《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-23-


He walked to his house, "I am home." He informed, saying it loudly for her to hear.

"Oppa!" A girl who was around the same age as Y/n, ran downstairs and hugged him..

He smiled and hugged back. He then sat on the couch. "You took so much time to visit me."

"Sorry, I was busy. I have told you about her, right? I am married to her now." He informed me.

"What? You didn't even invite me!" She pouted.

"There wasn't any celebration, it was more like a paper marriage." He exclaimed. She nodded her head, and her mouth made a 'o' shape.

"But can I meet her? I really want to meet her! Please! I am curious!" She exclaimed.

"You can't meet her, Somi. I told her you are dead." He exclaimed.

"Why!! Not why you lie to her!" She said,

"What else would I say? She saw your picture. I just said what I had in my mind. That wasn't the right time to tell her about you. " He shrugged his shoulders. She hit his chest.

"How could you lie about your only sister being dead!" She exclaimed.

"Don't worry, soon I will bring her here. And tell her the truth about you. I am sure she will understand my situation."


Jennie, Jin and Namjoon all three didn't even attend the funeral of their grandfather. As they still remember how their grandfather wasn't there at their father's funeral. They were actually glad he is no more.

He died because of a heart attack. No one was surprised, and they got back to living normally really quick.

Y/n and Taehyung were left alone now. Although Jungkook is there too. But still.

Taehyung started visiting the company once a month, just to check if everyone is going well. He wants to be more involved in business. No one can be trusted.


"I can see your mature side. You are becoming more responsible." Jungkook complimented Taehyung. But he just rolled his eyes.

"Need to be careful, can't trust anyone." He replied.

Jungkook sighed. "I am waiting for you to become an adult, I am tired of all this business. It is a huge responsibility. And I want to focus more on Y/n than business."

Taehyung stared at him. "You will not be with Y/n once I take over the business. You will divorce her. Looks like you didn't read your marriage contract properly. Keep her happy for the few years you have. That it after that you are divorcing."

Jungkook was confused. He really didn't know that Taehyung made his grandfather add a legal condition that he will divorce Y/n.

"I see. Then it looks like me and Y/n will have to re-marry. I don't mind that. We haven't held a traditional wedding."

Taehyung chuckled. " Over my dead body."

Jungkook smiled. "I can arrange that, actually."

"If you hurt Y/n, even a little bit. You would be the one to die first." He replied.

"Don't worry, I will kill myself too if I hurt Y/n even a little bit. That is how much I love her."


It's been a few days, Y/n is really happy with Jungkook. And how would she not? The way he treats her, she gets the princess treatment from him. He takes care of her, picks her from school everyday, cooks for her, brings her to small dates and after care.

And of course sex. Everyday. Not even skipping a single day. Maybe two times in one day too.

But she got her periods in between, yet he was so caring to her.

Taehyung, he is being distant to her. By going to soccer practice after school and by office. He doesn't want to be near Y/n a lot. Because now he was starting to think otherwise and watched to take Y/n away from Jungkook.


But she is so happy with Jungkook. He feels helpless.

Taehyung really regrets doing so much to make sure Y/n end up with Jungkook. And now everything is against him.

And he regret one of his deed alot now.

Y/n looked confused as police were standing in the hallway.

"Officer, what happened? Is everything alright?" Jungkook asked them.

"We are here for Mr. Kim Taehyung." The police said. Y/n was confused what he did? Underage driving maybe.

The police walked near Taehyung, handcuffing him, "You are under arrest for murdering Kim Irene."


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