《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-24-


"Jungkook! How could you let them take him away! Of course Taehyung didn't kill Unnie! Why would he do that?" Y/n exclaimed.

"Y/n, all the proof they find say Taehyung is a suspect. Even I can't believe it. How could anyone kill their own sister?" He said.

Jungkook isn't even helping him get out of prison. He said Taehyung deserves it after what he has done to Irene.

Y/n didn't trust anyone else. She wanted to talk to Taehyung.

But Jungkook doesn't let that do that. He didn't even let Y/n visit him. No matter what, she can't stay at home calmly when her twin is behind the bars.

She decided to visit Taehyung without informing Jungkook. She doesn't need permission to meet her own twin.

"Taehyung, I believe no one else. I want to hear from you. Did you kill Unnie?" She asked.

Taehyung was silent, he replied. "I couldn't see you cry."

"Tae, you didn't, right?" She started crying, she doesn't want to hear that Taehyung actually killed her. She put her head on the glass that was in between them.

"I can't say anything right now, it is getting recorded and everything I say will turn against me." Taehyung leaned his head on the glass.

"Please, just tell me you didn't, right?"

"I wanted to see you happy." He said.

"Gosh, Taehyung. Why would you? You could have talked to me." She exclaimed.

"I did, You were suffering. It was all because of her."

"Taehyung, I didn't want things to be like this." She said she doesn't know how to feel about this. She feels guilty too, as Taehyung must have done it because of her. "You ruin your own because of me, you are so stupid Tae."


"No, I am okay here. You are happy in your life. I just wanted your happiness." He gave her a short smile, and put his hand on the glass. Y/n put her hand at the glass too. "You love Jungkook. If Unnie was alive and if she had given birth. You would never be with her. Also she tried to kill us. With bomb attack. How would I tolerate that knowing our own sister wanted to kill us? I don't care about myself, but I can't let anyone hurt you."

How can he be like this? Ready to even kill anyone for Y/n.

"Why are you like this?" She cried.

He closed his eyes, trying to not break into tears. "I don't know, I can do anything for you. I love you Y/n."

"I got my answer. I should leave." She exclaimed.

"Y/n, you still trust me right?"

"Not anymore Taehyung." She replied.

He still smiled. "It's fine. I thought you would understand. But now things are different. Just be happy in your life."

She left. Taehyung stared at her leaving. Now he really regrets doing it.


Taehyung noticed how weird Irene was acting lately. So he decided to follow her. Then he finds out that she was the one who wanted to kill Y/n and him.

She has been working for the business alone for years. And why would she give everything away to his siblings who don't even care about her?

But when Taehyung found Irene, she was gasping. As if she was running. Her hair was a mess and she looked scared. She saw Taehyung, "Tae, w-e need to leave this place- he- let's just leave."

She was scared and didn't ask Taehyung what he was doing here.


He thought she was pretending because now Taehyung knows about her.

He did take her away. But except for helping her. He decided to do the opposite.

You can call it what you want, but for Taehyung he did it because he just did it because of love.


"J-jungkook,.can you please do something for me?" She asked, she was scared to talk to him. He holds her hand and pulls her to sit with him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"P-please help Taehyung. You can help him right? Use all the money you want. But I can't see him behind bars." She exclaimed.

"Y/n, he is murderer."

"No, he isn't. It is me. It's my fault. He did it because of me." She said, "I should not have cried to him all the time knowing Taehyung can do anything for me. But I really didn't think that he would kill Unnie for me. I swear I never want that. I never wanted you like this. Please don't be mad at me."

He cupped her face. "Calm down and why is it your fault."

She told him everything, told him for how long she had been crushing on him. She started crying. "Please, it is not his fault. It is my fault. He did it for me. He is too young to be in jail. He can't suffer because of me."

He pulled her on his lap, and wiped her tears. "It wasn't your fault, he is the one who did. And I am sorry Y/n I can't forgive him for killing my child and Irene."

"But Jungkook, I can't live like this. I am disappointed at Taehyung. He did a stupid mistake. Please forgive us."

"Killing can't be forgiven." He said. Y/n looked down at her lap and continued crying.

He held her chin. "Killing is such an inhumane thing to do. You just loved me, but you never try to do anything cheap. So It is not your fault. And what Taehyung thinks he is? How can he kill so easily? And you saw how brutally Irene was killed?"

She can't even defend Taehyung. She thinks it's all her fault, Taehyung can't think properly when he sees her hurt, but she also didn't think he will do something extreme like that.

He kissed her lips, but she didn't reply. She was thinking about Taehyung. He took off his shirt, placing her on bed. He hovered over her. She breaks the kiss. "Jungkook, I am not in the mood."

He wiped her tears. "Then I should create a mood for us right?"

"No, really I don't want to do anything right now."

"And it is my job to make you feel better."


Namjoon finds it weird, of course their grandfather was really old. But he felt like something was odd.

And now Taehyung is in jail. So everything is under Jungkook's supervision.

If he didn't do anything, Jungkook might end up being the chairman. And how can Namjoon accept that?

"You can't sneak into someone's house and touch their stuff like this. Jungkook spoke.

"I don't need your permission to enter this house." Namjoon replied.

"I think you do need my permission since now everything is mine." He smirked a pretty obvious one. "You know something interesting, I know you better than you even know your Kim Namjoon."

He looked at him confused. "What are you trying to say."

"I just know you."


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