame Jungkook, because he is right in his place considering the fact he lost his 'loving wife and baby'.

But she thinks no matter how possessive Taehyung is, he can't kill.

Taehyung can finally come back after Y/n talked to the family lawyer. Although Jungkook is handling everything. But she got to know she can use her rights if she wants to since she has the most rights.

Taehyung smiled. "Thank you for trusting me."

He looked around the house, "Jungkook is not here?" He asked.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "Mad that I helped you."

She told him honestly. "Y/n, why are you still helping me?"

"I need a clear answer Taehyung, you didn't admit or refuse that you were behind killing Unnie. So I want a clear answer."

He held her hand and sat on the couch. "Okay, just listen to everything that happened that night. You know I will always tell you the truth right?"

Y/n nodded her head, listening to him carefully.

"I got to know that she was trying to kill her, I am still not sure if she was behind the car blast. But she was trying to find another way. Now I made the assumption that she might be not trying to kill us but save us from someone." After spending good time in jail, thinking about him. Now he realizes that Irene might be just trying to protect them.

"Taehyung, the main point?"

"Okay, so when I followed her and when she bumped into me. I was really planning to kill her for good. I was so tired of seeing you suffering, I brought her to the nearest building, told her that I am helping her. When I was planning to kill her. Even prepared the weapon to kill her. But then,"

He paused. "Then what?" She asked in curiosity.

"Then nothing."

"What nothing? Did you kill her or not? I want a clear answer." Y/n said.

"I am not sure."

"What do you mean you are not?" How can you not be sure of killing anyone?

"I don't remember anything, I black out. And woke up near the dead body. My head was hurting badly, but I might or might not have killed her." He exclaimed.


"You don't remember killing so that means you don't kill her?"

It is complicated, because Taehyung doesn't even trust himself. Like what if he has an identity disorder? Where he killed people and forgot them.

Y/n hugged him. "It's fine. I am sure you haven't killed her."

That thing bothers Taehyung more, if he didn't kill Irene then who did. And if there was a third person there, then why did he kill Irene but not kill Taehyung?


Now her focus is again on Jungkook, who hasn't even been eating with her. He doesn't even sleep with her. He is that mad for her choosing Taehyung over him.

She changed her position in bed, she just can't sleep without him. She misses being in his arms, getting kisses and princess treatment.

She stood up, and went to the room where Jungkook sleeps. She laid beside him, he could feel the movements. He is up but pretends to be sleeping.

She hugged him. "Kookie, for how long are you going to be mad at me? I can't even sleep without you, please talk to me, we can solve this right?"

"You spend three days without me, I am sure you can spend more time. Now will you just leave?" He said coldly.

Y/n made him turn to face him, "Kookie, no. I can't live without you. I spent the time knowing you are still here and you will understand me right?"

"Maybe I shouldn't come to this house anymore." He stood up and left the room too.


If you think she will give up. No, her bunny is mad at her. And she will do anything to make him talk to her. She has one idea, which is 100% sure will work on him.

For that, she must look beautiful.

"Oh my god," Taehyung exclaimed. "Why are you wearing kid's clothes?"

She spent hours on her outfit for Taehyung to say this.

"What? Do I not look hot?" She asked. The dress she was wearing is really short, that is why Taehyung is joking.

It was an off shoulder dress which hardly reached her mid thighs. The light color of the dress compliments her skin.

"Hm, are you trying to seduce him?" He asked.

Y/n smiled. "Yes, maybe. Gonna trap him in my beauty, I know he can't resist me."

"Confidence. Nice. Best of luck I guess." He exclaimed.


She reached the building, their company. She always goes straight to his office because she doesn't need permission, but she knocked on the door this time.

"Come in." He replied. She entered where he was working. He was staring at the work paper.

And his jaws almost drop when he looks at her. She looks hot, he just wants to pound on her, eat her and do all the good stuff already to her.

He controlled his desire, and kept a straight face. She walked near him, leaning on the table. He is this close to pinning her on the table and punishing her for hurting him.

"I missed you, so I thought I should pay a visit." She exclaimed, with a smile. She doesn't know how to make seductive expressions. But the smile was working more than fine. She stood behind him, giving his shoulder a little massage. "You've been working all day right? You must be tired?"

"Y/n, do you n-eed anything?" He shutter, because in reality he is really weak Infront of her. And this is too much, her baby trying to seduce him.

Y/n nodded at her and leaned in. "You please."

Now that is the hottest shit she has ever said. It is such a turn on.

She kissed him. And if you think he could resist her lips, he can't. He can never resist her lips. He holds her chin and deepens the kiss. She moaned in between the kiss when she felt him replying back to kiss.

He pulled her on his lap and hugged her. "I am still mad at you." He takes in her sweet scent.

"Taehyung is innocent." She replied.

Jungkook looked at her. "I don't care anymore, whether he is innocent or not."

"Y/n, I made a decision. I want to move out of your house."


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