《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-6-


It just kept getting worse and worse, she started feeling jealous of her own sister. Which is not a great feeling.

She feels guilty thinking of Jungkook.

But he is so nice, caring, mature and what not?

She is in love with Jungkook, his nature, his personality and him.

Things won't be difficult, if he wasn't that perfect.

One sided love hurts. It hurts more when you used to get everything you desire, now suddenly you can't have what you want.

She was sitting alone in her art room, she was just staring at the blank canvas.

She heard a knock, she looked at the door. "I wonder if I am allowed here?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, sure. You can come inside." She said, He looked around the art room, which was filled with completed and in process paintings.

"Wow, They were kidding. You are really an amazing artist, panda.." He said, he again pulled her cheek, now she is using it.

Before she used to blush, now it hurts. Everything does,

"Wait, is that me?" He noticed the painting of him hiding behind other canvases. He took it out.

"I wanted to give you this on your engagement but Taehyung ruined it." She said,

"Only Irene's part, mine is still perfect. And I love the way it looks. " He said. "You are really talented."

She mumbled a Thank you.

"What are you painting right now?" He asked. It's like he really wants to start a conversation with her. But Y/n's replies were dry.

"Nothing." She said,

"Uhm, maybe I got an idea of what you can paint." He came closer to her. She got nervous, like she literally held her breath. And closed her fists.

He picks the paint from the table. "Maybe I?"

She nodded her head. He picked the paint brush and started making something on the canvas. While Y/n was staring at his face from close distance.

She can't move. As she was sitting on the chair and he was standing right beside her. So if she stood up, she would bump into him.

They didn't notice that someone closed the door silently, and locked it from outside.

Jungkook looked focused on the painting. "Done." He said and put the brush down.

Y/n looked at the canvas. And it's a panda and bunny.

"See, it is us together." He exclaimed, he looked at her.

She stared at him back and then the painting. They can be together, only in painting.


"They are adorable." She said,

"Not more than you." Jungkook exclaimed.

Please someone tell this guy that she is trying to move on from him.

He ruffled her hair. "Just continue painting. I should leave."

He went to the door, and tried to open it. But it wasn't opening. "Is it locked?"

He said.

Y/n walked near. "This door gets stuck sometimes."

She tried to open it, but it wasn't working. She knocked on the door. "Unnie? Taehyung? Is anyone there?"

"Did it get stuck?" He asked.

"Yes, but let me call someone." She said, And knock on the door.

"I don't think anyone else is at home." He said. True, Irene was at work, their grandfather's room is at the south side of the mansion. Yeah their mansion has south and north sides. It is that huge.

And maids don't come to this area much.

"Taehyung is home." Y/n said.

"I saw him leaving." He exclaimed.

If he knew no one was home then why did he come to Y/n? Knowing that she will be alone?

"I will text him." She said and looked for her phone, and she remembered she didn't have her phone. "I left it in my room. Where is your phone?" Y/n asked.

He checked his pockets, "I think I left it in my room too."

"Oh my god." She exclaimed and tried to open the door. But it didn't not open.

"Relax Y/n. Someone will open it. " He said. Y/n sighed.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry. This art room is really old, and sometimes the door gets stuck." Y/n exclaimed.

"It's fine. It gives us a chance to sit and chat with each other." He said and sit on the chair.

"You said this room is old? I have never seen someone else use this room. " He said.

"Hm, Dad made this art studio for me when I was just 6." She said,

"Don't you think this space was too much for a 6 year old child?"

"Yeah, but I am still using it."

"What about you? I never heard of you talking about your parents." Y/n said.

"I don't have any memory of my parents." He replied.

"But weren't you 10 when your parents died?" Did she just catch him lying? Because a 10 year old can remember a lot of memory.

"Yes, but when I was 13, I had an accident and lost my memory before the age of 10." He exclaimed.


"Losing parents at a young age is hard." She said,

"Is it hard? I mean you were born in a billionaire's house. I wonder how hard it would be for you?" He said. Y/n find it kinda rude.

"The pain of losing parents is the same for everyone."

"But you don't have to struggle. Unlike me, who wasn't born with a golden spoon in my mouth. And I had to work really just to survive." He exclaimed. "You might just get everything you desire. But not me Y/n. I have to work hard to get it."

"At least you know how to work hard to get it. While I just give up, if I can't get that desire." She said,

"People like you don't work hard for the desire. You just get everything."

"If I get my desire this time without trying, I will start to believe that." She replied.

If he becomes her, without her even trying to make him hers. That means he actually belongs to her.

Chances are low.

But Not zero, Like our chance to be with bts.

They talked more, it went on for hours. And they didn't realize it while talking to each other.

Then the door finally opened. "Oh god! Finally!" Y/n exclaimed and stood up.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Taehyung said.

"The door got stuck." She exclaimed.

"It was nice talking to you Y/n. I will see you later." Jungkook said and left.

"So, how was it?" Taehyung asked.

"How was what?" Y/n asked.

"Did you guys make out?" He said.

"What? Shut up! No we didn't."

"Gosh, I locked you up so you could make a move." He said.

"You locked us? I hate you so much! It was so awkward! Ahh!" Y/n exclaimed.

"I just want to see you happy you were sad." Taehyung said. Y/n then suddenly hugged him.

"Please don't do something like that again." She started crying.

"Y/n what happened?" He asked worriedly. Thinking maybe Jungkook did something.

"Please stop making me think that I can be with him. I know I can't." She hugged him tightly while crying. He patted her back.

"Y/n, I will do anything to make him yours-"

"Don't, I don't want forced love." She exclaimed. He cupped her face, he felt so much when he saw her crying. He touch her tears, he would have made Jungkook pay for every tear of her. But he knows hurting Jungkook will indirectly hurt Y/n.


Today was the day when their grandfather was going to announce how much each grandchildren will have in their names.

Namjoon already knew it, but he was still disappointed over his grandfather.

As Taehyung, Y/n and Irene get 25% each, which makes the total of 75% of the heritage.

While others got the rest of 25%.

It was unfair to them.

"Why are you angry when you knew it would happen?" Jin said.

"He was acting as if he was doing too much for us by giving us just 25% share."

"God Namjoon, just take my part too. I don't want that old man's heritage." Jin hates his grandfather.

"You think I want his heritage? I just want what belongs to my father and us. But how could I forget how he treated us? When our parents died, that curmudgeon didn't even attend the funeral." His blood boils when he remembers that. He was just 15 and Jin was 18, at that time. And Jennie being just 9. Their Grandfather didn't care about them at all.

"How could a father be so cruel that he didn't even take part in his son's funeral? And he thought sending a blank cheque, would be enough." He clenched his fists.

" You should stop expecting, you don't have luck like that Jungkook, who gets money by trapping one of the sisters." Jin said.

"No, no. I don't think Jungkook will get anything from Irene. She loves his siblings. She is planning to give his siblings everything she own once they turn legal,

And Taehyung loves his twin sister. So Y/n, she is the most useful." Namjoon exclaimed, then chuckled. "You know that asshole was low-key flirting with her too."

"But I will not let him take over everything that is mine. I wonder how hard it would be for me to trap a 16 year old immature girl I. My love." Namjoon exclaimed.

"Woah, Namjoon, she is our cousin." Jin said.

"Is she? Because she is a billionaire and we are no one."

"You can't mess with her. You know, she is everyone's favorite." Jin exclaimed.

"Exactly, she is everyone's favorite. So if she fell in love with me. She will convince everyone to accept us. And that way, I can make everyone mine."


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